January 4, 2003, 11:07
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Latvia and Lithuania share more historically and ethnically, and they could possibly unit. However, I don't actually think that either country really needs such an event.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
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January 4, 2003, 11:13
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There's mutual defense...you do have a large, sometimes nasty bully on your doorsteps. One would think that sticking together, a united front, might promote survival of the states if they were to become a single nation.
I'm not profane, I type the stars.
January 4, 2003, 11:15
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Lancer, sure.. I don't know, maybe they have an alliance already.. would be logical.
In da butt.
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January 4, 2003, 13:14
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Originally posted by Saras
Marko, tere! Reikejo berniukams!!! Utenos alawz!!!
Labas! As ne suprantu lituviskai  though
I try to avoid such baltic contra russia discussions. My best friend is russian and I have several friends in Lithuania.
If anybody from you will come to Estonia you are always welcomed to stay in my place. Just tell me before.
January 4, 2003, 13:29
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SIngle state of Lithuania and Latvia shouldn't happen, not that I would have something against, but it would be hard to create... It would still have to be a confederation, since Lithuanian and Latvian languages are although quite similar, but still different...
January 4, 2003, 14:16
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Marko, you don't want to say that, there are like million finns in this board, you don't want them to come to your house  .
In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
January 4, 2003, 14:22
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Really? Where exactly were you born and lived?
Rïga. Err, Rîga. Is there a way to do proper garumzime in HTML? Let's just call it Riiga.
I do agree however that Russians should be expelled from Lithuania (ones who moved here since 1940)
What about those who were assimilated by the locals into their families? Though I can't call you Stalinist because you are not advocating moving ALL Russians out of Lithuania, I do consider ill-chosen.
Serb, ti chego? U nas ne vash dikij bordelj, a zakoni. Luboj miting ili podobnoje meroprijatije legalen tolko togda, jesli zaraneje zajavlen v gorodskoj dume.
Serb, what? We have laws instead of your wild bordello. Any meeting or similar event is only legal when cleared by the city's Duma beforehand.
I u vas, kozlov, jest to fashistskije organizacii. A vi nichego sdelatj ne mozhete, i ne hotite. Pomnish plakat "Smertj zhidam", kotorij sutki bil u shosse, po kotorom jedut vsakije predstavitili pravitjelstva. Tak net, vam to vso v zhopu, poka jestsj vozmozhnostj vse govno v Latviju svalitj.
You, goatbrains, do have fascist organizations. You can't do anything and don't want to either. Do you remember the "Death to Zhids" poster that was up for a day next to the highway used by your government representatives? Apparently not - everything can go shove itself where the sun doesn't shine - while the opportunity exists, all crap gets blamed on Latvia.
Chempionat Rossii po futbolu znajesh? Nu ladno, u vas tam pjanije huligani, kotorije predstavlajut vse eti besporadki vo vremja matchej, derutsja, itd. Tak chto delajet vasha doblestnaja mentura? Otrad OMON zahodit na tribuni, dostajet dubinki, i davaj vseh dubasitj. Ili ukladivajut licom na pol i stojat nad nimi s sobakami.
Do you recall the Russian National Football Championship? Well, you have those drunk hooligans who personify all these disorders during the match, fight, etc. What does your police do? Merrily, OMON enters the spectator area, gets their batons out, and begins to beat everyone. Alternatively, they lie people down facing the floor and stand over them with dogs.
U vas demokratija na urovne godov 1920. I prestupnostj procvetajet - u devchonki na ulice huligani otnjali sumku, no v menturu ona idti ne mozhet - tam devku iznasilujut nu i poshlut nahren.
Your democracy is on the 1920s level. Crime prospers; when a woman's purse is stolen, she can't go to the police because they'll molest her and tell her to get lost afterwards.
Solver's original is probably much more polite than my poor translation.
January 4, 2003, 16:58
Local Time: 16:34
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No, my post is waaay more rude than your translation, but I don't see why you should translate it  .
So, you speak Latvian, too? And where in Riga were you, may I ask? Will be interesting if you lived near my place.
