December 31, 2002, 22:22
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Orders for 2113-2120, Sat. 2100 GMT
Directors, post your orders please, and state if you can attend. The chat will be at the usual place (i.e. EFnet, etc.).
Last edited by GeneralTacticus; January 2, 2003 at 21:43.
December 31, 2002, 22:27
Local Time: 00:33
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Build Queue Orders:
New Apolyton:
Insert Police Plasma Sentinels to end of queue (1-3-1 police).
Request permission to rush Network Node, for 74 ECs.
Tacticus Academy:
No changes.
No changes.
Worker Placement Orders:
New Apolyton:
No changes.
Move 13,83 to 14,84.
Tacticus Academy:
Move Doctor to 7,87.
No changes.
Crawler Orders:
Tacticus Academy crawler (8, 86) north of Tacticus Academy, crawl minerals.
- Move to 6,88 & crawl nutrients.
Tacticus Academy crawler (8, 90) south of Tacticus Academy, crawl minerals.
- Move to 10,88 & crawl minerals.
Former Orders:
Tacticus Academy former (6, 88), west of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
- Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.
ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (6, 88), west of Tacticus Academy, no orders.
- Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.
Antioch former (6, 88), W of Tacticus Academy, no orders
- Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.
ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (6,88), W of Tacticus academy, no orders
- Move NW 1 tile and build condenser, then farm, then move to 8,84, build condenser, then farm.
Tacticus Academy former (12, 84), WNW of ThisBaseIsBelongToUs, build farm
- Continue clearing fungus, then build farm, collector, & road, in that order.
January 2, 2003, 20:42
Local Time: 00:33
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*BUMP* We need orders people!
January 2, 2003, 22:32
Local Time: 10:33
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the orders from last time are still valid, since we didn't play them out.
January 2, 2003, 22:34
Local Time: 00:33
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Ok. I just hope they'll last for the seven years I'm hoping to play for - although we may be cut short yet again, as I was just informed that we're going to be leaving on the same day as the chat  These chats are cursed, I tell you.
January 3, 2003, 09:00
Local Time: 15:33
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I don't know how long the orders will last. Unfortunately I do not have the time to review them. Also I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the Saturday chat. In case of an emergency, just ask a Jedinican citizen or TKG for advice.
Originally posted by Maniac
Preliminary Jedinica Vrijstaat orders, MY 2113 onwards
Build queues
Hab Complex
Gatling Squad
Police Infantry
Colony Pod
Network Node
Sheathed Sword
Recreation Commons
Children's Creche
Terminal Dogma
(changes - the local terraformation works are proceeding faster then expected)
Recreation Commons
Supply Crawler
Supply Crawler
Supply crawlers
Supply crawler 1 produced in Terminal Dogma
Convoy minerals S of Terminal Dogma, (18,68)
Supply crawler 2 produced in Terminal Dogma
Convoy nutrients SE of Terminal Dogma, (19,67)
Worker allocations
Terminal Dogma
Move W-SW worker (farm & solar collector) to E (forest)
Move NE worker (flat & rainy tile) to NE-E (farm & solar collector)
When size 9 is reached, change one flat&rainy worker to a librarian, provided food is sufficient, and no doctor is needed instead.
