Local Time: 01:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: of the Anti-Alien Forces of the Cult of Planet
Posts: 263
Skanderbegs Diary
Skanderbegs diary.
A diary of a game of which I don't know how it will end.
I have the idea to make story out ouf a diary of a game I have just begun and made the first 30 turns.
I don't know how it will end, wether I will get victory or will be dead in short time. I will mix up the real game story with some fiction, perhaps it will become a great adventure!
I would be glad to recieve Your comments and suggestions, so I, and perhaps also You, could learn from it.
The settings of the game:
Myself playing as Bey Skanderbeg as the leader of the faction "Skipetarians", a selfmade faction that is made a lookalike of the Skipetarians, the people of Albania (I have worked in this country some times and liked to make a SMAC faction that characterises them. I have to say that I lik that country). Skanderbeg was the national hero of Albania.
I have to confess that I like selfmade factions who have stronger advantages and disadvatages than the custom-made SMAC factions. I think, it's not cheating when the AI doesn't usually win with this factions.
Datalinks: The Skipetarians of Bey Skanderbeg
+3 growth: they have no TV
-1 probe: due to corruption
-2 economy: chaotic economic system
-1 effic: also due to corrutpion
-1 planet: bad environmental behaviour
tech: mobility
25% attack bonus: good fighters
free defense perimeters: there are many, many bunkers in Albania
You see their strengths and the weaknesses: They are good in growth and fighting, but their economy would not please good old Morgan, they are vulnerable to sneak probers and they will not be very good in capturing mindworms.
the other settings:
transcendent level (I haven't won higher than talent level with the Skipetarians, but I think I will be better as a played them the last time).
huge random planet
blind research
5 random AI factions, 1 non-random AI faction (a selfmade strong fight-against-faction)
other settings on default
OK, let's start the game!
(English is not my mother's language. I apologize for any mistakes.)
2100: Me, Bey Skanderbeg of the Skipetarians, crashed down on Chiron after the unity wreckage at 92/52 with some people and equipment we could rescue. We found a base camp called "Kruja" on good land near a river and southeastern to a isthmus of two landmasses. All equipment we have is one scout rover, one colony pod and the
tech: Mobility.
We don't know if other people from the Unity survived, where they are and if they are friendly to us. There were also some bad guys one the unity. I hope they broke their necks landing on Chiron.
But in the moment, survival is all we have to hope for. There are two unity pods near Kruja, perhaps there's something usable in them. To pop the pods and look for a good place for a second base is the only we can do for the first time.
2101: Our Scout Rover popped the pod and found a Unity Rover! Nice surprise, it was like christmas. Now we can explore to N across the isthmus and to SW.
2102: The Scout Rover found a suitable place in the SW for a base. The colony pod was an his feet. The Unity Rover going N popped the other pod near Kruja and found special food resources on a rainy/hilly square! This planet is blessed! So much food for the hungry mouths of Kruja!
2103: Kruja built Scout Patrol as Garrison.
2104: Our second base was founded: Makaresh at 89/57 at the southwestern coast of our island or continent. The Unity Rover found some strange object in the NW: A big green monolith, which gave a moral upgrade to the Rover! Our scientist don't know who build it (Is someone else on this planet?) or how it works. But on the other hand, our scientists don't have produced any useful thing until yet, and we are on this planet for 4 years now!
Nethertheless, the monolith produces food, minerals and energy, and we will build a bases nearby.
2106: The land north of the isthmus is only a small penninsula, suitable only for one base. The rover is backing to Kruja to escort the colony pod we are building there.
2107: The money is laying on the road: The scout rover pops a pod with 50 energy.
2108: The scout rover crew announces that there is a highland (they used the term "Sunny Mesa") in the SE. My advisers suggest to place a base on this Mesa.
2109: I was just thinking about executing my useless scientists, when they came with great news: they found a technology they calles Centauri-Ecology, whish allows us to build terraform units. They also want to build a big Secret Project, the Wether Paradigm, which would allow us advanced and faster terraformig.
