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Old December 27, 2002, 11:20   #1
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The Lemurian History
Write Here your History

Post here any history you have made that you think worthy telling.

The history can be about anything even made up legendary heros, mytical places, religious routines, how is the day in Lemuria, the day as a city governor (even if you re not one), Lemurian national soccer tournment, how did you loose your lemurian tail, etc... Anything. As long as DG related.

The only rules:

* Must be DG history related
* Must have a title
* Must have the author
* Must have more than 5 lines.

The content - (shortcut when clicking it)
20 stories - Pedrunn (8), Turambar (6), Frozzy (3), Ískallin (1), Maquiladora (1), Child of Thor (1).

-- In the Beginning by Pedrunn
- Our people is not nomad anymore. See how!

-- The Birth of Ískallin by Ískallin
- The birth of the first Minister of Infrastructure of our nation.

-- The Seed of a Democracy by Pedrunn
- How did the ministers were chosen and the quest for the Good Land to settle our first city.

-- Dysfunctional in excess by Frozzy
- The fear of the barbarian and the dicontentment of the people towards our long walk.

-- Sword of a Lemurian by Maquiladora
- The minister of Defense expressing his feelings when he was chosen for his function.

-- The Long Walk Has Ended by Pedrunn
- We have finally found the land we shall settle our first city.

-- More Than This... by Frozzy
- The people is confused about the world and what to do now that they are a sedentary people.

-- Legend of Turambar I: The Newcomers by Turambar
- We have made the first contact. How did the warriors felt about this. Specially the young Turambar.

-- Legend of Turambar II by Turambar
- One day in the Lemurian warrior army camp.

-- Hostile Reflections by Frozzy
- Some people just are not ready for war.

-- Family Contradictions by Pedrunn
- Even the royal family have their differences among each other.

-- Today is a good day to die by Child of Thor
- The soldiers are sharpenning their swords and preparing for the war to come.

-- Two Sides of the Same Coin by Pedrunn
- The creation of the War Party and the Apolymuria People's Party and how they influence our people.

-- Legend of Turambar III: Changes by Turambar
- Hoplites, new leader, war, etc... A lot have changed in the warrior camp.

-- Legend of Turambar IV: Innsbruck by Turambar
- The Austrian city of Innsbruck now called H Town is ours. Check out our first war victory here!

-- Pressburg slaughter by Pedrunn
- Another victory of our army. The Austrian city of Pressburg was conquered!

-- Legend of Turambar V: Back in the field by Turambar
- After conquering two of their cities did you really think the Austrians weren't going to counter-attack!?!

-- The New Minister of Defense by Pedrunn
- Austrians keep coming. Look their most dangerous threat and the coming of the new minister of defense.

-- Legend of Turambar VI: Lord H Tower by Turambar
- Turamabar have left the warrior camp to H Town in a important mission.

-- Miltary Decisions by Pedrunn
- The administration of Pedrunn as minister of Defense (Discussions of the 9th Game Chat)

Thank you
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 26, 2003 at 21:36.
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Old December 27, 2002, 11:22   #2
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High Lemur Pedrunn
In the Beginning
by Pedrunn

"I am walking through this terrain for more than forty winters Since the day I was born, so did my father through all his life, and my grandfather, and my Grand grandfather, and many others for countless generations since our mighty god, Apolymura, created the world and all of its beauties and resources to fulfill our needs. And I never questioned his willing not even when we walked Through days with our stone spears bright clean oppose to the live bloody red we usually see. But this scene is happening more often every day." Warns Pedrunn in sights, "Still our mighty Apolymura did not forget about us. Three moons ago, while unseeding the grains of wheat in the storage I noticed new grain of wheat were borning in that very place. And from that time on I started unseed and storing a few amounts of wheat in my hut in front of the dark stone that came from the stars, the gift from our kind god. And I want you all to see what has happened."

When Pedrunn finishes his words he opens his hut and inside forty small wheat trees is found. Some of the wise men shows a confuse face while several other showed a face of excitement.
Pedrunn then moves his mouth in tears "Yes, the mighty Apolymura has thought me to make wheat born from the ground. We do not need to walk blind through the woods, the jungles, swamps and the deserts. Not having to carry our children in our sore backs or leave the older mans along the way." Pedrunn raise his hands and continue the speech "Lets find the best spot to start this great teaching from the mighty Apolymura and save our children from this endless walking we all and all our descendents have been making since the day the mighty apolymuria turned darkness in light, and powder in men".

Pedrunn then raises his staff to blue sky and yells:

"Thank you, mighty Apolymura! We will use all your teachings wisely"
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"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 13, 2003 at 18:59.
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Old December 30, 2002, 08:43   #3
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The Birth of Ískallin
By Ískallin
On the days of Pedrunn, a message came from him that
all members of the Lemuria tribe should come to the winter camp in the dune sea, so Kallin took his pregnant wife Ís and traveled to the camps, when they had got to the camps the time came that Ís should become lighter, but there were no room left in the tents.
So Ís gave birth to a beutiful boy whom they named Ískallin.
Ískallin became a strong and wise young man who studied the ways of agriculture and soon came Pedrunns
advisor in that portofalio(Minister of infastructure)
Then the time came that Pedrunn told his pepole that they were bound to leave ther ancestors land and look for a good place to live in.
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
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Old January 2, 2003, 21:43   #4
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High Lemur Pedrunn
The Seed of a Democracy
by Pedrunn

“Sixteen years walking in the desert. Since the Mighty Apolymura came to me in a dream in the very same day He thought me how to make wheat grow fro the ground promising the Good Land, a very rich terrain where we shall leave until the day the Mighty Apolymura will call the good men to sit next to him. Where there will be wheat to all men and women of our nation in abundance. Sixteen years walking in the desert. Many died of thirsty and hungry. We have only eaten lizards, insects, snakes and dry cactus. From the old wise men I was the only one left other than judges: H tower, Gilgamesh and Mapfi. All of the others couldn’t finish our journey anymore. The new generation who will replace the dead one is impatient and angry. I have found some of them worshipping gods other than the Mighty Apolymura. My leadership is being doubt.
My son, Pedrunn, named after me, is a grown man already and without him I don’t think I could never keep our people together by now. My staff, symbol of my wisdom, is now also a sign of my weakness because without it I can hardly walk. The day I will meet the friends in the afterlife is getting closer. Although the Mighty Apolymura came to me in a dream today I don’t need Him to tell me this. I can feel it” tells Pedrunn to mute writer while calling his son.

