December 27, 2002, 12:43
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The strategy for the next turns
So what should be our strategy for the next turns?
We are sitting on a river surrounded by forest, plains, grassland, swamps, deserts and sand dunes. So should we follow the river in the hope that we are moving to the right end so that we can found there a costial city or should we stay at this position and waste no time with finding a better spot. Note that we are on a map with huge amount of land.
Another question is what we should do with our people, in my opinion they are too happy. We waste gold on them that we could use better for new units and buildings. We waste food on them that could be better used for faster city growing. And finally our people could be more productive they only work 10 hours per day. We could produce our units faster if they would work as it should be 14 hours per. So end the waste of food, production and gold just to make our people happy, our empire is in danger if we continue in this way. OUr empire must survive, our empire must grow, our empire must expand.
The next question is what we should build in our first city. I think we need at first an early scout unit then a settler to found our second city that will produce more units so that we can protect our capital, so that our capital can build the Ramajana so that we can make our people happy and of course win the race with our enemies first.
The last question is what should we research, what new technologies we need for our near future. We can currently select to research:
Bronze Working
Slave Labor
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December 27, 2002, 14:31
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I think that we should get away from this desert and try to find a decent grassland, plain or hill to settle on.
Furthermore i think that we should set PW to 10% and push to the limits in food rations,workday and wages( i mean who needs 10 gp in 4000BC?)
Last i think that slave labor should be good obtion
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December 27, 2002, 15:23
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is this a minister's thread? because this covers just about every minister's area of expertise.
December 27, 2002, 17:09
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I just hate deserts and swamps and there is no good in the area we are what make me go away even more.
I think we should go to west according to the river and running away from ths swamps and deserts. Since it looks like we are in the end of a bi desert because i can see the border of another desert in the edge of the north tile. Would be a good i dea too to go to the south since the greenish look of the area (southwest, south and southeast) look very good. We must be in the transition of a wet and a dry area. If so the south looks even more tempting
So west with the river or south with the green area?
Wise ass is the in charge of this decision he could make a poll if he likes but we can see how wise his ass is
As for the slider i would like to see where are we going to settle first.
As for the science IW can show us the best side of all option in a Official thread and decide for the best
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
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Last edited by Pedrunn; December 27, 2002 at 17:16.
December 28, 2002, 00:36
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I think we should follow the river NW towards the plains, if that uncovers a grassland+river next to the plains+river we move and settle on the grassland+river next turn.
The Ministry of Defence demands at least 2 warriors to explore and defend our land, before we see any hostile incursions after turn 19 (when barbs pop up). Bronze Working should also be our next goal.
The slider settings seem cut and dry to me, Least food, Max work, and leave it on centre for science(for later)
I also recommend not using any PW until at least 3 cities are built.
Maybe we should have seperate threads/polls for each of these subjects...
December 28, 2002, 09:53
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Originally posted by Maquiladora
The Ministry of Defence demands at least 2 warriors to explore and defend our land, before we see any hostile incursions after turn 19 (when barbs pop up). Bronze Working should also be our next goal.
Well that is a good point the Barbs will comming on turn 20, so we should prepare us so that we will have two or three defence units. One for exploration and two for defence. But then we need a settler to bring down our next city and we need the recoursses for the Ramajana so that we can finish it before one of our concurrents can do it.
Originally posted by Pedrunn
As for the science IW can show us the best side of all option in a Official thread and decide for the best
I think he should give us the advantages and disadvantages of each option and let us decide in a poll what should be the best. So far I don't care what we should research.
Originally posted by Pedrunn
As for the slider i would like to see where are we going to settle first.
Actual it is already clear that we need production, so the avarage work day must be 14 hours long, so that we have finally enough troops and can build the Ramajana, so that we can also max out all the sliders in the future.
Considering the Barbarian thread I agree that we shouldn't waste any PW in the early game.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
December 28, 2002, 10:49
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Im not sure building Ramayana is such a good choice. I mean we could build another settler and a few warriors before its finished. Also we're bound to be attacked a few times which might cause us to rush buy a warrior or hoplite when the Ramayana is almost finished, wasting all that production.
Also i dont think we need the +3 bonus that great so early. In the beginning game before Monarchy theres plenty of turns to build happiness buildings, Theaters and Shrines if we need to before we jump into Monarchy. I suppose its just my preference though... If its still available we should try to build it after 3 cities are built IMO.
December 28, 2002, 12:44
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2 scouts are essential now and I think after we've built the second city we need a third one plus city defenses. I fully agree with all the other propositions (sliders, pw, wonders) by the minister of defence too.
December 28, 2002, 13:45
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The Ramajana is a very powerfull wonder in the game. It is a huge waste of ressources if we have to build in every city of our empire the happiness building, instaed of building temples and collossea we could build units. Later in the game the one AI will have build the Ramajana and get the bonus. So if we have first build our two defensive units then the settler we should have a second city that will build the defensive units and the other city will build the Ramajana.
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December 29, 2002, 16:27
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December 29, 2002, 20:37
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tight thanx H Tower, and Pedrunn
i say we head east
December 30, 2002, 08:27
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This is (i think the best) way
first i put this in a wrong thread
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
Last edited by ískallin; December 31, 2002 at 09:33.
December 30, 2002, 12:15
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The saved games thread is not for strategy discussions so I moved the off-topic posts from that thread here.
