A really easy way to wipe someone out.
Being one of those economic victory types, which likes a nice well developed and very rich territory, I naturally get annoyed by the AI's trying to disrupt my economy. Ofcourse I could always just play simcity but I've found a more fun solution.
The problem with attacking the AI's is you end up with lots of dingy little cities, which add nothing to your power. But now I have found the solution - GAS the buggers. For a start get rid of that pesky UN charter (or else only do it against aliens / during sunspot activity). Next build lots of gas ('X') needle jets, these are relativly cheap. The COOL thing about gas is that when used against a city it halves the population, rounded DOWN, so a size 1 city is annhilated, it takes about 4-5 X jet strikes to destroy a size 20 city this way, the +50% offense bonus makes it even easier. Once you have removed all the cities within range, use a needlejet colony pod to build a new base to extend your range. This city will be in a good, uncluttered spot, and can be fully developed ofcourse.
This way a dozen needle jets can completely destroy an enemies empire in a few turns, ready for resettlement by ariel colony pods. It's such a clean, efficent and cheap method of removing enemies, even results in minimal loss of life (enemy life doesn't count). I love it.