When his son arrives in his hut he says “My son, we need to join our people together today. I need to tell everybody what the Mighty Apolymura told me today”. Pedrunn’s son leaves the hut. And three hours later he is back with the loud noise of people coming from outside.
“My son help me to get up” Pedrunn says. Once up Pedrunn walks up with difficulty to the rock he makes his speech. And starts his speech “People of the Mighty Apolymura. I will leave you all soon to meet my friends who are already at our God side. But I know you all are impatient to find soon the Good Land that was promised to us. And the Mighty Apolymura assured me that the river in which we have been walking since the last summer will lead us to the Good Land. I am fighting with all my strength to see the terrain with my own eyes. Sadly, I barely have the strength to get up in the morning and even my eyes cant see as far as they used to do. Soon I wont be able to lead you all. So I chose those who will walk behind me until my of my death but who will continue walking over my dead body so that you all can follow their steps” Pedrunn silently quietly raises his staff to an upper rock while the noise of rumors spreading come from people of Lemuria. After a minute silent Pedrunn raise his harsh voice yelling “The family that has the wise young boy I thought all the knowledge of farming and alone improved this beautiful teaching more than I did will become the advisor of Farming. Ískallin, the son of Ís and Kallin one step forward”. Rumors and claps come from the crowd but are silenced by the voice of Pedrunn: “The family of the lemur who drawed the symbol of our people in the stone will raise this same symbol while sending orders to our warriors. Maquiladora one step forward.” Without letting the people make noise Pedrunn continues “The family of the old but young lemur will lead be our peacemaker and commerce advisor. Immortal Wombat one step forward. And the family of Wise Ass will lead the public houses building advising what our people needs”. Only minutes later Wise Ass came from the back of the crowd pushed by its family to the front among with his fellow advisors. “And Finally…” raises the leader his voice even louder “My own blood, Pedrunn, will be the next leader of our people”.

No sound was coming from the people of Lemuria when the wise Pedrunn continued his speech “If anyone is against my choices speak now or forever remain in silence.” The only sound came after a few minutes when you could hear loud and clear the sound of claps. Pedrunn call all of the chosen advisors to the top of the rock where he was. They all climb the rock when still from the highest place Pedrunn announces “These young men will lead our people from the deserts to the Good Land and from the Good Land to the stars where the kind Apolymura is waiting for us”. The wise Pedrunn then leave the rock on claps while his son takes the staff symbol of the wisdom of the Lemuria people and raises to the sky an act not done since his father lost all the strength to the years. The claps where higher when the young Pedrunn Yelled once and again with together to all the people and all the advisors:

“To the Good Land”.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 13, 2003 at 18:58.
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Old January 2, 2003, 22:50   #5
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Dysfunctional in excess

By RedBull

"We are walking... we do not know what we are coming against..." Redbull was reading scripts he had found in the sand. Being one of the few who was literate, he read out to a small crowd what it was he was reading. "We see people approching from the jungle...they hold clubs and spears... we are running toward a cave..." Redbull stopped. A blood splatter covered the next word. "We are putting up wood to stop the beast... but it cannot hold for long..." The words now became more elongated and slanted down the page "We cannot escape... we are going to die..." Redbull stopped. There was no more on the parchment. A silence surrounded the crowd. Redbull put the parchment onto the ground, and set fire to it.

Murmering started around the crowd... into whispering... into talking... into shouting... "That could have been us!" shouted one concerned female. Many had died in the coming to this land, and now the fear of uncivilised people had added to the fear of death, starvation and de-hydration.

Redbull returned to his family, but outside was mass rioting, and there was no sign of it stopping...

Night came. The sand dunes they had passed were far away now... but ahead was grassland, flat and perfect for attackers, and the jungle they had come to fear...
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Old January 3, 2003, 16:59   #6
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Sword of a Lemurian
The Forge

by Maquiladora

I remember that day like it was only yesterday, in fact it was the day before, the chosen Leader of our peoples, Pedrunn, called on us atop the great 'sandy rocky slightly grassy' big rock, he stood exactly where my grandfather had carved the symdol of our people so many moons ago.

As people gathered, Pedrunn, throwing his arms around calling people inwards, his large ears backlit by the oncoming dusk moonlight. He told us that he would have to leave us soon, i remember cries from women and small children and uproar amongst the elders as he spoke, whome which they all relied so heavily upon Him, He spoke the words as if they were his last, this was a sour day for our peoples.

He continued as everyone listened so transfixed by his words, but i was dejected, everything i had hoped for our people, to conquer and rule as far as our imaginations would let us see, yes these were my dreams, but what is a man without dreams? He is no man at all.

Indeed i trusted in him, but this was gone, it was all gone now. I turned to walk away and think of what was to become of all that we had strived for and already achieved, then suddenly i heard a strong deep voice call out above everyone, it was him, from high upon the rock he was pointing his staff into the crowd, with shuffles of sweaty sandals and gasped breathe the sea of brown linen parted and ended at me, indeed he had called my name, 'step forward', he said, I strode forward into the open space, and he leant forward a hand.

He continued as now i stood beside him on the rock, and others stepped forward as he called their names, farmers, tailors, thinkers, all were chosen one after another by talent and expertise, and it became clear as the crowd rose with adulation, indeed this wasnt the end at all, it was only the beginning. . .
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Last edited by Maquiladora; January 3, 2003 at 17:05.
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Old January 7, 2003, 22:41   #7
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High Lemur Pedrunn
The Long Walk Has Ended
by Pedrunn

“Father, you are truly a genius” The young Pedrunn comments to his father at the minute he enters the hut. “Before this very moment all the people was already giving up the quest for the Good Land. There were even those who were already skeptical about Apolymura. Now everybody is even more confident to found the promised place than when you first told them.” “It is all written in the stars” replied the wise Pedrunn. But the young Pedrunn continued “Not to mention the walk to the West made us find the river we are currently following. Father, we will reach the Good Land sooner than we expected. Are current pace is quicker than any other in our descendents history”. Smiled the young Pedrunn continuing his talk “The people you chose was accepted for almost every Lemur. They really are new wise man even the old wise mans, our judges, accepted these people integrally. And I promise my father we will reach the Good Land before you leave us”. The wise Pedrunn with a really low voice answered his son “Thank you, my son, I am very happy to see that you are excited about the good god Apolymura sayings”. Pedrunn gives a new smile and leaves the hut yelling to his people who were just waiting him to leave in the search to the Good Land: “To The West”

The five winters of search for the good land the dry and excruciating desert turned into a much clean wet where the river was rich in fish for eating and water to drink. The people were so much happier with the abundance of resources they almost didn’t felt the time spent in the plains. The people of Lemuria almost doubled its population in this small time. A Baby boom and an improvement of the quality of life of the older ones. Even the wise Pedrunn was alive and happy with his people satisfaction although his legs couldn’t keep him stand for almost two winters. Despite this the young Pedrunn was truly happy with his family, his wife and his seven children. Everybody felt they were closer than ever of the Good Land.