December 30, 2002, 14:21
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Actual it is a very difficuilt decission where we should move. We selected a very high diversity for our game, so probably we will only find a similar spot, we are playing on a map with a lot of terrain, so following the river we could end on the wrong side, or in front of a one tile sea. The tile in the West promisse a two green neighbors. We don't know yet if there are hills or grassland. The surroundings of the tile in the South, seems also to have green neighbours. The tile in the Southwest of the South tile is prbably a hill tile, too. The other neighbour could be a grassland. The neighbour of the grassland tile is green, too. Probably also a grassland tile. Therefore I think the Southern Hills are a good place, we have access to the river so we can explore fast, and can return to our city fast as well. And finally a settler for our second city could be moved fast away.
Therefore I think the hill in the South is the best place. Or the at least risky place.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
December 30, 2002, 14:50
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I agree the hills are a good prospect, but we could waste *alot* of early turns if we dont build on the river so... id say move west, then move north-east and settle on the grassland+river tile next to the plains one which we cant see, but it must be grassland from the look of the border.
Or we could even settle on the forest+river, thats alot of production and growth. It would be best if we placed the city on the single most food tile though.
December 30, 2002, 17:17
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I second Maq. Forest/River is always a great combination, and that hill + mountain have some great production just waiting to be taken.
I'm not used to CtP2 graphics (blame CtP1), but I'm assuming that that is grassland in between the swamp and hills, so some good growth there.
I think it may be a gamble to settle on the forest, but it seems it could be the best place for now
December 30, 2002, 18:06
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I think we should first go to the River+Plains tile in the west to check out what terrain lies to the west (it's green so it ain't desert but it could still be a lot of other things). If it's good, go further west. If not, settle on the Forest: good production and defense, both of which will be very useful in fending off the Barbs early on (with still at least 3 river tiles, a Plains and a Grassland tile in the immediate radius).
Initial production should be 3 Warriors (2 for recon, 1 for defense) followed by a Settler (by the time the Settler's done Barbs will already be lurking so building the Settler earlier won't help much 'cause we'll need an escort).
Science-wise, Bronze Working and Ballistics are the most important in the defense against the Barbs. I say let's go for Ballistics first (and possibly early strikes against other AIs).
December 30, 2002, 23:09
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Originally posted by Locutus
I think we should first go to the River+Plains tile in the west to check out what terrain lies to the west (it's green so it ain't desert but it could still be a lot of other things). If it's good, go further west. If not, settle on the Forest: good production and defense.
I liked the idea.
I rather have the following order for the Build queue:
---->Warrior (recon until turn 15 than defense)
---->Warrior (to scout the settler)
I just think recon is suicide after turn 25-30. We should keep the warriors to explore along with settlers.
Ballista should come first we need ranged or flanker units the sooner to improve our stacked combat power.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
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December 30, 2002, 23:55
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Originally posted by Locutus
The saved games thread is not for strategy discussions so I moved the off-topic posts from that thread here.
makes it look confusing though
i agree w/ the forest then plains thing
and Pedrunn until the part where the first warrior stays outside and the second one can immediately fortify( unless the scout becomes a vet)
December 31, 2002, 12:01
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I think we should go first on the plains and then on the forest so we have our first two moves on the first turn, second turn should be the founding of the city on the forest tile. So we have a good place and we know a little bit more about our surroundings. If we max out the production we should have two warriors at turn 15. Then the settler in our city so that we can found our second city that can produce the units while the first city builds the Ramajana.
For science: I agree we need archers, so that we can improve our armies.
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December 31, 2002, 14:27
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the move onto plain part i agree, since we'll be able to see the green area and decide where to go from there
archers are very important  , and the writing after it so we can get a better gov
January 2, 2003, 16:46
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hey a simple and good orders for Pedrunn go west and see whats there and waste max 3-4 turns in finding a good spot. Then report to the forum
And slave labor is important when you start preying on those innocent 1-2 stacks of barbarians
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January 2, 2003, 16:55
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Originally posted by ískallin
hey a simple and good orders for Pedrunn go west and see whats there and waste max 3-4 turns in finding a good spot. Then report to the forum
 I think we should settle on turn 3 at the very latest, we need as many warriors as we can get before the barbarians start coming and we have a good river so theres no reason why we can settle on the second turn.
January 2, 2003, 18:41
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I'm with Maq. Settle next turn and start building warriors.
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January 3, 2003, 01:22
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now that the new map is in we'll go farther west and check it out
i hope the ocean's not too far
January 3, 2003, 11:50
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HuangShang: No one is promitted to play forward in the game
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January 3, 2003, 11:57
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Originally posted by HuangShang
now that the new map is in we'll go farther west and check it out
i hope the ocean's not too far
Actually in SAP the ocean isnt a great source of resources anymore, no production. But we should still settle by the sea, the more harbours we have the more ships we can build, but maybe concentrate on settling inland first.
January 3, 2003, 13:54
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Originally posted by Maquiladora
Actually in SAP the ocean isnt a great source of resources anymore, no production. But we should still settle by the sea, the more harbours we have the more ships we can build, but maybe concentrate on settling inland first.
Yeah inland settling is a better idea, because we don't have an idea when the river ends and if we are moving to the right end. So it is better to settle inland first and concentrate on building warriors settlers and the Ramajana. As we need a tile that provide us with a lot of production for the start settle on the jungle tile in the northeast.
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January 3, 2003, 14:39
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Originally posted by ískallin
HuangShang: No one is promitted to play forward in the game
who played forward, we just moved west
January 3, 2003, 18:11
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HuangShang: i misread youpost
When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka
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