January 16, 2001, 20:44
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Has anyone played untill the bitter end?
I know I have not! I was wondering if anyone (who is still «able» to lose to the AI) has played untill each and every one of their cities was conquered and has watched the bad ending sequence. (I've only seen it through Media Player! I retire when my end is apparent).
Does tha AI get more human and let you regroup when you lose massively?
January 16, 2001, 21:12
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I've never lost to the AI  , but I can guarantee you the AI certainly won't get any nicer as they grind you into the dirt.
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January 16, 2001, 22:22
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i think i can remeber the AI taking my one and only city once. this was a bitter though short end. and yes, i saw the movie
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January 16, 2001, 23:24
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I don't remember if I ever kept playing, I've mostly played OCC games for as long as my forgetful brain allows
January 17, 2001, 03:55
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As a frequent Deity AI doormat I am very familiar with the Loser.AVI movie. Most of the time it is the barbarians that do me in.
January 17, 2001, 04:44
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The AI has put me under some pressure but never to the point were I thought I might lose and I never have, so I never played to the bitter end.
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January 17, 2001, 07:36
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I do.
And, yes, I've seen that damned movie more often than I like.
It's bloody endless and there seems to be no way of cutting it short - a sort of punishment, I think.
It's kind of satisfying though, to hang on by your finger nails for a bit and then manage to survive to the end - or even turn the tables on the bastards!
The AI is not as ruthless as a human opponent would be.
January 17, 2001, 12:30
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Another one here that has seen it. Both against the AI (in OCC I think) and in MP.
It's too long!
January 17, 2001, 12:57
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Yep, I've seen it when I've been playing OCC.
I wish there was some way to skip through the movie, and not have to watch it - by that stage, I KNOW I've lost - DON'T RUB IT IN!!!
January 17, 2001, 17:36
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Only once was I totally annihilated by the AI. You see, I deployed my lonesome warrior and were set upon by a Raging Barbarian on de horsey upon entering a nearby hut.
After that experience I was traumatized and swore to never again watch that movie.
January 17, 2001, 17:49
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January 17, 2001, 18:55
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[quote] Originally posted by Smokey tha nuke man on 01-17-2001 04:49 PM
the very first time i played on deity, i got my only city taken over by the barbarians on the 6th turn.  .
That's the closest I got to witnessing the unskippable movie of punishment!
Emperor level: first city, first warrior, first hut - barbarian. He kills my warrior and heads straight for my capital.
I was waiting for the Coupe de Grace the next turn, but instead of capturing my defenceless capital he just happily wandered off
I guess he was not interested
January 18, 2001, 12:25
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Against the AI I get bored with a game around the time I get tanks. It's just a matter of time now.
In MP I play until things go bad. Than I say f* this, throw the pieces on the floor, reboot and post on Apolyton how the other person cheated thier ass off.
So what, I'm a poor sport. This is why I hate MP. I like to win!!! This is probably why the AI is so poor. It makes for a more popular game.
January 18, 2001, 12:39
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Originally posted by Marko_Polo on 01-18-2001 07:38 AM
I've read somewhere in these threads that barbs never take your capitol if it's the only city you have.. the same doesn't apply to AI civs though Can someone confirm this?
I don't know about the barbs, but the AI certainly will capture your capitol/only city. I usually send out my first one or two military units to explore before deciding to defend my capitol. On occasion, my scouts will go one way and a nearby civ will be the other. The next thing you know, an AI warrior or phalanx will come wandering out of the dark and oops... good bye Albert's civ...
Albert B
January 18, 2001, 12:53
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You are not entirely correct about barbs not taking your capitol if it's the only city. They will walk into your capitol if it's undefended, but they will not be able to kill or even damage defenders of your capitol/only city.
January 18, 2001, 20:43
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Originally posted by Paul on 01-18-2001 11:53 AM
You are not entirely correct about barbs not taking your capitol if it's the only city. They will walk into your capitol if it's undefended, but they will not be able to kill or even damage defenders of your capitol/only city.
are you sure. i remeber seeing my only city defender of my only city getting killied by barbs.
but they left to go attack some horsemen unit i had charging.
[This message has been edited by Smokey tha nuke man (edited January 18, 2001).]
January 19, 2001, 00:40
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If your only city is your capital..... the barbs no matter what they send and no matter what you defend with will always fail... however weird anomolies do occur  AI on the other hand has no such limitations
January 19, 2001, 21:40
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To the bitter end?