Sheathed Sword former 1 N-NE of Sheathed Sword (13,59), no orders
-move S, then E, to (15,61), E-NE of Sheathed Sword
-build road
-move one tile SW
-build farm
-build solar collector
Sheathed Sword former 2 N-NE of Sheathed Sword (13,59), no orders
-move S, then SE to (14,62), E of Sheathed Sword
-build farm
-build solar collector
Sheathed Sword former W of Sheathed Sword (10,62), constructing sensor array
-finish sensor array
-move one tile SE
-build road
-move two tiles E
-build sensor array
Terminal Dogma former S of Terminal Dogma (18,68), constructing mine
-finish mine
-move one tile NE
-build farm
-build condenser
Terminal Dogma former E of Sheathed Sword (20,66), no orders
-move one tile SE
-plant forest
-build sensor array
-move one tile W, then one tile SW
-construct mine
-move one tile NE
-build farm
-build condenser
Concordia former S-E-E of Terminal Dogma (22,68), no orders
-build road
-move one tile NW
-plant forest
-build sensor array
-move one tile W, then one tile SW
-construct mine
-move one tile NE
-build farm
-build condenser
Pandemonium former SE of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
-construct solar collector
-move one tile N
-build farm
-build condenser
Terminal Dogma former SE of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
-construct solar collector
-move one tile N
-build farm
-build condenser
Pandemonium former SW of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
-move one tile N
-build road
-move one tile E
-build farm
-build condenser
Concordia former NE-NE of Concordia (13,73), building road
-finish road
-move two tiles E, after the road at (15,73) is completed
-remove fungus
Concordia former NE-NE of Concordia (13,73), moving to (15,73)
-move to (15,73)
-build road
-move one tile E
-remove fungus
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
January 3, 2003, 09:22
Local Time: 15:33
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Location: Bubblewrap
Posts: 2,032
Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
Ok. I just hope they'll last for the seven years I'm hoping to play for - although we may be cut short yet again, as I was just informed that we're going to be leaving on the same day as the chat These chats are cursed, I tell you.
Leaving? For how long? 
Do i have to take over again?
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
January 3, 2003, 17:43
Local Time: 06:33
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Twin Sea Preliminary Orders MY 2213-???
Build Queues
Crystalis (no change)
Mysidia (no change)
New Suez (no change)
New Base (34, 108)
1-1-1 Scout Patrol
Recycling Tanks
Children’s Crèche
New Suez Supply Crawler (23, 93) north of New Suez, convoying minerals
-change convoy to nutrients
In case more crawlers are built move them to existing forest locations which are unoccupied and have them convoy minerals.
New Suez Sea Former (22, 94) west of New Suez
-move to 22, 94; directly southeast of present location
-construct tidal harness
-move to 22, 96; directly south of current location
-cultivate kelp farm
-construct tidal harness
Crystalis Former (26,106) southwest of Crystlis, planting forest
-finish planting forest (due for completion in 3 turns)
-construct road
-move to 25, 107; directly southwest of present location
-remove fungus
-plant forest
-build road
Mysidia Former (30, 106) northeast of Crystalis
-leave in present location
-remove fungus
-plant forest
-build road
-move to 31, 107; directly southeast of present location
-remove fungus
-plant forest
-build road
New Suez Former (29, 105) northeast of Crystalis, removing fungus
-finish removing fungus (2 turns to go)
-in same location plant forest
-construct road
-plant forest
-move to 28, 104; directly northwest of present location
-plant forest
-build road
New Apolyton Former (20, 108) southeast of Aurora, building road
-finish constructing road
-move to 24, 104; southeast of Mysidia
-remove fungus
-construct mine
-build road
U.N. Pizza Delivery Former (22, 102) south of Mysidia, plating forest
-leave in present location
-build road
-move to 23, 99; directly northeast of Mysidia
-construct thermal borehole
-build road
Tactius Academy Former (21, 103) southwest of Mysidia
-move to 22, 104; directly southeast of present location
-plant forest
-build road
-construct sensor array
In case more formers are built have them remove fungus and continue planting forests and building roads in locations where they do not currently exist.
January 3, 2003, 19:56
Local Time: 00:33
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Location: of Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 6,851
Leaving? For how long?
Until Thursday next week.
Do i have to take over again?
January 3, 2003, 20:20
Local Time: 00:33
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Location: of Melbourne, Australia
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Okay, between the orders here and the orders in the previous thread, I still need orders from DBTS (who seems to have gone AWOL), Drogue, and Hercules.
January 3, 2003, 20:38
Local Time: 14:33
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I hope to make it. It will be my first attempt though. Thankfully a lot of the build orders have already been posted.
In most cases no change but I would ask Governers for some bases and the DIA to look at placing some defensive units in their build queues.
OK we get CDF next turn,, but our HQ is woefully undefended. I wonder if that police plasma unit ordered, could move up a few rungs.