"In a day ironically clear and mist since the sun was so warm an enlightening that its brightness was visible through clouds and the river we have been following for many winters was reflecting it intensively.
But the blinding mist did not frighten our people. And we kept following the river with the five chosen ones including me in the front guiding all! When I was on my way downward the slope of a small hill the clouds of the mist were becoming too high now to hide what was beneath. I was dazed by the image formed by this opening sky. I could see the light of the sunlight reflected by the river even stronger than before. Alight that come comes from behind us behind the beautiful green hills before us. Revealing the green carpet of grass at the front and the shadows of jumping fish and fast birds over the water. From where were we heard the sound of the water mixed with harmony with the sound of these same birds while small mammals from the trees of our left were drinking the water of the bright river. My pace slowly stopped, due such a beautiful picture followed by the others advisors and finally by all of our people by that time although none had spoken a single word we all knew what I shouted":

“We Have Reached the Good Land. The Place we will build our house and settle for eternity”
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"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 13, 2003 at 18:57.
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Old January 9, 2003, 22:42   #8
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More than this...
By Frozzy

The foundations of our first city are laid. The stories of our first adventure are told. The generations before us are gone. The sad fasct of eating the gut and muscle of live lizards has passed. Now we must ask the question, "What now?". This question had never been asked by us before. We only knew one thing, and that was in the past. Now we had the facings of a civilisation, we could bring our learnings from the past a step further. The great leader, Pedrunn, called a meeting, to discuss what next to do. The ministers argued long and hard, and the talking grew into shouting. Suddenly, I stood up, and I said something I never thought I would say: "I woke up and the world outside was dark, all so quiet before the dawn. I got up and walked around, but the ground was cold. I walked until I couldn't walk any more. To a place I'd never been, but I knew there was something stirring in the air. In front of me, I could see more than this. More than this, Oh, so much more than this! There was something else there. All that we had, has all gone! And here we are, I stand, feeling so covicted. But I'm all there... right next to you." I nodded and sat down. The great Pedrunn didn't shout at me. He agreed with me. He agreed that we expanded. He decided that an elite group of men would scout the area around us.

So now we're busy making plans on our ever-lasting foundations. The trouble is, nothing fades faster than the future, and nothing clings like the past. But I could see more than this. There was something out there. But more than this is coming through. I stood alone. But I was all there right next to them.

I was not travelling with the soldiers. A young man came up to me and asked why were they leaving. I simply told him:

"Look around you. There is more than this, way beyond imagination. Much more than this..." I looked up. "Beyond those stars. My head is so full of fractured visions, but I'm right there, right next to you." The soldier thanked me, and left with the others.

You know when you think there has to be more than this, and there's something else there? Well, all that we had has now all gone. Yet there is more than this. And looking into the faces of the soldiers moving into the sunset, I knew it wasn't too far into the future.
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Old January 10, 2003, 15:33   #9
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The Legend Of Turambar
Part 1: The newcomers

by Turambar

“Tis an unexpected sight, Turambar” Galmar was saying to the young warrior, “to see people who look so alike to our own but who yet, also seem so different.” Turambar’s eyes shone as he looked down at the camp below from the hill. He was only half listening the soldier beside him. The sun was setting and the evening breeze had grown cool against his face as he turned to look at Galmar.

“What do you think this means for us?” he asked.
“We’ll know after our captain meets them tomorrow I suppose.” replied Galmar.
“I don’t like it. I can see no good coming from meeting these people.” said Turambar turning back to stare down at the foreigners camp. Galmar looked thoughtfully at Turambar. Turambar was hardly known for his cheerfulness but Galmar had always respected his intelligence if not his rashness. “Wait and see lad.” He said finally. “Don’t be so quick to judge them before we know them.” Turambar seemed to consider this before finally nodding.

After a little while Galmar left a gloomy Turambar on the hill and returned to his tent in the Lemurians camp where he laid down and considered the days events. They’d come across the foreigners camp early in the morning march, Galmar himself was first to spot it from the top of a hill over looking it. After reporting his sighting to his captain the scouting party assembled on the hill and stared down. It wasn’t long before they had been spotted in the camp by what mostly seemed to consist of unarmed men women and children. The sighting seemed to cause quite a commotion in the foreigners camp but one man who appeared to be the leader calmed it down soon enough before approaching the hill. Galmar had been sent to meet the man halfway and establish contact.

They’d both found communicating difficult at first but before long it became clear that both languages were similar in nature and with some patience communicating was possible. They eventually both left agreeing to meet again at sunrise tomorrow when Galmar would bring his captain along to represent Lemurian interests when dealing with these newcomers.

Galmar knew that this was a huge moment in the history of Lemuria and would be remembered long after his time. Meeting these newcomers had to go well he thought, but the air of distrust amongst many of his fellow soldiers worried him, especially from the young lad Turambar……
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Old January 11, 2003, 21:42   #10
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The Legend Of Turambar
By Turambar

Turambar rose with the sun the next day and went to hill over looking the foreign camp. Between himself and camp was a newly erected tent. Turambar knew that inside Galmar and his captain would be meeting the newcomers leader and setting the tone for future relations between the two peoples.

Sighing he made his way back to his tent to pickup up his spear and shield. He thought he’d use this free time to get some weapons practice in with some of the other soldiers. After leaving his tent he headed off towards the centre of the camp where he saw Gothar and some of the other soldiers finishing their breakfast round a fire. Gothar seeing Turambar called out in a gruff voice “Hoy there Turambar! After someone to spar with?”
“Is that an offer old man?” replied Turambar grinning. Gothar though only in his 30’s was one of the oldest soldiers and had soon acquired the name “old man”.
“Indeed it is young Turambar” said Gothar as he picked up his own spear and shield from the floor. “And how about a weeks pay for the winner?” Turambar grimaced slightly remembering the last time he lost his pay to Gothar not long after they’d set out from home. These kind of contests were quite common amongst the soldiers on the long march. It was a way alleviate boredom and keep fighting skills sharp. Though they only fought until first touch some soldiers had picked up injuries, particularly when money was on the line.

