December 26, 2002, 13:37
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Help on Monarch - FP + Victim selection
Ok, I think my current FP build is a good spot for when I move my palace.
I'm China, and I have Japan and Mongolia on my landmass...
...who do I attack once I get Riders?
Mongolia has lots of mountains on the borders, so the Keshiks will have speed, but Samurai are strong on defense.
Everyone is even with or ahead of me.
What to do, what to do?
December 26, 2002, 13:42
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Mongols, definitely. They shouldn't be able to stop you from siezing the mountains if you declare war when you are ready.
Don't pick on Japan until you get cavalry.
December 26, 2002, 14:47
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Mongols it is, then.
What about the FP, just SE of Beijing?
Assuming a later Palace move to the more fertile lands of either Mongolia or Japan, or both.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 26, 2002, 19:08
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I second the mongols as the victim, however you may want to ask Japan to join in your attack. This will free you from the threat of an attack from Japan on your border, and tie up a considerable amount of Mongol units fending off Japan. The only drawback is that you may make Japan a little larger, but it is worth the risk IMO.
FP Looks fine, especially considering the palace will move south west eventually.
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December 26, 2002, 23:30
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I would move the FP to Hangchow, but I like to centralize it a little more.
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December 27, 2002, 00:10
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My main concern is not so much the location of the FP as the amount of stuff you are building in your capitol. One of the major advantages of building the FP close to home is the ability to palace jump using a settler and 11 workers, without a leader. But it doesn't look like you'll be abandoning Beijing any time soon.
December 27, 2002, 01:09
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My advice would be to take a chunk out of Japan instead of eliminating the Mongols immediately. The battle will be tough, true, but once you gain the upper hand against the Japan, the continent (and the game) is yours. The Mongol lands will not produce much for you if you conquer them first, meaning you'll have an even tougher time with the Japanese when their times comes around, since the Mongol war will not grant you any significant advantage. Samurai are tough, though. Try letting the Japanese attack you with them, rather than the other way around; Samurai versus Musketmen is acceptable, and it gets better when you use Riders to counter-attack.
Although I wouldn't go so far as recommending a general "attack the strongest neighbor first" policy, it seems to me to be the right choice in this case.
Good luck however you decide to play it out.
Last edited by Dominae; December 27, 2002 at 02:00.
December 27, 2002, 01:55
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I concur with Dom: it looks to me as though you are in danger of losing primacy on your continent to the Japanese. They need pruning. The Mongols will be less of a threat or, alternatively, a safer power to ally with.
And Dom's advice about lessing [edit: letting] Toku's samurai batter themselves against your muskets (assuming you have gunpowder and salt) is a nice touch. Hard to tell from the map where the Japanese iron is, but (as you probably know already [  ] riders make very effective pillagers.
Bringing the Mongols in as allies should keep the Japanese off-balance, though -- that may be the key here.
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December 27, 2002, 08:51
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I would stick with the mongols, either war is going to start a GA for both sides, and I would rather see a horde of Keshiks than a horde of Sammurai, save the Japanese for the cavalry phase, that is when they are vulnerable.
Tuberski: The strategy is to move the palace, not the FP. although a FP there would not hurt, the eventual palace site should be around the Kazan area, and that would be too close to the FP.
Dave: The palace move you suggest is only good at the early stage of the game this civ is too dveloped to disband palace jump.
Robber Barron and Dominae: Japan seems to be the choice for you two, and I know your reps (esp Dominae) I think that the Japanese may be a little to powerful at this point, and I think it may be wise to wait after Navigation to take on the Japanese. Also, the ideas for taking on the Japanese seem to be to fight a defensive war with pillaging and the capture of a few border cities. that is not my way of fighting, When i decide that a civ is my enemy I take it down. My way of fighting would suggest that the Mongols would be a better target than the Japanese. Although he is in danger of losing primacy to th Japanese, parity with Japan could be restored with the conquest of the mongols.
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
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December 27, 2002, 08:59
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Tuberski - Hangchow, even considering a Palace move to central Japan later? Also, none of the cities near Hangchow are very productive, and they probably won't be, even with the palace - lots of desert/floodplain and mountains with little food support. So with those in mind, would you still go for Hangchow?
DaveMcW - Correct, I'd like to keep my original "core" productive once I move and I truly can't afford to starve Beijing down. I'm truly struggling to keep within a few techs of the AIs and I'm definitely not keeping up with unit production.