Certainly, once i opened a brand new box into which there was a shiny CD.
Then i installed the game.
Fiddled a little with the printed material, read a few paragraphs. 
Then, i said... what the heck... let's try a FIRST time. 
Bing, bam, boom, SEVEN civ's were after me with their catapults, red barbarians comin' out of nowhere too!
But i got back to them a few days later!!
It's nice to let AI's conquer an empire(??) that belongs to an amateur, unexperienced, donno how it works, but it's fun, player.
It happened to me ONCE... for real. And many times after that... for fun.

"FOR" the bitter end!
[This message has been edited by zyxpsilon (edited January 19, 2001).]
January 19, 2001, 22:03
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January 19, 2001, 22:25
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first time i played civ2 i played it on deity just to see i died after i built 3 cities and found two other civs on my medium to large island i still remember sniff sniff.i then went to medium and progressed up to deity where i was pretty sure of winning but then CTP2 came out  only time i've ever lost in civ2 i did the same in civ with the first game i played.
" mind over body "
January 22, 2001, 06:40
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Paiktis, I thought that 'punter' was a better translation?
There seems to be some evidence from these boards that the invincible defender of the only city works only on the PC - Mac users have frequently had their capitals wogged by Barbs...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
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January 22, 2001, 10:01
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First time I played Civ...
After a few turns, a Roman chariot strolled up to my capital (and only city) and demanded something... I said no. Game over
Never again after that...
January 22, 2001, 17:23
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 01-22-2001 05:40 AM
Paiktis, I thought that 'punter' was a better translation?
I am impressed
The exact translation of paiktis is in fact player but:
since to most of the unenlightened world a «paiktis or player» is the one who plays lucky games and gambles (in opposite of paying CIV for example  ) paiktis has acquired the meaning of punter as well. Exact translation of punter would be joyathoros, although this is argo (slang in english?).
Ming I remember my very first game of CIV 1! I remember admiring all these little icons of chariots and catapults that came next to my cities thinking how nice they looked...
January 23, 2001, 09:53
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OK - I give in - how do you transliterate 'joyathoros'? I have never seen a 'j' in a Greek word before!
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
January 24, 2001, 01:32
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Ôæïãáäüñïò. If your machine supports the greek alphabet.
Tzogadoros if it doesn't.
J does not exist in one letter in the greek alphabet (as opposed to psi, ksi etc) and is produced as a combination of t and z.
BUT: the pronunciation of letters such as «g» and «d» is much more «heavy» in the latin, euro-indian (german) based european languages in comparison to greek.
Instead «d» (delta) in greek is pronounced as the «th» in the english word «then». And «g» (gamma) is also pronounced lighter in greek as the «y» in the english word «yearn» for example.
I am pleasently surprised that you'd ask me that! Did you have ancient greek in your school or what?  Although that was a long time ago since you were a pupil as I understand
January 24, 2001, 07:04
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Yes - many many moons ago when the world was young I briefly studied Classical Greek - Demotic Greek is I fear a closed book to me and 'argo' (argot in English) is completely beyond me ...
so have I finally got it right - TzogadoroV ? Forgive me if I have the wrong symbol for the terminal Sigma ...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
January 24, 2001, 11:03
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... and while we are reminiscing - my first game of Civ went wonderfully - my cities prospered - they had all the good things of life like Libraries, Temples, Marketplaces - it was the best of times.
And then the Mongol Armour appeared ...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
January 25, 2001, 11:42
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Once I played an entire game staying small and not trying to win. I just wanted to see how the other Civs acted w/o me to pummel them. I played on Earth and only had five cities. Two in Japan and three in Australia. It was pretty cool. The Aztecs launched their spaceship and won the game.
Nam si violandum est ius, regnandi gratia violandum est: aliis rebus pietatem colas
January 25, 2001, 14:36
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 01-24-2001 06:04 AM
Yes - many many moons ago when the world was young I briefly studied Classical Greek - Demotic Greek is I fear a closed book to me and 'argo' (argot in English) is completely beyond me ...
so have I finally got it right - TzogadoroV ? Forgive me if I have the wrong symbol for the terminal Sigma ...
It's absolutely right. The final Sigma in
greek words is the same as the latin «s».
By the way, you should really work for firaxis as a game tester. The exhaustive tests you have conducted in CIV 2 are really impressive.
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