December 31, 2002, 04:53
Local Time: 09:20
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i picked the second option, but then i'm a psychotic dictator whose people have few civil rights
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
December 31, 2002, 04:54
Local Time: 06:20
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maybe I'll just ignore that one. I don't like any of those options.
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December 31, 2002, 11:31
Local Time: 14:20
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This is freaky:
The Issue: Commentators have warned that Imperial Republics's social inequalities threaten to make it an international pariah.
The Debate
"Look, I don't like it either," said Chamber of Commerce spokesperson Freddy Fellow. "Just on the way here, I had to step over three homeless people, and one of my shoes got caught on a beggar. But inequality is the price we pay for economic strength. If anything, we need fewer taxes, so those of us who are well-off can afford to be more generous. If we want to, that is."
"I think we've forgotten what economic strength is all about," says social worker Charles King. "The economy is meant to be a means to a high standard of living, not an end in itself. It's become an excuse for the rich to prosper while the poor fall through the cracks. Not everyone is poor because they don't feel like working. We must provide more welfare."
"Who says we're an international pariah?" demands military honcho Chastity Mistletoe. "What are their names? If that's the way the international community feels, we obviously need to prepare for war."
I chose #2, but I am really tempted to choose three.  Has anybody done this? What exactly happens? I want to know!!!
December 31, 2002, 11:32
Local Time: 14:20
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Dissident, ban the bikes, who ever heard of a bike on a high way? it will increase your econ and wont damadge your civrights too much
December 31, 2002, 15:43
Local Time: 13:20
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 Do not ban the bikes!  Would we wrkect our fragile environment for the sake of a small economy boost? Keep your beautiful nations, allow bikes. However, do not ban cars, it is a violation of rights, the right to get up late and still get to work on time
The Libertarian answer would be dismiss it. I can't see a Libertarian government bothering themselves about such an issue to be honest.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 1, 2003, 21:10
Local Time: 00:20
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Ok, now I've finally come up against an issue that I don't have an answer for.
The Issue
The Department of Defense has put its case for a substantial increase in funding for the coming financial year.
The Debate
1)"There are turbulent times we live in," says Defense Chief Clint Trax. "Turbulent and dangerous. And the only sensible response to that, of course, is to build a lot more weapons. Unless we get the funding we need, I can't promise that we'll be able to defend Centralis's sovereign borders from rogue nations and foreign powers. Or those leaky boatloads of refugees, for that matter."
2) "NO MORE BOMBS," chant the protestors outside Parliament House, in a repetitious and increasingly annoying appeal. Spokesperson Zeke O'Bannon, speaking through a feedback-afflicted microphone, says, "Centralis needs fewer weapons, not more! Make the world a safer place! Disarm now!"
I'm leaning towards just dismissing the issue, as I don't see any need for more military spending but at the same time I don't see any reason for less, either.
January 1, 2003, 22:04
Local Time: 14:20
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GeneralTacticus, the pacifists are of the opinion that with fewer weapons there would be fewer wars and the world would be safer. This logic is flawed. If all nations disarmed now, there would still be conflict. War happens as an extention of politics. It would just be less hightech if you disarmed (probably causing unneeded casualties).
And considering the tensions between Apolyton and CFC I wouldn't let my gaurd down. I think it would be best to keep your military spending where it is and not increase, but you don't get that option :sad:. Well, better safe than sorry. If you have armsmanufacturing as an industry maybe your econ will grow.
January 1, 2003, 22:27
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Well, after numerous failures on the part of the NS site to function, I've finally got it to register that I'm increasing military spending. The legislation on this issue is currently pending.
January 2, 2003, 06:22
Local Time: 00:20
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Ok, now I have ANOTHER issue which I can't seem to decide on.
The Issue
A recent poll has revealed high levels of dissatisfaction among the populace about tax rates.
The Debate
1) "Do you know how much of my year's work goes to the government?" demanded angry worker Billy Christmas. "Too much! Government spending has gotten way out of control. It needs big cuts in welfare, health, and education. But leave those subsidies to business alone. We need them to create jobs."
2) "It's not the AMOUNT of tax, it's where the burden falls," says student activist Sue-Ann Summers. "And at the moment, far too much of the burden is falling on the poor. People on high incomes still have more money than people on low incomes. I don't think I need to say anything more than that."
3) "I don't object to the amount of tax, I object to where it's being spent," says social reformer Billy du Pont. "I'd like to see everyone have a choice as to where their tax dollars go every time they fill out a return. Everyone would feel a lot better about opening their wallets if they had a say as to where the money went. I think you'd see a lot more public money going to education and a lot less to business."
EDIT: In order to reverse Centralis' slide to the right, and just on general principles, I intend to pick either 2 or 3, but I can't seem to decide which one.