No clue on garumzimes in HTML... Riiga all the way  .
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
January 4, 2003, 21:23
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No, my post is waaay more rude than your translation, but I don't see why you should translate it.
I am pretty sure that only Spanish and Finnish are tolerated on these boards. Whatever.
So, you speak Latvian, too?
Nah, not anymore. I spoke it fluently for two years when I attended a Latvian public school.
And where in Riga were you, may I ask?
Visvalzha something or other.
January 5, 2003, 00:33
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Originally posted by Sonic
Serb, didn't you once promised to put me on your ignore list?
-Do you remeber I've said that I'll kill you last?
-...yes, YES!!!
- I've lied.
(c) Commando.
So what that it is the language of Tolstoy and Dostoyevski, Czarian Russia also occupied Lithuania.
Nothing except that your claim was absolutely illogical, idiotic and rasist of course.
What have "what is your race" thread to do with something being racist? I could samely posted "what is your nationality" thread or "what is your religion" thread, but I wouldn't be called fascist or fundamentalist because of that. I would be racist if I would have used insults as options, but I didn't...
I don't know, as for me the options you've used such as "black" or "yellow" difinitely are insults.
January 5, 2003, 00:51
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Originally posted by Solver
Serb, ti chego? U nas ne vash dikij bordelj, a zakoni. Luboj miting ili podobnoje meroprijatije legalen tolko togda, jesli zaraneje zajavlen v gorodskoj dume.
That's the point. In accordance with your so-called "laws" huge part of your population don't have basic human rights only because they are Russians. In accordance with your so-called "laws" nazi veterans could have meetings while Soviet veterans of ww2 couldn't, etc.
I u vas, kozlov, jest to fashistskije organizacii. A vi nichego sdelatj ne mozhete, i ne hotite. Pomnish plakat "Smertj zhidam", kotorij sutki bil u shosse, po kotorom jedut vsakije predstavitili pravitjelstva. Tak net, vam to vso v zhopu, poka jestsj vozmozhnostj vse govno v Latviju svalitj.
Za kozlov, vy blyady kogda nibud eshe otvetite.
First of all, this sign wasn't on highway for entire day. Anyhow, Russians were targets of this provocation. If one of you Westerners would see such sign, in best case you will call to police, (more probably just do nothing) Russian would go and remove it manualy, (like this girl did).
Anyhow one sign proves nothing.
Chempionat Rossii po futbolu znajesh? Nu ladno, u vas tam pjanije huligani, kotorije predstavlajut vse eti besporadki vo vremja matchej, derutsja, itd. Tak chto delajet vasha doblestnaja mentura? Otrad OMON zahodit na tribuni, dostajet dubinki, i davaj vseh dubasitj. Ili ukladivajut licom na pol i stojat nad nimi s sobakami.
Like Russia is the only country who have problems with football hooligans. Look at Brits for example.
U vas demokratija na urovne godov 1920. I prestupnostj procvetajet - u devchonki na ulice huligani otnjali sumku, no v menturu ona idti ne mozhet - tam devku iznasilujut nu i poshlut nahren.
And your democracy is on level of 1933 in Germany, a national socialist democracy.
I can't remember a single case during last say ten years when Russian police beaten people with batons even if meeting was illegal, however I saw how your police beaten WW2 veterans, ELDERS. And you saying something about your superior democratic society?
Mozhet zakonchim etot pizdesh poka nastoyashaya voina ne nachalas?
January 5, 2003, 00:54
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Originally posted by Pekka
Solver, you just hate us because you can't play decent hockey
January 5, 2003, 01:08
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Originally posted by St Leo
I do agree however that Russians should be expelled from Lithuania (ones who moved here since 1940)
What about those who were assimilated by the locals into their families? Though I can't call you Stalinist because you are not advocating moving ALL Russians out of Lithuania, I do consider ill-chosen.
Stalinist? hmmm...I don't know. I think word which starts with "na" and ends with "zi" would describe a person with such paronoid views much better.
And I can prove it.