“Lets get on with it then. I shall enjoy taking your money Gothar!” said Turambar. Although having lost his first match with Gothar Turambar was a better fighter than when they had first set out, practicing at every opportunity he found. He had no intention of losing his pay this time

Hearing the talk of a wager some of the other soldiers began to gather round the pair in a circle, shouting encouragement to both men. Rumour quickly spread and soon every soldier not on duty was gathered and cheering at them.

Facing each other the two men approached the centre of the open ground. When he came almost within reach of Gothar, Turambar lunged forward with his spearing aiming for Gothar’s chest, but to only to find it blocked by his opponents fast moving shield. Gothar counter attacked with a barrage of cuts and thrusts, which had Turambar backing off trying to keep him out of range.

“Best you can do old man?” Turambar taunted between blows much to the delight of the onlookers. Gothar only smiled and leapt forward aiming his spear at Turambar’s lower body forcing a quick reaction from Turambar to block it, but which left him stumbling back. Gothar seeing this came at Turambar with another series of attacks, none of which though could get past Turambar’s faster moving shield.

“Had enough yet young lad?” asked Gothar during a brief pause in the fight.
“Not just yet” replied Turambar with gleam in his eye as Gothar moved to lunge his spear at Turambar. If Turambar would of remained where he was the spear would of gone straight through him. But as it was about to hit home he sidestepped the spear and moved round the side of the overextended Gothar kicking the legs out from under him. Gothar landed with a heavy thump as the air left his lungs, leaving Turambar the simple task of placing his spear point on the other mans chest.

“A weeks pay was it?” asked a pleased Turambar to the obviously surprised Gothar.
“Aye lad it was”. A host of cheers came from the onlookers (and a few cries of “cheat”) as Turambar helped him back onto his feet. “Seems you’ve improved somewhat lad” said Gothar “I never even saw that coming.”
“That was the idea” replied Turambar with a rare smile on his face. “Perhaps we’ll get a chance to show these newcomers a few suprises soon.”
“I wouldn’t get too eager boy” said Gothar as they walked away from the milling crowd. “You don’t know what might come of it”.
“They’re heading towards our lands Gothar. And we don’t know where they are from or how many will follow them. We must protect our people.”
“Exactly Turambar,” said Gothar frowning slightly “we don’t know anything about them. We must learn more first, as our Captain is no doubt doing. He’ll certainly want to know where they’re from and what they intend before deciding on anything. Lets just see what comes from these negotiations……
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Old January 12, 2003, 01:56   #11
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Hostile Reflections

By Frozzy

I was finally forced into going with the other elite warriors. It was amazing what I saw on my travels. I saw a thing they called "wheat". It was quite a sight. I saw the sun rise in front of us, and set behind us. I kept my axe nearby... I still had not forgotten those words of death I heard from you many years ago.

It's not all good though. 40 men died travelling here from disease and hunger... and one went crazy in the night and killed 12. Other than those few, we're all co-operating, and are enjoying our journey, spreading stories and singing. We sing for the laughter, we sing for the moment, but we mainly sing to keep our minds off those around us who are not so fortunate.

Write soon,


Dear Father,

we are further than we thought we would ever come. We have crossed to the other river, and we have spotted other pre-nomadic peoples, not unlike ourselves. They call themselves the "Austrians". We do not know what to do, but I am going to rush home with 50 others to get orders of what to do from your old friend the Immortal Wombat.

Keep safe until my return,



Aculem died on his return to Lemuria. I was good friends with Aculem's father, which is how I came to see these letters.

Aculem carried the spirit of all Lemurians, and I shall remember all those who died on that first, deadly expedition.
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Old January 14, 2003, 12:10   #12
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High Lemur Pedrunn
Family Contradictions
by Pedrunn

In the warrior explorers encampment of the north Pedrunn, the high Lemur, was there to talk with the newcomers Austrians. Inside his hut a conversation was happening.
“Father, why am I not going to be the leader of our country like you?” asked a young teenager to his father, the high lemur Pedrunn. And the high lemur responded “Because you were my third child and only the oldest alive brother can assume this function after I die”. “But I want to be the leader! I want! I want! And I want!”. The father looked him with a nausea face and asked “why you want to be the high lemur so much after all? If you can live with luxury and no wories as a member of the royal family”. And the son replied instantaneously “Because I want to kill the Austrian bastards”. “Son, the Austrians are a people created by the great Apolymura just like us and they can became a valuable friend against the challenges of a world we don’t know much about…” answered Pedrunn interrupted by his son “They don’t worth sh**t. I want to kill them”.” Pedrunn sights “Looks like you are spending too much time with the young warriors. They must be teaching this bad behav…”. Interrupted again the young teenager again “I know they did not accept the map exchange you sent yesterday! Everybody nows. They dont want our friendship. So let's kill those idiots.”
“Son, don’t say these thin…”. Pedrunn demonstrating an angry face already but the son continued interruoing him “They do not worthy our friendship. I WILL kill those bastards”. Pedrunn in rage with the spoiled kid shouting a suppressed scream that almost his others asleep sons “We are not going to kill them! I have told them we are going to remove our troops from their territory and this was the beginning of a good friendship! You are NEVER going to become the high lemur but your brother! And stop this foolishness NOW!” turning his back to the boy.

“Never…? But you said…” muttered the young boy. While Pedrunn felt a burning and sharp pain in his backs. Looking down to his chest he saw the tip of a sword crossing his body soaked with his blood. When he looked behind, his son was holding the sword that had crossed his body. And murmuring Pedrunn said with his blood in his hands “My blood…Your blood…How could…you…?” He felt on his knees and while his sight was blurring he could hear the words of his young son singing “Brothers, I have a surprise for you”.
The sound of a scream from his older sons was the last thing the high lemur Pedrunn heard.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 13, 2003 at 18:56.
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Old February 4, 2003, 11:44   #13
child of Thor
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Today is a good day to die

Many things had happened since those heady early days of founding and discovery. A new city had been founded in a fertile valley to the south east of the town of Pedrunn.
The son of Pedrunn had taken the throne from his father with hardly a whisper of concern from the citizens of our newly formed country. I had been shocked by those events and more so by the lack of outcry. Still i knew to bite my tongue, the new leader was a firey young man with a stern eye towards any disenters.
Our wise men had discovered a new weapon that could take down a man or beast at 100 paces, and warriors were trained to use it.
We had met new peoples, and given them our wealth in the hope of building a peaceful future for our descendants.
That was then.

Now i sat before my fire looking deep into its flames, my weapons arranged around me, sharp and keen.
I was an old man now, grey and shrunken, but my chest was broad and my grip still firm - i could still wield a sword and that was all that was needed from me now.

