November 9, 1999, 03:39
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November 9, 1999, 03:40
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what is going on ?!?
November 9, 1999, 08:55
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I believe AnnC is trying to get her post count up.
Vel, I am having trouble finding time to finish this game. When I do, I would like to swap some .sav files (Flo this means you too) and then I will certainly want to try another run.
November 9, 1999, 12:01
Local Time: 19:51
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Mmm . . . it would appear that way, would it not? Even so, I'm still only a "Junior Civer".
November 9, 1999, 14:48
saved 2200 and 2226 on my good PBEM zip and sent them to JT for scrutiny
long report, as Rektor Flo cannot really promise a 2240. Ramped the research to insane amounts
MY 2230
Diplomacy: 2 Pacts, 1 Treaties, 3 Vendetta
Gov: Rektor Flo, global trade pact
# of bases: 28
# of techs: 59
Score: 1159
Pop = 346
Income = 1594/turn, maintenance -318, loan -9
Techs coming in every turn ; 7155 techs/turn, cost is 5040
Self aware Machines is next
I am now running Dem/FM/Knowledge/Cybernetic at 30-0-70
Active Units: (swearing here- too diverse)
Lost a total of 36 units to date
29 Super Formers
2 clean scout infantry
1 trance scout infantry
1 trance scout defensive
3 scout skirmisher
1 Synthmetal Garrison
2 ECM Photon Garrison
1 ECM Prob. Sentinel
1 AAA Photon Garrison
1 AAA Chaos Shock Troop
1 trained fusion speeder
1 Tachyon Speeder
4 trance plasma sentinel
2 Clean Plasma Sentinel
3 trance synthmetal sentinel
1 synthmetal garrison
1 Scout rover
8 Super Fusion Sea Formers
2 Clean Fusion Sea Formers Mk2
13 Fusion Speeder Supply
1 Drop Supply
2 Trained Scout Infantry
10 Crawlers
2 fusion foil supply
1 fusion skirmship probe team
1 trance plasma hoverboat
4 trance fusion cruiser transport
2 Missile Rovers
1 Missile Squad
4 Scout patrol
4 Tachyon Copter
5 Tachyon Rotor
1 Chaos Needlejet
1 Empath Chaos Needlejet
2 Chaos Interceptor
1 Tachyon Interceptor
1 Artifact
1 Fusion Transport
1 Silksteel Sentinel
1 AAA something
Secret projects, out of order: Virtual World was first, Space Elevator last, but in -between ?
Weather Paradigm
Merchant Exchange
Command Nexus
Virtual World
Citizen's Defense Force
Neural Amplifier
Ascetic Virtues
Longevity Vaccine
Cyborg Factory
Theory of Everything
Cloning Vats
Universal Translator
Space Elevator
Working on 2 new secret project
Breakdown of Alpha Centauri Score:
Pop 390
Commerce 360
Tech 59
Secret Projects 350
While pasting way too much already => Facilities
Surprisingly little here, and many were finished too late to make a difference anyway
1 HQ
23 Recycling Tanks
24 Childrens Creches
27 Recreation commons
8 Energy Banks
27 Network Nodes (had to rebuild one)
1 Biolab
21 Tree Farms
4 Hybrid Forests
21 Research Hospitals
19 Hab-Complexes
18 Fusion Labs
6 Nanohospitals
3 hydroponic labs
4 orbital power transmitter
almost exclusively working on energy satellite and rover crawlers now.
+ Perimeter Defenses, Command Centers and Bioenhancement Centers in all bases due to projects. 5 Aerospace Complexes and the HQs Childrens Creche were scrapped for uselessness.
November 9, 1999, 17:26
Local Time: 20:51
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Posts: 1,657
After a very brief look at Flo's 2226, I can see only one thing that might have enabled him to travel a steeper research path than I did.
We both used University Base as a science base, but he built the Merchant Exchange there. I am speculating that the +1 energy per square made a much bigger difference than I would have thought.
In all the games of SMAC I have played, I don't ever remember building that Secret Project. I always go for the Weather Paradigm and/or the Human Geonome.