Stalinist might agitate to expel people of nationality "X" for some kind of purpose- like punishment for unwillingness to share views of majority, dissobey orders etc.
A nazi would agitate to expel people of nationality "X" only because they are inferior, dirty bastards, inner humans.
Btw, I'm really impressed with your translation skills.
January 5, 2003, 03:11
Local Time: 09:34
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Stalinist might agitate to expel people of nationality "X" for some kind of purpose- like punishment for unwillingness to share views of majority, dissobey orders etc.
A nazi would agitate to expel people of nationality "X" only because they are inferior, dirty bastards, inner humans.
I was thinking of the way the current distribution of Poles and Germans matches their borders so wonderfully. Kaliningrad's demographics also come to mind.
Btw, I'm really impressed with your translation skills.
Thanks. I can't do as good a job going the other way.
January 5, 2003, 08:26
Local Time: 16:34
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Serb, you were missing some points. I didn't say the problem is football hooligans - I agree British and German ones are way worse. Problem is what milicija does to stop them, you know, snachala po usham, a potom po usham doesn't quite seem like the right method.
Russians have no human rights here? Complete bullsh*t. They do work, study and live here just as well as Latvians or anyone else. And, what shows our superiority, they're treated the same way as Latvians when they break laws.
Oh, and the highway sign, why was it mined? I can't remember name of the organization, but it's one of your fascist and antisemitic organizations. For many hours noone cared to take it down, till that woman did it - she's a great one. Really, why would milicija care if the Jews are getting opressed? Kill them anytime, the way to go!
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
January 5, 2003, 10:42
Local Time: 15:34
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No Serb, it isn't nazi. As I claimed before many times (but you probably didn't read), I said I want to expell those Russians who aren't integrated into society and are from those communist/occupant settlers who moved here since 1940. Those who were assimilated CAN remain... I never said Russians are "dirty bastards" or something like that. The only true nazi in these forums I've seen is Serb - he hates Baltic States (and not only them. Also Cechnya and most of other people who are not Russians), he also always insults them with things never happened (such as vandalising graves, building monuments for SS soldiers, etc.), etc. This is very nazistic. Hitler also said that Jews done things what they never done.
January 5, 2003, 18:50
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I've been to lithuania. It was nice.
January 5, 2003, 18:51
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Gangerwolf, great
January 5, 2003, 22:38
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Originally posted by Solver
Serb, you were missing some points. I didn't say the problem is football hooligans - I agree British and German ones are way worse. Problem is what milicija does to stop them, you know, snachala po usham, a potom po usham doesn't quite seem like the right method.
Perhaps you think British police f.e. act pretty polite toward drunk football vandals? Perhaps you think their cops just give roses to their hooligans and very politely ask them to stop crushing everything around?
Russians have no human rights here? Complete bullsh*t. They do work, study and live here just as well as Latvians or anyone else. And, what shows our superiority, they're treated the same way as Latvians when they break laws.
What about right to elect and be elected? What about right to be a citizen of country where you was born?
Oh, and the highway sign, why was it mined?
Plain provocation.
I can't remember name of the organization, but it's one of your fascist and antisemitic organizations.
Fascist organizations are illegal here in accordance with laws. In your countries however fascist veterans of ww2 could have military parades and monuments dedicated to their honor.
For many hours noone cared to take it down, till that woman did it - she's a great one.
How do you know this? It's very interesting how could you know how many hours this sign remained on higway? If you really know or person who really know told you this, it means that you/that person saw this sign from the beggining and done nothing to remove it, just watched. In this case I don't see why you/that person should be trusted.
Really, why would milicija care if the Jews are getting opressed? Kill them anytime, the way to go!
Sorry this is just total crap.
January 5, 2003, 22:39
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
I've been to lithuania. It was nice.
Next time pretend that you are Russian. Feel the difference.
January 5, 2003, 22:48
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Serb, it will be much better for him if he'll pretend being Russian in fact  . People in Lithuanian hotels, restaurants, etc. likes Russian tourists because they are (ussually) rich...
