2201 – Tech! Adaptive Economics, begin Neural Grafting (4 turns). Zac builds PN, then calls to gloat. Figure he might be willing to trade, so I declared vendetta against the Believers. Instead he criticizes me for running wealth and tells me he wont trade.
2202 – Pirates begin the Command Nexus. Probe foil promoted to commando after stealing CyberEthics from the Caretakers. Switching to Knowledge next year. Tech every 3 years now!

2204 – Tech! Neural Grafting, begin Bio-Engineering (4 turns). Pirates have dissolved our pact, but we are still at peace.
2207 – Tech! Bio-Engineering, begin Doctrine:Intiative (3 turns)
2211 – Tech! Doctrine:Intiative, begin Superstring Theory (3 turns). UN HC begins Maritime CC. UN HA begins prototyping clean 3res armor. Formers being upgraded to clean versions as they complete jobs. Bribing more Marr navy to cancel attacks.
2213 – Tech! Superstring Theory, begin Synthetic Fossil Fuels (3 turns). Marr navy being sent to the bottom of the sea.
2216 – Tech! Synthetic Fossil Fuels, begin Polymorphic Software (3 turns).
2217 – University builds Command Nexus, then begins Citizens Defense Program.
2219 – Svensgaard calls in vein for an election, 212 to 41. Tech! Polymorphic Software, begin Doctrine:Air Power (3 turns).
2222 - Tech! Doctrine:Air Power!!!, begin Mind/Machine Interface (3 turns).
2223 – Caretakers start Empath Guild.
2224 – UN HC completes the Maritime CC. Marr contact us suing for peace, none shall come from me. Another fully laden Marr transport sinks to the bottom of the sea.
2225 – Tech! Mind/Machine Interface, begin Adaptive Doctrine (3 turns). First naval unit is built, an elite Clean Chaos Destroyer (8)-3-9. Compared to the other ships on the water this class shouldn’t be Destroyer, it should be Behemoth. Begin building Cloudbase Academy at UN DA. The caretakers have taken a nose dive on the power chart, I don’t know why. Svensgaard still brooding about the lost elections called and demanded a huge payment. I declined and he pronounced vendetta. One of my elite probe foils took advantage of the situation and stole Optical Computer from him. The Behemoth added insult to injury by sending an impact skimship to a watery grave.
2226 – All bases have reached their population limits. I have stagnated or +1 growth in all but a few bases. 23 of my 132 population are thinkers. In less than 10 years, I plan to clean up my build ques and have Hab Domes built in each base. Then a switch to Planned economics for a pop boom After I have reached my food capacity, a likely change to a Green economy, a bump in labs allocation, and a ongoing war with any that oppose my rule
2228 – Tech! Adaptive Doctrine, begin Advanced Military Algorithms. PK navy about to break the backs of two Pirates bases. The caretakers sued for peace, but they got the same answer as Marr.
2229 – PK builds first air unit on planet, a Clean Chaos PenetratorX 8x-1-10. The first victim, a fully loaded Marr transport. A second CCPX to be built next year. They will alternate bombing runs on the aliens.
2230 – Port Barbary (57:37) and Pot Svensgaard (71:15) concurred. Every faction except the Hive bans together to against me.
2231 – Tech! Advanced Military Algorithms, begin Superconductor (4 turns)
2232 – Cloudbase Academy built. Hab Domes rushed in every base. Economics switched to Planned.
2233 - Surprise attack by impact foil almost sink the Behemoth, she is retreating to UN CT. I gift Port Svensgaard to Hive. Marr’s Union Base (75:39) destroyed by gas attacks
2235 – Tech! Superconductor, begin Intellectual Integrity (5 turns) University builds Citizens Defense Program. Marr’s Razorwing City(0:38) destroyed by gas attacks.
2236 – Caretakers build Empath Guild. Elite probe steals Intellectual Integrity from the Caretakers, switching to Pre-Sentient Algorithms.(3 turns now as I create more thinkers)
2238 – Most of the PK bases have reached their food limits, so switching to Green, and with the number of thinkers I have reallocated to 40-0-60. Techs will now be every 3 turns.
2239 Tech! Intellectual Integrity, begin Fusion Power (4 turns) Marr’s Warrior Harmony (78:42) is the latest victim of gas attacks.
2240 Pirates Safe Haven (76:22) has fallen to the Behemoth. Svensgaard made some idle threats, but he can do nothing to stop me now. Soon I will gift this base to the Hive.
2240 - UN SA builds Planetary Transit Authority.
2242 – UN AT builds Planetary Energy Grid. Tech! Fusion Power, begin Planetary Economics (3 turns). Marr’s sea base Hornbill Point (73:51) captured by naval forces. Now all of Marr’s bases are within range.
2243 - Marr’s Horror: Progenitor (76:42) destroyed from gas attack. Caretaker’s Scorched Island (66:56) taken by naval elements. This will be the staging point for the resettlement of Marr’s island once his blight has been removed.
2245 – Tech! Planetary, Economics, begin Orbital Spaceflight (3 turns). Marr’s Godhood’s Grasp (76:48) destroyed by gas attacks.
2246 – UN CJ builds Cyborg Factory. Pirate’s Capetown (43:33) captured by naval forces, soon to be handed over to the hive.
2247 – Tech! Orbital Spaceflight, begin Organic Superlubricant (3 turns). The Behemoth captured Pirates Provision Point (65:19). Svensgaard calls with the usual demands. I called a veto to salvage the unity core, it passed without a nea vote.
2248 – Hive eradicates the Believers. I wished I could have been there to see her tortured.
2249 – Marr’s Strafing Run (76:42) destroyed by gas attack.
2250 – Tech! Superlubricant, begin Advanced Spaceflight (3 turns)
Status Report my 2250:
PK running away with game on power graph
Surrender by Hive
Vendetta with everyone
42 Techs, Breakthroughs every 3y, next in 3y
Cost per tech: 3360, per turn 1162.8
Reserves 1621, Income: 508, Maintenance: -238, Net: +270
14 core bases, 4 captured sea bases. 189 core population (49 Thinkers), 7 captured.
1 Colony Pod
9 Clean Formers
4 Clean Sea Formers
6 Scout Patrols
4 Trance Scout Inf
1 Synthmetal Garrison
2 Battle Ogre Mk1
1 Unity Rover
1 Unity Foil
3 Clean 3-Res Sentinels
1 Amphibious 3-Res Garrisons
3 Clean Chaos Need;ejets
1 Clean Chaos Destroyer
2 Clean Chaos Skimships
1 Missle Foil
2 Skimship Probe Team
2 Supply Crawlers
1 Fusion Foil Supply
1 HQ
14 Network Nodes
14 Children’s Creches
14 Recreation Commons
12 Recycling Tanks
2 Pressure Domes
14 Research Hospitals
11 Aquafarms
10 Thermocline Transducers
4 Perimeter Denfenses
14 Biology Labs
12 Tree Farms
14 Fusion Labs
14 Hab Complexes