My wife and children had understood when i had told them. How they had stood proud and straight before me, my son and daughter shed no tear. My heart had swelled with pride - these were the ones to carry my name forward for all time, they were of my blood and did me great honour.
My task was to do honour for our nation in the coming storm. I had asked to lead the recon attack on the first city we would attack, none of the party on this mission would be coming home.

We had been forced into this desperate situation by forces beyond our control. We had thought the Land of Lemuria was strong and clever with all the new techniques the High Lemur had shown us.
We had been wrong. Around us were stronger peoples and they had all but laughed in our envoy's face at our offers of goodwill and peace.

Now, where we had been united in our drive for knowledge and prosperity, we are a divided people.
This makes us vunerable.

So I and others prepare for the war that is coming. My life has been full and good, i am ready to strike that first blow. I am ready to die for the country i love and the people that live in it.
By the Great Lemur my arm will stay strong and true and i will know the bliss that is the red tide of battle and the glory that comes to those who fall fighting for what they believe in.
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
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Old February 11, 2003, 05:51   #14
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Citzen of Lemuria
Two Sides of the Same Coin
by Pedrunn

“I will meet the leader and the advisors of our people. ” sighted one citizen of the Lemurian community while telling the story of the events that lead our people to its current situation to a friend. “Nowadays those meetings a became more difficult every day”

“When the crazy child killed his peaceful father and his brothers. He thought all community would agreed that his father was stupid and his brothers were weak. He actually thought every one would with arms opens agree with their murder of the Wise Pedrunn. Ironically that young psychopath now is a hero for some people and is used fright the children with all the scary tales made about him. At this very moment, many other children now wonder if the ‘crazy child’ will stab them during the night if they do something wrong.
But one thing he was he was right about. Although they didn’t welcome him with open arms some of citizens were happy with his actions. He triggered the discussions about the death of the newcomers Austrians. And our people became divided. And amazingly we have saw that most people agreed with the son of Pedrunn. The war should take place and inspired by this war feeling, a so far not very political active lemurian, Dale, created the War Party (WP), in which is composed by almost all the current government advisors and a large number of our people. Opposed to this party and representing the other side of the coin, another lemurian, called Zaphod Beeblebrox, crated the Apolymuria People’s Party (APP). In which has a progressive agenda with a non-war content."

"Fights and resents among both party member are a usual sight in our community. But for the surprise of all the much smaller APP convinced the people that the best option was explore. The look in the face of the War Party members and the angry face of the ‘Crazy Child’ when are warriors headed to the terrains at North with our warrior unit called ‘Bob’ and South with the warrior unit named ‘Dave’, is something still in my mind although the Military Advisor, Maquiladora was member of the WP. It was great victory day of the APP.

We have created the new city in the lands at east and from this day potatoes have became part of our diet but not only potaoes come from the new city of Colonia Locuta but also weapons as wanted by the War Party. Using the excuse of defense but with an eye in the Austrian civilization they conviced Wise Ass, the minister of the cities to build more archers and hoplites. That day was good for the War Party.

We thought we were alone in this beautiful terrain created by the Mighty Apolymuria. But other than the Austrians new civilizations have been met. The Germans and the Thai are gigantic civilization that make the Austrians and us look like flies. But under the control of Locutus, the current Diplomatic advisor, we have made those civilizations our friends even getting such powerful civilization to exchange maps with us. And a peace treaty with the Germans. That’s for sure a day the APP members did celebrate."

"Now both armies, Dave and Bob, while several years in the exploring the terrains next to our city looking for a good place to settle a new city. Our gathered together in the east side of the river. Not only alone but with the new armies trained in both of our cities. And our heading back to the capital with great stories about what they have seen and how dangerous was the constant threat of the barbarians.
Both parties are still exchanging comments and stories about each other. We all know the members of the War Party are still getting along with a plan to overcome the peaceful actions made specially a good plan to attack and conquer the Austrians cities. Including sending our newly formed armies to the Austrian city of Innsbruck although the APP does try to prevent that. Today we will decide at the meeting” sighted the Lemurian leader while moving towards the meeting stone where he will find his advisors in order to chose a path for the future of our nation. And always questioning:

“Will today be the day of warmongers or the day of the peaceniks”
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 11, 2003 at 06:54.
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Old February 11, 2003, 10:26   #15
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The Legend Of Turambar
The Legend Of Turambar
Part 3: Changes
By Turambar

Upon a hill overlooking the beginning of Austrian lands, the dark, usually solemn figure of Turambar allowed himself a brief smile. He’d been right all those months ago when contact with the Austrians was first made. Nothing good had come of that meeting. And now the armies of Lemuria had marshalled and marched to war with Austria, camped on the border awaiting the final order to enter Austrian territory and descend upon the unwitting city of Innsbruck.

A lot had changed since that first meeting though, both for Lemuria and for Turambar. His nation had grown in size, founding more cities to the east of the capital which were already adding to the forces of the Lemurian army. New methods of warfare had also been discovered and now Archers made up a large part of the force he was currently with. The potential damage these new soldiers could do to an enemy brought another smile to Turambar’s lips. It would be fine a day once they reached Innsbruck.

For himself a lot of wandering with his squad followed meeting the Austrians. Their task was to explore the lands around Lemuria and so they had done for many a month. But during that time the squad’s Captain had died of disease and Turambar had been asked to replace him. He’d accepted gladly, the thought of leading his own men into war appealing to the young warrior, who’s fighting prowess amongst the soldiers was now unrivalled and the chief reason for his promotion.

Turning away from his view of Austrian lands Turambar made his way back to the camp. He wanted to let his men know they’d be first to rise again tomorrow and first to be ready to march when the order came. Turambar wanted to show the Hoplite squads whose men were the most disciplined. A kind of rivalry in the camp had sprung up between Turambar’s Warriors and the Hoplites. The Hoplites considered themselves the more superior fighters, their arrogance seriously irritating Turambar’s men.

Turambar though, did have respect for the Hoplites skills but thought them far more suited to defence than attack, which was where he knew his warriors would excel. Though only half the size of the Hoplite contingent Turambar’s Warriors would be leading the attack on Innsbruck, flanked by the Hoplites and backed up by Archers which made up the other half of the army.

Arriving back outside his tent Turambar issued the order for the early start to his assistant and entered. Inside he removed a bundle of clothes from the back of the tent and picked up what they were covering. A sword. He’d found it and two others in the ruins of a long lost settlement a month or so back. Of the other’s, one had been sent back to Pedrunn City for study whilst the other Turambar gave to Galmar and together they’d taught themselves how to fight with the weapons, ready for the day when they’d finally march on Austria.