January 2, 2003, 09:36
Local Time: 13:20
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Well, do you value personal choice and freedom (#3) more than equality (#2)? I would go with number 2, simply because it's proposed by a women names Ann Summers  (Do you all have that in you countries?)
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 2, 2003, 10:51
Local Time: 14:20
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I had that before, I picked the 3rd option with my economy dropping from Strong to Good, and My Civil Rights going up from Good to Very Good
I was also tempted with number 2, but than I thought that if I was a taxpayer, I would really like to choose which government branch get my money.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
January 2, 2003, 20:49
Local Time: 00:20
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I ended up picking #3. It seems to have dropped my economy back down to reasonable again.
EDIT: that should have #3
Last edited by GeneralTacticus; January 3, 2003 at 03:13.
January 3, 2003, 03:08
Local Time: 06:20
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I picked #3, and yes it will do a hit on your economy.
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January 3, 2003, 18:04
Local Time: 13:20
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It is time for Ubinia to apoint a new religous advisor, the candidates are:
"Catholic Archbishop" Violet Trax: boasts an excellent track record, having rapidly increased church attendances in his constituencies through the "Reaching God Through Guilt" program. Seen as a solid choice.
"New Age thinker" Max Utopia: a left-field candidate with some radical ideas. "For me, it's not about the name of your religion. It's about discovering your spirituality in whatever guise that takes. Some people call that a cult: I call it taking spirituality to the people."
Zeke King. "If I am awarded the appointment, I will immediately resign," the ex-schoolteacher has declared. "Because, frankly, God is a big load of hokey. I'll be doing everyone a favor by just shutting up about it."
I, of course, will be giving the position to Max Utopia.
Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse
Do It Ourselves
January 3, 2003, 19:01
Local Time: 07:20
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Okay, got a problem here. Foreign cars are becoming popular, which is hurting my native auto industry (what little exists). My options are to save it by increasing tarrifs, save it by abolishing minimum-wage laws, or just let it die.
I'm in favor of minimum-wage laws, so #2 is right out. Normally, I'm in favor of free trade, but I need another real industry. So should I let practicality override my beliefs?
January 3, 2003, 21:28
Local Time: 14:20
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Let the car industry die and only buy cars from the Wine's car manufacturing industries
Increase tariffs, both your economy and your workers will thank you for that, once your car industry will be back on track you can always repeal the tariffs and hope to gain some new markets.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
January 3, 2003, 21:34
Local Time: 07:20
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Hmmm, so I'll get a chance to repeal the tariffs later? Hopefully, I'll have some other industries by then.
Unfortunately, I can't mandate higher standards of quality, to my knowledge. If I could, I would.
(Edit: Yes, I'm going with option 1. Need industry, fast...)
(Edit 2: If only I could get through to the fricking page...)
Last edited by Vlad Antlerkov; January 3, 2003 at 21:41.
January 4, 2003, 05:01
Local Time: 06:20
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Oswald, I picked the new age thinker. Not much effect except a little blurb on the third paragraph of my nation description.
I'm not sure what to do about the tariffs. I'll find out when I get that one. I may just dismiss it.
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
January 6, 2003, 09:15
Local Time: 16:20
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In a bid to provide a new revenue stream for Greater Finland's Beef-Based Agriculture industry, it has been suggested that Japanese schoolgirls could be added to the menu.
1. "The fact is, the Japanese schoolgirl population is out of control," says Beef-Based Agriculture spokesperson Al Dredd. "We have to do something about them anyway, so why not market them as tasty snacks? We could have Japanese schoolgirl kebabs, Japanese schoolgirl pies, Japanese schoolgirl-on-a-sticks--the possibilities are endless! Let's not pass up this golden opportunity to provide a feast, if you will, for our economy."
2. "I agree that something needs to be done about Japanese schoolgirl over-population," says random passer-by Billy-Bob Longfellow, "but eating them? That's kind of gross. Let's just shoot the ones we have to and shovel their bodies into ditches like normal."
3. "I am shocked and appalled!" declared SPCA President Dave Fellow. "If anyone needs to be culled, it's us humans. The Japanese schoolgirls were here first, remember? We need to take this as a sign to get our industry--agriculture in particular--to back off. The Japanese schoolgirl is part of what makes Greater Finland a great nation!"
Lemmy recommended #1, so I'll go with #3.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
January 6, 2003, 10:37
Local Time: 13:20
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Yes, you must protect Japanese Schoolgirls at all cost
BTW, the Commonwealth of Akiria is interesting in introducing Japanese Schoolgirls into it's lush and beautiful forests. We feel the influx of a new species would do wonders for the eco-system. Would the honourable delegate from Greater Finland agree to such a proposal? We are prepared to trade for them, if it is needed.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 6, 2003, 12:07
Local Time: 14:20
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Need help here:
Child Casino Shock
The Issue
Children as young as eight have been spotted gambling in some of Wine's seedier casinos.