January 5, 2003, 23:06
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Originally posted by Sonic
No Serb, it isn't nazi. As I claimed before many times (but you probably didn't read), I said I want to expell those Russians who aren't integrated into society and are from those communist/occupant settlers who moved here since 1940. Those who were assimilated CAN remain...
I do agree however that Russians should be expelled from Lithuania (ones who moved here since 1940)
And you dare to say that those are not words of true nazi?
Everyone who want to expel entire people including children and justborn babies only because of their nationality is nazi in my opinion.
I never said Russians are "dirty bastards" or something like that.
" I don't beleive all Russians are criminals, only the ones who lives here."
"We don't teach in schools that Russians are criminals, we see it by ourselves"
The only true nazi in these forums I've seen is Serb - he hates Baltic States (and not only them. Also Cechnya and most of other people who are not Russians), he also always insults them with things never happened (such as vandalising graves, building monuments for SS soldiers, etc.), etc. This is very nazistic. Hitler also said that Jews done things what they never done.
What a pathetic lie.
Me hate Baltic States or people of different nationalities?
Complete bullsh!t.
I hate f**k**g idiots like you. Unfortunately many such j*r*s seats in your govenments. History teachs nothing to you and your brothers in your governments. Modern generation of Russians, f.e. Russian children (whom you want to expel) do not responsible for generation of 40s. Violence borns violence. If you continue to treat Russians as crap, we could always start to pay you with the same token and treat people of your nationality who lives here as the same crap. Why? Because f.e. your generation of 40s were on nazi side and particialy responsible for murder of 27 000 000 Soviet people.
You seems to do not understand this. Sad.
Continue to piss off us, you are doing fine, Russians are running away from your countries, but you know what? One day, when children expeled by you will grow up, they will take arms and f*cked up your country again in revenge. Russians are very endure people, but when they out of their paitionce...
January 5, 2003, 23:16
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Serb, yet again you are continuing your biased opinion. Russians aren't runing from my country (it's surely that some Russians come out, but they still makes 8% of population. Those few percents who came away did that not because of state pressure, because state immidietly given citizenship to every person living in the state after independence. They did so because they were forcefully sent to Lithuania by Soviet government to work there (mostly in heavy industry, like nuclear power plant). After USSR collapsed, nobody forced them to stay in Lithuania so they were able to get back to their families in Russia)
Nope, on 40s almost no Lithuanians were on nazi side. Not only Lithuanian people helped Jews to escape, Lithuanian Liberation forces fought against nazis in occupation (later same forces fought against Soviets when Lithuania was occupied by them).
No, we don't treat Russians as crap. You won't ever found any evidence for that as that is simply not true. Come to Lithuania and you'll see that yourself.
As for expelling I offered, read again my post before. I said those integrated into society shouldn't be expelled.
January 5, 2003, 23:18
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BTW, I've learned discutions against you leads to nowhere cause you use the same arguements again which were proved wrong before in other threads.
January 5, 2003, 23:19
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Being criminal and being dirty bastard are two different things by the way.
January 5, 2003, 23:36
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As for expelling I offered, read again my post before. I said those integrated into society shouldn't be expelled.
Any person who offer to expel entire people because of their nationality is crazy in my opinion. You Sonic, is the only person here on Apolyton whom I consider as my enemy. I was banned because of my lack of control over my emotions toward you twice and I really wonder why I'm still not banned because of this thread, so I should better stop argueing with you.
I'm going to play Hearts of Iron instead. Yesterday I easily conquered the Baltic States in 1936, but made load, not because of unhappines among my population, but because today I'm gonna nuke it.
Sorry Saras.  ...sh!t happens.
January 5, 2003, 23:39
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Originally posted by Sonic
BTW, I've learned discutions against you leads to nowhere cause you use the same arguements again which were proved wrong before in other threads.
I could say the same about you.
January 5, 2003, 23:40
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January 6, 2003, 01:45
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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I never said Russians are "dirty bastards"
Though you did say that you don't quite think there are any good Russians out there....
January 6, 2003, 02:57
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Serb, take a chill pill.
Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb ! :doitnow!:
Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.
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