Hefting the blade in both hands Turambar studied the two handed blade once again. The blade was black as night with small runes inscribed along it and the hilt. It was far heavier than the spear Turambar was used to using, but after some time with it he became more and more comfortable with using it as his bulk and body muscle increased, making Turambar look more and more imposing when holding his new weapon.

He’d no doubt he could take a man’s head off with the weapon and would relished the opportunity to find out when they finally arrived in Innsbruck…..
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Old February 11, 2003, 21:09   #16
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The Legend Of Turambar
The Legend Of Turambar
Part 4: Innsbruck
By Turambar

Turambar’s sword crashed through the neck of the defenceless archer, tearing through muscle and bone as he bellowed the Lemurian war cry of “Lemur” at the top of his lungs. As the head fell away and the lifeless body slumped to the ground, Turambar smiled briefly at the efficiency of his weapon before driving it into the chest of the next archer.

It was a slaughter.

They’d came upon Innsbruck at dawn, the defenders alarm sounding to late for them put up any organised defence. Most of the unit of archers in the city had managed to assemble outside, and get off a few flights of arrows before Turambar’s warriors hit them at a dead run. The arrows they did fire went mainly astray, the daunting numbers they were facing clearly imtimidating them and clouding their thought.

Turambar had ran at the head of the charge, his weapon the first to taste blood.

The defenders were running now. The impact of the Lemurian warriors charge breaking their resolve to defend their people. Cowards, Turambar thought as his sword plunged through the collar bone of another running Austrian, taking the arm clean off. They stood no chance turning their backs and running. Their fear obviously stealing any courage or sense they had left after seeing the shear numbers pitted against them.

The running fight now moved on deeper into the streets of Innsbruck. Bemused and alarmed citizens were running into the path of the fleeing defenders and ultimately into the chasing attackers. But Turambar’s warriors were indiscriminate in who they took down. Seeing citizen and soldier alike as enemies.

Before long Lemurian Hoplites and Warriors filled the streets hunting down the defenders and stamping out any pockets of resistance from citizen and archer alike. Turambar found himself running with Galmar and Gothar beside him as they chased five archers round a bend and down a narrow alley. It was a dead end. The archers turned and seeing their deaths on the faces of the Lemurians tried one last desperate charge for their freedom and lives. Armed with knives they came at the three Lemurians at a sprint hoping to catch them off guard. But they did not have the range of Turambar’s and Galmar’s swords, or Gothar’s spear.

Turambar lunged forward feeling his sword drive deep into the chest of the lead runner, the black blade delivering a clean and swift death to the desperate Austrian. Withdrawing his blade he saw Galmar deal with his first opponent in similar style whilst the last three were upon Gothar.

Gothar had taken the first clean through the ribcage but his spear had become lodged there as the other two opponents saw their chance and descended upon him. Giving up on the weapon he stumbled back trying to avoid the first attackers lunge which put a deep cut along Gothar’s side. Seeing his friend go down Turambar quickly swung his sword at the head of Gothar’s second assailant smashing through his collar bone at the base of the neck. With a quick reversal of body movement he withdrew the sword and delivered a backhand strike to the body of the last Austrian attacking Gothar.

We all five dead Turambar crouched down to speak to the wounded Gothar whilst Galmar stood guard.

“You alright old man?”

“I’ll live.” replied Gothar moving to get up. Turambar reached out hand and helped the old warrior to his feet. “Perhaps you should try one at a time and work your way up?” said Turambar with a grin, knowing his friend would live.

“Didn’t have much choice did I?”

“You should get that seen to” said Turambar seeing the cut on Gothar’s side.

“Maybe later. For now we’ve a city to bring under control.”

“Indeed. And I dare say it’ll take a lot more deaths to do it.” said Turambar as the three of them made their way back out into the blood stained streets of Innsbruck. Back out amidst the first war and victory in the history of Lemuria.
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Old February 14, 2003, 11:49   #17
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High Lemur Pedrunn
Pressburg slaughter
by Pedrunn

The Lemuria army marched over the city of Pressburg where no resitance was found. Men running and screaming, kids hidden in the alleys hugging their mothers, the houses on fire, the desperate was general and could be whatched stamped in the face of the defendless population.

“Ha! ha! ha!” Laughed Pedrunn’s son walking over the roads of the Austrian city of Pressburg proud about the conquering of the second Austrian city. “Those stupid peaceniks. I Knew the Austrian couldn’t stop us!” shouted the gigantic leader of Lemuria while smashing the head of a runaway Austrian with a iron club. After the sound of bones breaking the Austrian blood could be sighted in the leader’s face and body while he laughed even louder.
He calls one of the warriors while tasting the blood in his club “Bring me the armies commanders”. The warrior swung his head in a positive sign and left running among his fellow warriors until couldn’t be sighted anymore. Lookin around he sees a Austrian worship place.

The Lemuria leader then walked into an the worship place followed by strong faithful warriors. Reaching the center table of the worship place where the images of the Austrian gods were placed and where the Lemuria leader punched with closed hand. The table broke apart in two pieces and the god images went to the ground. He sat in the chair that was behind the table, probably the place where community priest celebrated the mess. With a hand gesture his warriors walked closer to him stepping over the god images in the ground. The Lemuria leader moves his lips still full of a blood that reached below his shin where we could see the dark red liquid liking to his chest and spoke with harsh voice “The commanders are coming! So lets prepare the party” with a disturbing smile he continued

“Bring the most angry men to enjoy their torture! Their wives and the most beautiful women so that we can have some more fun!"
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 14, 2003 at 15:41.
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Old February 19, 2003, 20:46   #18
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The Legend Of Turambar
Part 5: Back in the field
By Turambar

They spotted each other at noon. The Austrian Archers quickly forming defensive ranks as Turambar’s men crested the hill overlooking the Austrian grasslands. They were still some distance away but Turambar wasted no time in preparing his men to attack what looked to be some 200 archers. Although equal in size to his own unit he was confident that quick and fierce charge would crush them.

His face grim with the thought of battle he gave the order to charge the Austrians ranks whilst just outside of the range of the Austrian bows. Soon arrows were falling amongst the Lemurians dealing out death and injury at random. Men fell screaming as arrows took them as they ran, some died quickly, others took horrible wounds as they ran and all the while the sound of death completely at odds with the serenity of the Austrian countryside.

Seeing his men die around him anger welled up inside Turambar as he became the first to hit the front ranks of the Austrians as they put down their bows in favour of knives and short swords for close combat.