Dominae - I was hoping to strike before Gunpowder. I have not had a single war yet due to the great distance between me and my victims... er, neighbors. If I wait for Muskets, I'm gonna be really scared of the Samurai.
On the other hand, you are correct that the Mongol lands will not net me very much, thus making Japan a "better" strategic target, if not tactically "better".
RobberBaron - If you look just to the right of the Sentry button, there's one of Japan's Irons. The other is about 4 squares SE and 1 square S of that, easily 3 turns away for my Riders and squarely between Kyoto(capitol) and Tokyo, blech. There's a third, unconnected Iron 3 squares South of Nagoya. Scary.
I'm gonna need a lot more Riders than I have horsemen, that's for sure. I'm not even sure I can afford to upgrade my measly horseman force, since I've been stuck in the "buyer" of tech category.
For someone who absolutely abhors to be without Industrious, I sure am missing being Japan. The cost of temples is killing me, especially those desert towns that should have been able to get some of that green foodland from Japan, but his Temples went up faster than mine. Argh.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 27, 2002, 09:04
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Here's a sav for anyone that cares to see more of the map than I screenshotted.
I tell ya what...
the PTW ai tweaks combined with the AU:PtW mod make the jump from Regent to Monarch really painful for me.
I can either dominate early at Regent or struggle at Monarch. I hate being a 'tweener sometimes.
December 27, 2002, 14:50
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FP in Hangchow.
Forget Sun Tzu... you are militaristic and get cheap barracks anyway.
I would focus on Temples, Barracks, and units. Once you've got at least 20 Horsemen / Riders, switch your best cities to Marketplaces. When that's done, go back to building Riders... I'd probably want to get up to a standing army of about 40 of them, until you've turned your neighboring civs into punching bags.
Also, I'd slow down research a little to save enough gold for all your upgrades.
The second you have completely upgraded, raze Nagoya and Izumo. Don;t worry about the Sammies... for a while at least, you'll have the advantage on an open ground battlefield.
Ally with the Mongols... you need to burn both AI civs' GAs by getting them into a war with each other.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
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December 27, 2002, 15:31
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Ok, that's two votes for Hangchow...
First, my original logic behind Tsingtao.
1. It maintains my already well-developed primary Core as productive while slightly extending my productivity reach - not much, but hopefully just enough to make those desert and floodplain towns not totally corrupt.
2. I plan to move my palace to central or western Japan eventually, since there's great terrain there and much of it should already be improved - this goes hand in hand with #1.
3. Hangchow puts my immovable FP in a perfect place to improve all those desert and desert/mountain towns - which to me seems a waste of the FP. I'll never get that much out of those towns, they are just a ploy to a)eat territory and b)try to steal most of the saltpetre.
Looking at the terrain around Hangchow and it's surrounding ring of towns, I don't understand why I'd want to put the FP there instead of at my current, productive core and do a palace move (or two) later on to make the southern part of the continent non-corrupt.
I'm not trying to be difficult, I just truly do not understand the logic. Does centrality for later use automatically trump the actual useability/productiveness of what would be the secondary core?
me = confused
Edit: And Sun Tzu's is a cascade from the lost Great Library. I've gotten zero wonders so far. I'm just trying not to lose the shields.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 27, 2002, 15:50
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Don;t forget that your core productivity doesn;t change until you actually move the Palace... your stronger cities by then should have courthouses, and so, supported by an FP in Hangchow, they should be OK.
Yes, I would vote for centrality as the key issue, acknowledging WHEN the Palace move takes place.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
December 27, 2002, 16:06
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1. FP
I've heard two kinds of advice from Corruption experts: either build the FP in a central location regardless of surrounding cities, or build it in the middle of a grouping of wonderful city sites. My advice is to build it as centrally as possible, while making sure that at least 5 cities around the FP have good potential. I would never ever build the FP in a "neck", although I've been told that's sometimes the thing to do.
2. Japan or Mongolia
Japan is not at its weakest during Cavalry; if they have access to Iron, they will have plenty of Samurai, which they will upgrade for 20 gold each, given their largish territory.
There is no reason not to wait for Gunpowder, as the toughest battles you will be fighting against the Japanese will be against Samurai anyway.
