I started the game all over again.
This time, I heavily guarded my borders thus adding a lot of pressure on my cash reserves.
Guess what? i didn't get attack, so all of the units were useless :/
i still hope that they only didn't attack because they got scared of my defense.
Well i can say that this game (i've played the whole day, i got addicted ;o ) really ruined my self-confidence.
I thought i knew how to handle emperor.
but when i was struggling to research theology, the chinese had already gotten theory of gravity O_o
that improved once i got education and i was able to keep up by massive trading and researching
then, i made a really horrible mistake: i didn't beeline fpr scientific methode and lost the race to ToE by 2 turns! i felt like a complete idiot
i felt even more so when i realized that i wouldn't be able to build hoover's in Leipzig where the prebuild was nearly done. berlin's industry had no chance at competing with Beijing's without a huge prebuild (which i hadn't started in berlin)
now, things look better
i achieved a tech lead by reaching mass production
(i think it helped that the chinese switched to communism

but i can't remember when they switched perhaps they switched later)
i bought oil from the persians before i got combustion and was able to build about 20 panzers before the deal expired
then the people of germany decided that it was time to overthrow the capitalist republic and establish the rule of the proletariat
with those panzers and infantry+artillery it was easy to conquer the backwards russians and romans which got me a source of oil near rome
now the english are nearly defeated and i can build as many panzers as i want to
i'm not sure whom to attack next, i'll probably pick persia even though they are my closest allies right now and i like xerxes

perhaps i'm gonna try and attack the chinese, we'll see
the chinese military is really strong but they are behind in tech since they switched to communism
do courthouses help under communism? sorry for that stupid question but i've never used communism before
btw: i've also tried mobilization but not being able to build libraries in conquered cities really sucks, i'll only use mobilization if the chinese are stronger than i expect