I decided to build formers as soon as possible, but the WP has to wait, as interesting as it sounds. We still have not enough prodution for such a big project.
2110: Urgh! Kruja was attackt by some strange native life form coming from the sea, some sort of a big sea snake. But our defenders killed it. The flesh of this thing tastes very bad, never going to try it again.
2112: Again problems in Kruja. A drone riot! People want bread and circus, but in the moment, I can give them only bread. I turned one drone a doctor to calm the riot.
2115: Kruja builds a colony pod. I send it to the north protected by a sout patrol. After that experience with the sea snake, it seems too risky for me to leave a colony pod without protection. Who knows, perhaps there are similar things on land?
2116: Those lab rats are really useful! They made some progress in physics. We are now able to build laser weapons to protect our bases. That makes me sleep much better.
2118: This scout rover indeed has golden wheels! Another pod popping one Sunny Mesa, and what does he find?
A farm robot, building three farm around the place where we plan to establish the next new base!
2119: Base Pogradec was founded on the northern penninsula at 90/46 not far from the monolith.
2120: Our first former is ready. I decide to terraform first the square with the special food resource, building a road halfway to Pogradec by the way. The Chiron Law §1 was published: "You should not make useless moves with Your formers!"
Makaresh builds a colony pod which is, again together with a scout patrol, on the way to the Sunny Mesa.
2221: Again, that scout rover with the golden wheels, makes my day! This time, a unity pod at the coast SW of Sunny Mesa has a malfunction and produces a giant earthquake! Just out of nothing, there is a big hill with very good rainy, hilly farmland on ist northwestern and southwestern coasts, crying "Build a base here!". Of corse I will do that.
2222: Another drone riot in Kruja, Calmed it down again with a doctor.
2123: Pogradec produces a former. Because this base is well equipped by the monolith, we have time to plant a forest and build a sensor array on some dry land northeast of the base.
2124: We founded the base Peshkopi on the Sunny Mesa.
2126: The lab rats invented Industrial Base! Now we can build synthmetal armor to protect our troops and rovers, and we have the ability for another Secret Project, the Merchants Exchange, which would bring us a lot of money.
The scout rover (yes, the one with the golden wheels) detects a lot of special energy ressources neatly arranged southeastern of Sunny Mesa. Another good place to establish a base, althoug it is dry land. We have to plant forests there.
2129: Peshkopi builds former. I decide to build solar collectors on one or two of the farm squares, and then plant forest and sensor on a dry square.
2130: Makaresh is the last city with a former. A little late, but You can't have everything at once. This former will beginn with forest/sensor.
The scout rover has reached a shore in the northeast. Although not every square of the coast is mapped and perhaps there is a still hidden landbridge, ist seems that we have landed on a big island or a small continent with place for around 8 bases. But there's al lot of fungus in the NE. We have a former crapping up there before we could even think of establishing a base in the NE.
So, by 2130, I met with my advisers to discuss the last 30 turns and make plans for the nearest future. We think, we have done a good job, supported of course by the luck with the unity pods. We can see only on possible mistake: Perhaps, we should have build the former before the colony pod in the base of Makaresh.
In the moment, we have: 4 bases, 8 population, 12 AC points.
4 formers, 3 scout patrols, 1 unity rover, 1 scout rover with golden wheels.
For the next 30 years, we plan:
- to build at least two mor bases at the earthquake hill south of Sunny Mesa, if possible one more N of Sunny Mesa.
- to build some laser and synthmetal units for better protection (some are still in the production qeues).
- Around Kruja and Pogradec, there is no place for new bases. This bases are now building command centres. I will start the secret projects in this bases when the command centres are ready.
- We have to build a former to crap up the fungus in the NE
- Are we alone on the planet? My advisers think so, but I have a fishy feeling about that. We have to find out.
- We need more tech! Most urgently, we need some tech to build ships to find out whats outsid our small continent, and we need some tech to give some recreation to the hard working people to prevent riots.
More coming soon.
As I said, comments and tips are welcome!