The best way to cripple a large AI when time is of the essence is to declare war, and let them come to you. They will lose many many units on the attack, and your UU is the best counter-attacker of the Medieval age. The AI has no concept of "attrition" until they've lost half their troops in a futile war.
Once the Japanese weaken, you'll conquer their cities easily, and Cavalry will simply overrun the Mongols. Better that than face a long Cavalry war against the Japanese.
Killing the Mongols first gives you almost no advantage against the Japanese. So, why attack the Mongols first?
December 27, 2002, 16:10
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Also, I'd probably build and defend an outpost on the hills SW of the gold mountain.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
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December 27, 2002, 16:40
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A worker-action Outpost or an "outpost" town?
Or a fort?
You're talking due south of Hangchow, right?
There's no reason not to wait for Gunpowder
I've got a couple, but they're "weak".
1 - Haven't had a single war yet and J and M only fought 1 short one, so I've had no leaders, got no Wonders, am falling behind in tech, etc. because neither of them was crippled or slowed.
My starting spot was so far north from my neighbors that by the time I could actually get Archers to them, it seemed too late and I'd have been overstretched.
2 - I'm getting bored and hungry for blood. I had really hoped to be near India for early warfare, but having Mongolia and Japan as my only neighbors has seriously messed up my Rider plans.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 27, 2002, 16:55
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1. Forget Sun Tzu - try for Leo's!
2. FP in Hangchow
3. I'd either hit the Mongols (easier target, you're not all that strong yet - use to train your Riders so you can hit Japan with Elite Riders & Cav) or ally with the Mongols vs. Japan.
4. If you attack Japan, you may want to consider building several catapults (something I almost never do)... take Nagoya and Izumo right off the bat (easy for your Riders) and then sit tight, using the cats to hurt incoming Samurai and finishing them with Riders.
5. Related to #4 and VERY important: can you cut their iron? How many irons do they have? Where are they? Could a detachment of Riders cut it (them)? If you can cut their iron while eating up their Sams on defense (cats + pikes/muskets and Riders), you will be all set. But if you cannot cut the iron... ouch.
6. Will the conquest of Mongolia open up a better invasion route to Japan? From the map you posted, you have 2 easy city captures (Nagoya, Izumo), one tougher one (Kagoshima - though it is isolated and small) and then you have to cross a nasty mountain range to get to their core. But if you were coming from their west... is there a flatland route to Japan's soft underbelly? If so, perhaps Mongolia should be your first target.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
December 27, 2002, 17:43
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Originally posted by Arrian
1. Forget Sun Tzu - try for Leo's!
I wish! Those shields for SunTzu are leftover from a failed Library attempt. There's no way I can get to Invention before I run out of time unless I starve Beijing, I don't think - I still need both Engineering and Invention and I don't have another placeholder to use. Argh.
I believe you guys, but I still don't like putting a new core around such (relatively) worthless towns.
3. I'd either hit the Mongols (easier target, you're not all that strong yet - use to train your Riders so you can hit Japan with Elite Riders & Cav) or ally with the Mongols vs. Japan.
So just a training war? Not really worry about actual taking of cities if it doesn't look doable? Interesting...
4. If you attack Japan, you may want to consider building several catapults (something I almost never do)... take Nagoya and Izumo right off the bat (easy for your Riders) and then sit tight, using the cats to hurt incoming Samurai and finishing them with Riders.
5. Related to #4 and VERY important: can you cut their iron? How many irons do they have? Where are they? Could a detachment of Riders cut it (them)? If you can cut their iron while eating up their Sams on defense (cats + pikes/muskets and Riders), you will be all set. But if you cannot cut the iron... ouch.
See above post - they have 2 connected Irons, one within roaded Samurai range of their capitol and another that's probably "cuttable" - and a 3rd currently unconnected near Nagoya, IIRC.
6. Will the conquest of Mongolia open up a better invasion route to Japan? From the map you posted, you have 2 easy city captures (Nagoya, Izumo), one tougher one (Kagoshima - though it is isolated and small) and then you have to cross a nasty mountain range to get to their core. But if you were coming from their west... is there a flatland route to Japan's soft underbelly? If so, perhaps Mongolia should be your first target.
There's a mountain range that runs South from just West of Xinjian/Hangchow all the way to the other shore, pretty much along the Mongol-Japanese border. Blech.
