#1 You are an anarcho-communist
#2 You are an ecologist or green
#3 You are a social liberal
#4 You are an anarcho-capitalist
#5 You are a classical socialist
#6 You are a communist
#7 You are a social democrat
#8 You adhere to the Third Way
#9 You are a Christian democrat
#10 You are a market liberal
#11 You are a libertarian conservative
#12 You are a fascist
Overall, pretty accurate. Glad to see the fascists on the bottom.

The communists are rather high, though. I also answered medium priority for everything, so that may have skewed things.
But the questions were pretty stupid in this poll (as in most). For instance, it asks whether the government should promote racial and sexual equality. Well, no ****, of course it should. The thing is, it shouldn't do so in an authoritarian manner, which I believe was the implication. Or it asks whether globalization is desirable, but it doesn't specify exactly what globalization is. I like globalization, but a lot of what's considered globalization is far from actually being globalization (i.e. forcing developing countries to accept our intellectual property controls).
Communists believe in the abolition of the state as well as anarchists.
But communists believe that the state should nurse the revolution. Isn't it funny how the state usually becomes counter-revolutionary?
The United States is naturally more libertarian than Europe and we have always been since 1776.
Not really. The US' War on Drugs alone pulls it pretty far back relative to most of Europe. As for 1776, not many countries in Europe-proper (excluding colonies) were worse than the American South as far as freedom goes. Only the socialist areas of the US in 1776 were libertarian, of course.