The Debate
Social activist Hack du Pont is outraged. "Gambling needs to be outlawed immediately. It's no wonder children are becoming sucked into the vice, with adults setting such a poor example. Gambling is a stain on Wine's international reputation and it must be stopped!"
However, Crown Casino chairperson Chastity Falopian says, "What's wrong with children gambling? It prepares them for the realities of life, teaching them that success or failure is not due to hard work or intelligence, but the roll of the dice. Besides, if kids weren't gambling, they'd be spraypainting trains."
The Government Position
The government has yet to formalize a position on this issue.
If you wish, you may simply dismiss this issue.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
January 6, 2003, 18:02
Local Time: 16:20
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Originally posted by Drogue
BTW, the Commonwealth of Akiria is interesting in introducing Japanese Schoolgirls into it's lush and beautiful forests. We feel the influx of a new species would do wonders for the eco-system. Would the honourable delegate from Greater Finland agree to such a proposal? We are prepared to trade for them, if it is needed.
Well, as we have seen from the examples Australia with frogs, rabbits and whatnot has set, it's important to conduct careful studies before introducing entirely new fauna in to an ecosystem.
Does Akiria have an ecological category the schoolgirl fit in to? Are there any natural enemies and food present, and in appropriate measures to control a new population of a new species?
You wouldn't want to end up with all of your lush forests swarming with Japanese schoolgirls starving for some exotic, rough, tentacled... food, like octopuses, now would you?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Last edited by Kassiopeia; January 6, 2003 at 18:08.
January 7, 2003, 05:56
Local Time: 06:20
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What's a good libertarian response to this issue? I'm still undecided on it.
As crime rates rise, some in the community are calling for increased policing.
The Debate
"Just the other day, I got mugged in the broad daylight!" says ruffian Bill O'Bannon. "And the ironic thing is I had just stuck up this other guy. When muggers are getting mugged, even I have to admit that crime has gotten out of control. We do need more police."
"The solution to crime is not more police!" says noted sociologist and occasional crime novelist Colin Jefferson. "Studies repeatedly show that crime is caused by poverty and poor education. Increase government spending in these areas, and crime will fall! Maybe not overnight, but it will happen."
"Yeah, good luck with that," says conservative leader and gun enthusiast Clint Thiesen. "Look, we do need more police, that's clear. But that's not enough. We need real punishments: sentences that will act as a genuine deterrent to people considering a life of crime. Like public floggings."
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
January 7, 2003, 06:28
Local Time: 13:20
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Again, I don't think there is one. I'd choose option 2, but as a Libertarian, it's probably another dismissal
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 7, 2003, 10:34
Local Time: 14:20
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I think #2 is the best choice, and that is what I would have picked.
I can't see any libertarian answer in that.....

#2 unlike the other two choices at least is not about increasing police, thus increasing government control and oppression, so #2 might appear as the more libertarian of all the choices.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
January 7, 2003, 10:46
Local Time: 13:20
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Greater Finland: Here is a report from our ecology department:
Akiria's natural landscape of rolling forests, mountains and high tech neon cities, would be the ideal habitit for Japanese Schoolgirls. We have a lack of predators here, yet our ever increasing population of raw fish, and our health fast food industry, would provide all the nutrition needed, while our hi-tech IT industry can provide for most of their wants and needs. Indeed the introduction of Japanese Schoolgirls would help to curb many of our other species, that currently have populations ballooning out of control, and help the men land to become more fertile. We feel that Akiria is a wonderful habitiat for the Japanese Schoolgirls to live in peace and harmony, and shall provide much enjoyment for our overworked, undersexed political leaders nature watchers
I hope this meets your approval?  We can reimberse you all expenses, and are willing to trade for them, but we feel our environment is crying out for new species
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 7, 2003, 11:44
Local Time: 16:20
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My department for the environment has reached a similar conclusion. We are planning to collect a population of 700 schoolgirls, 120 of them from the largest habitat in the Urutsukidoji Hills. The best way to transport them to Akiria would probably be with two modified passenger airplanes. I'll have the creatures sent to you ASAP, we can discuss reimbursement later.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
January 7, 2003, 15:11
Local Time: 15:20
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Originally posted by Kassiopeia
Japanese schoolgirl pies
You make my life and times
A book of bluesy Saturdays
January 7, 2003, 18:15
Local Time: 13:20
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I have two of my personal luxury jet's coming towards Greater Finland now. They should hold 700 schoolgirls comfortably. Many thanks for the help, it is much appriciated.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
January 7, 2003, 18:33
Local Time: 15:20
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As crime rates rise, some in the community are calling for increased policing.
I chose # 2 and now crime is unknown in Jedinica Vrijstaat, while I have always chosen against heavimy supporting police or the army.  Of course, if you want to keep the libertarian freedom to be mugged...
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