I also would ask if a defensive probe team could be considered somwhere in the q in the near future for Antioch.
(there is a black sea patch close by)
The build order posted by Maniac for Jedinica is fine, mostly but I would ask the Gov and the DIA to consider a police plasma unit in Pandemoniac somewhere high in the build queue.
In the Twin Sea? region Again sound build orders but I would ask Voltaire to look at building / upgrading garrison to 1-1t-1 level. at Crystalis and Mysidia, not for fear of attack from outside but from attack from natives. A lot of fungus near by.
The same sentiment would apply to Drogue's bases in the new region, particularly Aurara.
The Aurillion region bases seem fine, perhaps a police and probe unit at Deux et Machina included/ added to the queue.
There was no time to poll and anyhow the specific build instructions are a matter for the DIA and Governers as well, as you all know.
Note Yang has the Missle tech and following our sucessful infiltration we note his considerable defense build up of forces on his Eastern flank.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
January 3, 2003, 20:42
Local Time: 10:33
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Posts: 4,783
tacticus: i *guess* i can make some orders for aurillion if necessary 
EDIT: i've found DBTS' last orders, issued in 2211. they should last till '17
and herc, why a defensive probe in antioch, of all places? i don't understand that one
January 3, 2003, 20:45
Local Time: 14:33
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If the number of turns hoped for (to 2220) takes place then our sea units are likely to meet with one or two more factions in this play period. I sincerely hope these will be beneficial and peaceful encounters.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
January 3, 2003, 20:48
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Herc: I greatly doubt there will be any need for the garrison unit to be moved forward at NA; it will be only another 12 turns before it's reached, after all.
January 3, 2003, 21:22
Local Time: 06:33
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Request permission to rush Network Node, for 74 ECs.
I haven't registered in this game, but I hope you won't mind a friendly observation. The above "rush build" is wasting ECs. If not rushed, TBIBTU will complete its Network Node in 4 turns. The "hurry" cost of 74 ECs will result in the the node being built in 0 turns. However, there is no difference between building the node in 0 turns or 1 turn (you don't get it until the next full turn no matter what). Instead of spending 74 ECs, just make a partial payment of 56 ECs. That's 3/4 of 74, rounded up. The node is completed the next turn for a savings of 18 ECs. This minor savings adds up to a significant gain over the whole game.
January 3, 2003, 21:34
Local Time: 00:33
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The problem with that is that:
a) Sometimes you make mistakes, and waste a turn,
b) If you rush the whole way, you can save up to ten mins worth of time on the next project.
It's a matter of personal preference.
January 3, 2003, 21:37
Local Time: 10:33
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 4,783
Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
b) If you rush the whole way, you can save up to ten mins worth of time on the next project.
i personally practice that quite often in SP.
Petek, sure you wouldn't like to join up? we could use some more people
January 3, 2003, 21:43
Local Time: 00:33
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Yes. Up to that many minerals can be carried over.
January 4, 2003, 09:09
Local Time: 14:33
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Sure some mins are carried over, but you pay much more (esp. when there are lots of mins to go and only few turns left) without winning time. The money you spare with doing partial rushs can be used to pay for the mins you would have got as a "carry over" . I never payed the whole price, anyway.
January 4, 2003, 12:15
Local Time: 14:33
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TKG Yes well spotted misread my notes. It should be a request for a defensive probe in the q at Tacticus Academy, not Antioch.
Re New Apolyton request. I just think a lot can happen in 12 turns and we will have 3 SPs and an artifact defended by a scout unit and the CDF until then. Alternatively there may be an argument for an upgrade to 1- best-1 instead or in the meantime. Have not calculated the cost, what maybe 30?EC
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
January 4, 2003, 16:53
Local Time: 00:33
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Turnchat going now.
January 8, 2003, 14:28
Local Time: 13:33
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Location: of Xanadu, Scottish Section of the Apolyton Must Crush Capitalism Party
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For next turnchat, tonight or next saturday : DoSE order : Switch to Knowledge.
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