I have never been a math head. I had no idea that it would make such a difference. Perhaps I have indeed learned something from Flo's clearly superior performance.
November 9, 1999, 17:33
Local Time: 20:51
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Posts: 1,657
After a very brief look at Flo's 2226, I can see only one thing that might have enabled him to travel a steeper research path than I did.
We both used University Base as a science base, but he built the Merchant Exchange there. I am speculating that the +1 energy per square made a much bigger difference than I would have thought.
In all the games of SMAC I have played, I don't ever remember building that Secret Project. I always go for the Weather Paradigm and/or the Human Geonome.
I have never been a math head. I had no idea that it would make such a difference. Perhaps I have indeed learned something from Flo's clearly superior performance.
November 9, 1999, 22:30
Local Time: 01:51
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Vel, it's 31 that's the magic number...
November 10, 1999, 01:32
Local Time: 01:51
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30 is the magic number, AnnC....
And not to worry JT, but when you get time to finish it, we'll see if we can find another map and go another round.....this was a FANTASTIC idea!
November 10, 1999, 04:44
Local Time: 01:51
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Merchant Exchange makes an unreal difference to the superbase.
Supercollider turns the +1 to +2, Theory turns the +2 to +4 *per square*
Space Elevator then adds an unreal amount of cash, also, added to the exchange.
I always build the Weather Paradigm first, in a secondary base, and the Merchant on whatever base has the best site for energy consumption. Headquarters can always be relocated =)
November 10, 1999, 19:32
sorry for this late post. I, well, the whole campus went completely offline on Tue 4.30 pm.
Stupid story, very typical for Alfred:
On thursday the maintenance geniuses observed a water leak. It did not disappear, so they actually started looking for it on friday. Turning the water off without notice, of course. Really funny after taking a big dump ooops.
The weekend passed uneventfully.
On monday, the search for the elusive, bad, bad leak went into high gear. They never found it, but managed to shut down one of the 3 *BIG* transformers at 3ish on tuesday. Whooosh, here goes every non surge protected computer on campus. Without notice again. *******s. I'm a slightly concerned about the HD. It's been a while since the last backup :-( '''
The second transformer went with a loud boom, and a flying manhole cover. Short circuiting 12400 Volts by evaporating water is nothing you witness every day. The third one shut itself down without damage at this point, too. (so they say). Unfortunately i didn't witness it, working in a room with no windows connected to a corridor with no windows. Thats equals pitch black. Groovy baby ! End of story for now: the school closed. No network. No nothing. No stupid work. No urgent experiments (zapping stuff with very fast stuff. i like that). No nothing.
update, wednesday, 3ish. Super, no certain date when the Uni will open its gates again. Gates those locks were just exchanged for security reasons, btw. Now i truly can't work, lol.
Anyways, using the emergency long distance ISP to post this. My PBEMs are on hold for at least 2 days, i guess.
Transcendence in 2239. I reset the SE to 50-0-50 with Dem/FM/Know/Cyb for ease of comparison. Ran Wealth, 100% research for the industry bonus in 2238. The move (cleaning up the mess planet made after the voice + moving 20 new crawlers out of their bases) has not yet begun.
Score: 3147
pop: 445
comm: 641
tech: 73
SP: 500
victory: 1488
392 pop. in 30 bases
20 SP
11407.5 research, tech cost is 6300
Analysis: JT will be disgusted by my total disregard for minerals. Built a grand total of 3 Mines, 5 Boreholes, 5 mining satellites as opposed to 16 echelon mirrors, 16 energy satellites, + unnumerable solar collectors and tidal harnesses. The Mesa looks like the rocky mountains now (up and up and up she goes !). This energy mainly ends up in the HQ.
The game was basically played as a OCC, with the added comfort of cities producing a defense, homongous amounts of crawlers once the longevity vaccine and supercollider were in place, and producing most of the research and energy before those crucial secret projects. I tend to build many (kelp)farms, to free some citizens for specialist duty and very early pop booms. The UoPs performance in this style is completely amazing for me, as i never played them but once (OCC on the Paris airport on a laptop. My fastest OCC. Dismissed this as: yeah, whatever, stupid faction anyways). The drones are mostly a non-issue. Surprise, surprise, i thought the PKs were the strongest faction for me.
