This thread is just for brainstorming, so if you think something: just throw it out and post.
I am currently busy with a
Rewriting of Civilization III and that
Rewriting might become a base concept for loads of mods (I don't think so, but everyone has his amibtions...

). I want to achieve several things in the
Rewriting, but the most important is:
Way less BasicUnits and much more CivSpecificUnits (UniqueUnits, so you want).
But I need some critical reactions on it and I need much more
CSU's. That's why I want to ask some things on forums, because combined thinking will lead much more further.
Also see the attachment: it's far away from ready, but a march of 1000 steps also begins with one first step. I think almost everyone can open the attachment, because I saved it (an Excel spreadsheet) in a older format: Excel 97. So also the not so updated people can open it. Good luck and I'm waiting of reactions.
Remember, it's not the meaning to write a whole new Civilization (that will be IV), but a base concept for mods.