Thanks Guys, and I hope that qualified as a legitimate question, that hasn't been asked before. I didn't see anything in the FAQ's that dealt with that particular issue.
Also, sorry for not posting for awhile, I've been dealing both with personal issues that must be addressed and
require my undivided attention, and I hate to admit it but I also kinda got sucked into a new game (to me anyway) that deals with another of my favorite interests.
But, I haven't forgotten you guys, I wanted you to know, and have missed you all tremendously. You are all
the "Greatest" in my book.
I hope everyone is well, the community certainly appears to have grown in my absence, and looks as if it's thriving, which is always a good thing.
Anyway, I'm happy to be back, and hope no one is angry with me.
Where there's a whip, there's a way.; Tolkien "the Hobbit"