Turambar’s blade took the first defender across the face before he thrust it inside the mans chest, horror on the man’s face as his life’s blood drained away. Taking down his next opponent Turambar looked around him and again saw a slaughter reminiscent of the initial charge at Innsbruck. The warriors, though now less in number, seemed to be everywhere amongst the defenders, hacking and slashing the attempt at a defensive to piece’s the Austrians blood running like rivers amongst the green grasses.

Parrying a sword thrust to his chest Turambar sidestepped, swung and saw another head hit the ground before him. His sword now seeming to hum with every swing as defender after defender fell before the onslaught of the magnificent blade. With Galmar and Gothar beside him they drove through the centre of the Austrians, leaving a trail of dead left in their wake.

“It’s over” sighed Gothar resting on his spear. “All dead by the looks of it.”

“So it seems,” replied Turambar, “but the question remains, what were they doing? And where were they heading?”

“To Innsbruck I think”

“So it would seem, but they could not hope to retake on their own. I’d guess they were scouting ahead for their main army, much like ourselves” said Turambar as they turned to rejoin their men.

“Turambar!” shouted Galmar as he saw the two men approach “What now?”

“We bury the dead, tend the injured then return to Innsbruck, if my suspicions are right a lot of Austrians will soon be headed that way too”
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Old February 22, 2003, 09:26   #19
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Minister of Defense Pedrunn
The New Minister of Defense
by Pedrunn

“Bring all units outside the wall in front of the barrack entrance. NOW!!!” shouted the crazy son of Pedrunn to the subordinated soldier who walked away as fast as he could, stumbling as he ran to the army barrack. The lemurian leader wears his armors, grab his shield and hold tight his club.
He leaves his house where he meets his personal defense composed with the most loyal and strong men. The five men march in the direction of the main door of the barrack in silence. The barrack was already empty. No one could be sighted unless the grouped units yet marching in the same direction as theirs.

The great leader slows down his pace when arriving to the several rows of men perfectly aligned. Each row was big enough to fit a hundreds of men. And ever once in a while the distance of the rows increased determining the end of a unit. And in front of every unit there was the commander of each stack. It was almost midday at this time but the men didn’t seemed to be bothered by this.

The director of the barrack walked in my direction and talks “I believe you have received the news from our Minister of Defense Turambar by now that we have a big Austrian stack moving in the H Town direction”. The Lemurian leader coldly responds, “Yes, I have”. The barrack director continues, “So I believe you know what to do! Are you coming with us?” the face of the son of Pedrunn changes looks angrier now and he replies “Yes”. The director continues, “So we should go. The minister of defense has given the orders on how to intercept it”. Pedruunn’s son yells raising his club “Let’s kill the Austrian bastards” followed by the shout of the furious stack!!!

After days traveling the enemy stack could be sighted less then a hundred meters of distance. When all the units left the marching pace and started to run after the shout of the Leader. The Austrian stack did the same. Archers started to lauch their weapons. In a few seconds the deaths were going to start.
Looking up anyone could see the arrow rain falling. It was frightenning to be below them. Our archers did the difference killing many of their hoplites before the collision. But the archers of the Austrians didn’t make less damage. Still both armies kept running to each other even faster.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 …. The seconds extinguished and the collision happens.

The first line hoplites of both enemy stacks died almost instantaneously but they kept pushed by the crowd behind. The casualties in both stack could be sighted dead in the ground hundreds dead in the ground with mutilated bodies. Some still moving due to the quickness of the event! Our army got the advantage by killing one of their archer army first since we did had more men then theirs. The son of Pedrunn could be sighted charging his club in the head of the Austrian hoplites who were surrounding him. The next minutes of the battle were decisive. The Austrians had half of his army destroyed including most of the hoplites and a whole archer unit. Our people were severely damaged but almost all alive ones were still fighting. Pedrunn’s son not holding his club anymore but a sword probably from a dead Austrian pointed to the alive Austrian archers over a the bodies of dead Austrians hoplites. We all knew we had won the battle. All Austrian hoplites were deceased.

The Lemurian men run over them even the wounded ones did. They forgot their injuries in that minute and murdered the run away archers. With the sword in the chest of one of the last Austrian who was already fallen he bended in his knees and laugh so high that our archers near the starting point could hear. We had won another battle. The hardest of all. The only thing left now is to heal the wounded and move back to the city of H Town where the assistance could be greater! The Lemurian leader with his blood covered by blood, not only Austrians but also his, was being carried by an archer and one of the men of his personal guard. Said very low since he could speack louder:

“The Austrians shall die! so from now on I will control all the Lemurian army.”

"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 26, 2003 at 21:45.
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Old February 25, 2003, 21:44   #20
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The Legend Of Turambar
Part 6: Lord H Tower
By Turambar

Having decided to order his unit to continue scouting Austrian land under the command of Gothar, Turambar retuned to Innsbruck with only Galmar for company. The city looked much the same as it had when they had first left it but it seemed far busier than before, it’s citizens obviously having adjusted to the new rule and order in the city.

After speaking to a passing soldier it became apparent that the city had undergone some other changes as well. A noble named Lord H Tower had been sent from Pedrunnia to take charge of Innsbruck, his first act being to rename the city “H Town”.

Upon hearing this Turambar immediately sought out an audience with him at the city hall. They were received by Lord H Tower at around midday, having arrived early in the morning.

“Apologies for the wait gentlemen” said Lord H Tower as Turambar and Galmar entered his office. “You would not believe the amount of paperwork involved in running the city.” He was a short, slim man, his blue eyes glowing at the prospect of meeting the man who had lead the attack on Innsbruck.

“I bring news of further battle with Austrian forces my Lord” said Turambar, impatient with having been made to wait all morning. “In the grasslands south of here we came across Austrian archers, no doubt scouting ahead for a larger force, and destroyed them to a man. I fear it won’t be long before they send a larger force exact revenge upon us!” Evidently this was not news the Lord had expected as his face grew more worried with each of Turambar’s words.

“This is bad news indeed. What of the fate of your own unit?”

“We suffered casualties but I sent my men on to continue to look out for further activities from Austria.” replied Turambar, pleased to see the Lord was taking his concerns seriously. He’d expected an ignorant noble from the capital who knew nothing of war, but evidently Lord H Tower was concerned, whether it was for the fate of Lemuria or for his own position within it Turambar was yet to decide.

“And how big a force do you think Austria can send against us?”

“I’ve no doubt they can send forces far larger than we currently have here my Lord. Without reinforcements from the east H Town will not be in our hands for long” replied Turambar.

