Tassadar - no one said countries must be independent
. The same I can give anthems of old countries, etc.
New antehms...
We are brave people, children of honesty.
We sacrificed all on the way to liberty.
We have survived the kicks of fortune,
Hell's fire, and came off unhurt.
Fly high the eagle of freedom,
Calling for unity!
People have the power of the hero,
And the power of people is in unity.
Respecting mothers and the genius of the people,
In the evil times we were open to everybody.
Our steppe is our motherland,
The holy cradle of friendship and solidarity.
Let the past teach us a lesson,
We believe in a bright future.
We respect honour, dignity and our mother tongue.
We pass on our traditions, courage
And our state to future generations.
Our immemorial land under the beacon of gleaming ice
With glowing snow hair around your head!
Your faithful mother, who carried us in your embrace,
While ocean game of your coasts you promised us.
May the Emperor's rule last
Till a thousand years, then eight thousand years to come
Till sand, pebbles, and rocks
To be united as a ledge
Till moss grows on it
Let us salute the motherland,
Proud to be called her children.
To her well-being let us swear
Boldly and unceasingly to devote our lives.
Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness,
Our homeland has always nobly dreamed.
To achieve this has been her eternal proposition,
To keep it, her greatest glory.
With inviolable faith, she eagerly follows
The way of progress
In order to fulfil her high destiny
And achieve a happy future.
A stern barrier protects her
Against the clash of vile disloyalty,
Ever since the day when her lofty banner,
In letters of blood, wrote "Freedom",
Wrote "Freedom", wrote "Freedom".
Freedom is her dogma and her guide;
A thousand times she has defended it,
And as many times has she repelled
The hateful power of atrocious tyranny.
Her history has been bloody and sad,
Yet at the same time sublime and brilliant,
A source of legitimate glory
And a great lesson in Spartan pride.
Her innate bravery shall not waver:
In every man there is an immortal hero
Who knows how to maintain the level
Of the proverbial valour of old.
All are self-denying and faithful
To the tradition of warlike ardour
With which they have always reaped fame
By saving the motherland's honour.
To respect the rights of others
And base her actions on right and justice
Is for her, without infamous intrigue,
The constant and most firm ambition.
And in following this line she persists,
Dedicating her tenacious efforts
In giving hard battle for battle;
Her happiness is found in peace.
Fear not and be not dismayed, this crimson flag will never fade.
It is the last hearth that is burning for my nation,
And we know for sure that it will never fail.
It is my nation's star, shining forever,
It is my nation's star and it is mine.
Frown not, fair crescent, for I am ready to die for you.
Smile now upon my heroic nation, leave this anger,
Lest the blood shed for thee be unblessed.
Freedom is my nation's right,
Freedom for us who worship God and seek what is right.
We people of our nation
Exercise sov'reignty.
Establish our Constitution
Of Federated States.
Affirm our common wish to live
In peace and harmony.
To preserve heritage of past
And promise of future.
Make one nation Of many isles,
Diversity Of our cultures.
Our diff'rences Will enrich us,
Waters bring us All together.
They don't sep'rate.
They sustain us.
Our Islands Our nation
Get larger And make us stronger
And make us much stronger.
Our Ancestors made their homes here,
Displaced no other man,
We who remain wish unity,
Been ruled we seek freedom,
Our days began when men explored
Seas in rafts and canoes.
Our nation born when men voyaged
The seas via the stars.
The world itself is an island
We seen from all nations.
Peace, friendship, co-operation,
love and humanity.
With this Constitution,
we now become proud guardian
Of our beautiful islands.