If theres a turnchat tonight, here are the orders for the DoSE :
Polls will finish four hours after this post, at 2 : 45 PM, CET.
Economics : Results will probably be to stay Planned. Check it anyway to be sure, theres only 7/5 at the moment, it could still change. In case of a draw, I choose to stay Planned
No one would have expected it, wouldnt they ?
Value will probably be knowledge, by 10 to 1 until now. In case of a draw, we'll switch to Knowledge.
I cant rememeber if we are building Sps, but if the switch (and therefore losing the +1 industry) delays a close (say should be finished in less than three turns) completion of one of those, switch right after the SP is finished. Else switch on the first turn you play.