May 7, 2004, 12:14
Local Time: 01:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: A right bastard.
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Originally posted by livid imp
1. AC fans just like huge maps, period. It lends to more possiblities, plenty of expansion room. AC is less war focused than other TBSs, so it is not as important to be in striking distance. As a matter of fact, if you can reach me by bomber, you are too close.
2. That would be the 'C'hallenge in OOC. Give the AI plenty of room to expand and get powerful, making your job that much more difficult. A OOC on a tiny map would be too easy.
Personally, I find playing on huge maps to be less challenging than starting out rubbing shoulders with the AI. Starting out all alone on a huge map lets you solidify your economic advantage without interference from aggressive neighbors. It's a whole lot harder to gain economic momentum when you have to divert early production to building troops.
Certainly, prosecuting a successful war will yield an increase in your total base count, but not as much as pure, unfettered expansion. Also, you'll likely have to give up more SPs if you want to overwhelm your angry neighbors.
It is for this reason that I have stopped playing against the AI on any map bigger than 'Large'.
May 7, 2004, 23:42
Local Time: 19:51
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Originally posted by pvzh
Is it possible to "actually" win it, for example build VoP yourself and than Transcendence? Or any other way? I cannot think of any plausible one.
BTW do people restart to get a certain terrain conditions?
Any OCC I won, I built both the Voice and the ASCENT myself . . . its actually pretty easy with the hordes of crawlers and cash you generally have.
May 11, 2004, 00:46
Local Time: 11:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Washed up SMAC/X University Specialist
Posts: 3,022
My lazy OCC benchmark game. If I'd actually bothered to micromanage, and beeline properly, I probably could've finished the game a full 20 years earlier, if not more.
And BTW, don't ask how I managed the almost game long pacts with the Believers and Spartans. I'm keeping these little tricks of the diplomatic engine to myself for now.
I have to say though, I was certainly impressed by some of the development displayed by some of these AI's here. Take a look at Yang. If he'd had decent terraforming, and had better unit management, I might've mistaken him for a human player.
I suggest anyone looking at the game also resigns, so they can watch the map, and see how the AI's interacted in all their wars. There was plenty of turns in the tide of battle there.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
May 11, 2004, 00:55
Local Time: 11:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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In my limit OOC games on huge maps, you tend to be left alone and can create energy parks without treading on too many toes. It is a bit trickier on smaller maps where land raising is extremely limit without entering conflict.
Lately I've been lazy and just focus on building 2-3 bases and capture the rest.
Correct me if I am wrong, the AI seems to get super bonuses that continues until some time when they revert to just ordinary bonus.
May 11, 2004, 01:56
Local Time: 11:51
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Washed up SMAC/X University Specialist
Posts: 3,022
They bonuses are static, it's just that the same bonus isn't worth as much in proportion in the late game.
In the game above, as you can see, I was certainly not left alone. I was very lucky I was able to keep the Believers as a Pact mate, and even so, I had to buy the occasional base off her to prevent my territory from being taken away from me, as well as destroying a base of hers early on before we Pacted.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
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