I can switch my FP build to a Palace and give myself 34 turns to get to a Wonder, but I have nothing to switch Beijing to. Gah!
I think I've screwed myself up.
Being behind in tech for the whole Ancient Age is really messing with me. I've blown most of my treasury just trying to keep up.
December 27, 2002, 17:52
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See above post - they have 2 connected Irons, one within roaded Samurai range of their capitol and another that's probably "cuttable" - and a 3rd currently unconnected near Nagoya, IIRC.
Ouch Still, with all those mountains around, you could mountain-hop with some Riders (say 3 of them) to the irons. Riders on Mountains will do bad things to attacking Sams.
Since Mongolia does not offer an easier invasion route to Japan, Japan is probably the right target, with the Mongols as allies (assuming you can afford that... ack!).
I agree that the situation is a tough one.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
December 27, 2002, 18:05
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Originally posted by Arrian
Japan is probably the right target, with the Mongols as allies (assuming you can afford that... ack!).
December 27, 2002, 18:30
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Originally posted by Mad Bomber
Tuberski: The strategy is to move the palace, not the FP. although a FP there would not hurt, the eventual palace site should be around the Kazan area, and that would be too close to the FP.
I know that, I like to have my FP and my Palace more centrally located on the continent.
As do several other people, obviously.
"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Look out, he's fuzzy, let's get out of here."
December 27, 2002, 19:12
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my experience says that if you declare war on the Japanese and take those two "easy" cities, then the Mongols will be willing to join you.
December 27, 2002, 20:16
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Ducki, have you already declared war on the Japanese? If not, they will not accept it...declare war first, then make military alliances.
December 27, 2002, 21:08
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Ah, I see.
Still waiting to get Invention to trade for Chivalry.
Beefing up militry - pikes, walls, catapults, horses.
more later, holding baby right now.
Thnx for the help so far, all!
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 27, 2002, 21:21
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there is one thing that I'd like to mention on your game so far. I have the impression that you expanded too much: these cities in the desert aren't really productie -are they? IMO, China is the best civ for early wars...building just barracks/ offensive units (maybe one temple or two) from the very beginning could have given you a much more dominant position. In the BCs 10 swordsmen can be much more powerful that 20 Knights later.
December 27, 2002, 21:41
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If you want to deal with stacks of doom, leave the Japanese alone for now; if you want to secure your military superiority, declare war on Japan. For the second scenario, a bunch of Pikemen and a few Riders is all you need: you're not conquering just yet, just forcing them to commit.
December 27, 2002, 23:37
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Mazarin - I'm not sure I'd call it "too much". I wanted to stop just before the desert, but I didn't want to have to conquer for Saltpeter, so I staked my claim with "crappy" towns on purpose but not expecting much of them, other than to try to keep Japan out of Gunpowder.
The reason I didn't have an early war is that it was just so darn far to reach either opponent that expansion was a better choice. At least this way I have slightly more income and a shot at a Saltpetre monopoly. Unfortunately, my temples went up much slower than Japan's (this is using the AU mod, so non-modded I might have expanded borders first) so I lost out on 2 or 3 nice green squares at my SouthEast corner that would have been nice to have.
Dominae - I've decided on the Japan attack, I'm just waiting to get my Riders. Unfortunately, I'm behind in tech, so I'm hoping to get Invention early enough to trade for Chivalry or sell Invention so I can both buy Chivalry and upgrade my horsemen - what's that cost, anyway?
I'll post another screen/save later on.
Theseus - I founded a town where you said an Outpost. I figured if I can avoid a culture flip, that gives me a neat little attack entry point and it took away the Gold mountain from Japan. Now if I can just get a barracks built before the modern age
I may end up with SunTzu's even though I don't want it. Oh well, fast healing in conquered towns is always nice.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
December 27, 2002, 23:48
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ducki, good luck in your efforts. This will probably be the most interesting part of your game, so enjoy it. I suggest delaying a bit until Invention, maybe trading with those civs on the other continent. Can you delay your Sun Tzu's pre-build a few turns?
December 28, 2002, 00:06
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I take back my previous statements, Japan must be dealt with quickly, and (as of the save in 360AD) you do not have much military, and you are dirt poor. I played it out to about 800AD, and all I can say is good luck,and I hope you do better than me.  A very interesting and frustrating game, thanks for posting it.
-Mad Bomber
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* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
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