“Indeed.” said Lord H Town. “Thank you for brining me this news, it has given me much to consider. No doubt you are both in need of some rest after your march here.”

Dismissed they left the city hall and proceeded to the army barracks where they found food and accommodation but nothing to ease their worries over what the Lord would about the impending threat. To Turambar another worry was the state of the army itself. Having won the battle and restoring order to city it seemed to have no clear leader and nothing to occupy itself. Soldiers obviously headstrong after their only victory wanted to march straight away for Graz thinking the rest of Austria would be a pushover too.

Turambar thought different. No longer the headstrong lad that first joined the army to see battle and explore the world, he knew that this war could either make or break Lemuria and decisions made now would echo throughout the history of the Empire.

Next morning they were woken early and summoned back to see Lord H Tower. Though less enthusiastic than their previous meeting the Lords welcome was warm but he looked somewhat troubled.

“It seems to me that we are in a crucial phase in the history of Lemuria and that complacency in the wake of our recent victories is folly. Therefore I’ve decided to return to Pedrunnia myself to convince the government that reinforcements are needed here.” said the Lord, obviously not relishing the prospect of returning to the capital.

“Why not send a messenger my Lord?” asked Galmar.

“This is an important matter as you yourselves have explained. You’ve been away from Pedrunnia for a long time have you not?” At their nods he continued. “These days it is a place of squabbling nobles who being so far removed from the front line here will find any threat to them or Lemuria hard to believe. I cannot trust any messenger to convince them therefore I must go myself.”

His respect for the man increasing Turambar said “I thank you for this my Lord, but what of H Town in your absence?”

“I’ve also given this consideration, the day to day running of the city can be easily done by my staff here. But I’d like you to assume charge of our forces here and in Pressburg.”

“I thank you again,” said Turambar surprised at this announcement “but is there not some other already here more suited to the job?”

“No doubt I could find one such to do the job, but you are the most experienced soldier here and from what I’ve heard also the best. I want H Town in safe hands while I’m gone and I believe those hands to be yours. Do you accept my offer?”

“I do.” Said Turambar feeling a sort of pride at gaining his new position and the ability to have a real influence on the events to come.

“Then you’d best be off speaking to the other Captains here. No doubt there is much for you all to discuss. As for me I leave within the hour. Farewell, Turambar, Galmar let us hope I succeed in Pedrunnia!”
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Old February 26, 2003, 10:23   #21
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Minister of Defense Pedrunn
by Pedrunn

"Aaaaaargh" said the new Minister of Defense Pedrunn to the dozens of wise men in the table "I can handle this bla bla bla! Strategies, strategis and strategies! Wont we never atack the hateful Austrians ever". One of them, Locutus, replied "Calm down! We need to go over this one more time! We cant just attack we need to discuss our plan to attack."

"We did not had all this work before!" sighted the son of the wise Pedrunn. "We have just destroyed that stupid barbarian threat next to mapfipolis. They really thought we wouldnt do nothing about that catapult of them. But we did finished it!" said the miniter of defense with his disturbing smile in his face removed to say "And we didnt had to discuss much about it".

Other wise men also replied "Yes! But this time is the attack to Graz we are talking. We do need to discuss about it very well" while other wise men, Gilgamesh, replied "Remember. One of the reasons the people accepted was because you said you would make all attack planning publics and make discussing here in the meeting stones more often. And thats what we are doing!"

The Minister of Defense smile disappeared in the same moment and with low voice he said "Ok! Lets go over the plan again… We have already send the formation the biggest our armies ever made part here in the city of H Town, right? Shouldn’t this army be ready by now? When will it be ready?" the others in the table replied “Very soon! The warrior, Turambar, already sent he message. But the units sent from Pedrunn met some barbarians in the way and they had to go back. We have send the other part of the army that was in H Town to chase them. The battle is happening now!” The Minister of Defense sighted “I wish I was there instead of being in such a long meeting…” Mr. Baggins, who managed replied “You are more valuable here in this table and guarding your forces for the Graz attack. I will be a slaughter anyway. We have sent a really bigger stack”. “I like slaughters” said Pedrunn again with low voice.

"And the wounded warrior we sent to spy Graz?" Locutues respodend "Still driving the direction of theat big stack that were in our direction. It is going to the north and away form our cities, trying to scape." Other continued with relief "They sure our doing a wonderful work keeping the mind of the Austrians about our cities. They are from the Turambar stack." Pedrunn also said some things "No wonder. The stack is in the Turambar lead. So it sure is doing a good job."
"Indeed" said another. "Lets hope that stack totaly forget about our cities so that we can attack Graz withot further problem"

The meeting discussion had a new direction eith these words: “Will we send a unit of warriors to have an idea about the size of the Graz defense. I know it will be a suicide attack and I also don’t like to loose so many good warriors in such a mission.” The room was silent before Pedrunn continued to talk “Although most of the citizen voted not to send I think we all agree the need of this… They will understand” Locutus, MrBaggins, Iskallin and Martin Guehman who were on the meeting shaked the head in a positive sign.

"Lets discuss their path to Graz and how are they going to die” The room was more silent then ever. The wind could be heard entering in the meeting stone room door.

A few minute later one said “That wont be a easy discussion. I don’t think no one want to decide how to kill Lemurians” the silence continued from these words. The room seemed darker and you could notice the disturbed face of the men in that room. The silence was broken with the deep voice of Locutus “We need to get this meeting going…” But once noticed the silence was going to continue the son of Pedrunn said
“Many have already died for this mission and by the Austrian hands” Pedrunn hold the breath for a minute and release to say

"Their death wont be in vain! I will avenge one by one in the battle of Graz"
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"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand

Last edited by Pedrunn; February 26, 2003 at 10:36.
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Old April 4, 2003, 18:37   #22
child of Thor
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All is smoke now, coiling like that never ending snake called time, back towards that farthest point which mankind can concieve of as the begining.
Smoke and maybe ashes.....................all mixed with blood from father to son and mother to daughter. As it has always been from the begining.
So now I, Child of Thor, find myself in the smoke coil of time, made of maybe less than ash and blood.
And I can percieve the land of my fathers, the people that now live in it, people i recognise well.
This perception is a double edged blade, have no doubt of that! For it brings me joy on the one hand, as i see my people prosper and grow on lifes journey.
And then the crushing sadness that I am removed from this earthly realm, nothing but a passive viewer to their trials and triumph's.
And then the smoke snake pulls me back along it's endless coils and i forget all these things for a while.
But never fear good people of Lemuria, we are all here, all the ones that went before you; and we all wish you well.
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
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