HQ stats: size 23
51 food, 35 Minerals, 614 Energy. This energy + the transcendii yield
2907 income
4216 tech
48 psych
adding the 50% bonus for SE gives 6324 research, just meeting the 6300 cost for a new tech
SP: MExchange, Supercoll., Longev. Vacc., Theory of every., universal translator, network bb., space elevator and the transcendance
The rest of the empires infrastructure was pretty much neglected after 2225. Some bases are actually starving by now. (but still adding 200 research or whereabouts). Thats the true transcend spirit !
Miriam got tired of my airforce, and i don't want any more of her wank bases, so a truce was signed and the only units actually doing something are:
86 crawlers of all flavors
4 heavily armored trance cruiser transports. Harvested the 2 artifacts i still possses just recently about 32 super clean formers, and about 12 of those as foils. These guys are busy as ever !
Side observation on the AI:
Surprisingly adaptive. I was trying to keep the Morganites and the PK tech levels closely behind mine before my research took of. By selling for 25 typically. After some transactions my "magnaminous" allies *always* refused to trade tech, but willingly sold it. Payed a whopping 900 for fusion power, and typically 450 or 200 for another 3 or 4 techs before that. After fusion power (read: labs) the research-gap became hopeless and i was on my own.
November 14, 1999, 16:52
Local Time: 20:51
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Posts: 1,657
Game Complete in 2264. Score 2375, rating 222%. Transcendence for Dummies.
I just sleepwalked through this as Flo's performance thoroughly took the wind out of my sails. I even forgot to save, so the last save was 2259. I could care less.
A bummer.
I asked Flo if he was up to another game and he said sure, but lets play conquest. Bummer.
November 14, 1999, 18:41
Bummer ?
i plainly stink in conqueror mode and need help here. Help *you* and Vel can provide
Another builder game would be alright as well. Just not as exciting.
October 31, 2000, 00:15
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November 7, 2000, 01:12
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Have you never heard the phrase, let sleeping dogs lie?
Bump bummer bingo.
November 7, 2000, 08:14
Local Time: 01:51
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Oh come on, it is still a damn good thread though, from the height of SMAC's power....
November 7, 2000, 18:58
Local Time: 02:51
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It'd be more interesting if jimmytrick could produce the original start file
November 8, 2000, 21:25
Local Time: 02:51
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Ah well. Here to confirm that it's not his bag any more, rather than making a contribution I guess. Pity. There are a few people here might have been interested in reviving and replaying an old challenge game ...
November 9, 2000, 10:12
Local Time: 01:51
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Absolutely, I would be very interested in playing this challenge! This thread was enthralling, I loved every post. Come on, Jimmy, you can dig it up from somewhere, can't you?
There must be some of the challenge games lounging around on some of the various SMAC sites - maybe Vel's site? Don't know, just a thought....
November 9, 2000, 11:02
Local Time: 20:51
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Why not start a new challenge? If the original start file is unavailable, why not create another?
November 9, 2000, 11:44
Actually, i still got those files. However, this challenege just celebrated its anniversary ! And, oh, how much we learned since. We (well, at least i) didn't even upgrade crawlers for rapid SPs back then.
So, lets start a new one. New thread opened for discussion of settings
November 9, 2000, 12:17
Local Time: 20:51
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Well, I do not have the file. Or any Smac files. Sorry all.
Flo, I haven't learned anything in the last year so you might be closing in on me.
Did you guys ever finish Erewhon?
Seriously Flo, please send me this file as several folks have requested it and I would like to comply.
November 10, 2000, 20:59
Local Time: 02:51
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Location: Leamington Spa, England
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jt, Flo sent me the file and asked me to forward it to you as he has problems sending you files. I've done that ... used the email address in your profile. If you need it sending to another address, mail me at
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