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Old January 4, 2003, 11:30   #1
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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1305 A.D. Turnchat - GET SAVES HERE
1305 A.D. Turnchat.

Here's the initial save:
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Old January 4, 2003, 13:38   #2
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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(looks like it will be a 1-turn chat - oh well)

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Old January 4, 2003, 13:59   #3
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Mohammed Al-SahafACDG The Human HiveC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamIron CiversApolyCon 06 ParticipantsCivilization IV: MultiplayerC4DG SarantiumCiv4 InterSite DG: Apolyton Team
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TURNCHAT EVENTS LOG (1305 A.D. Turnchat)

Ministerial Attendance:

Arnelos (President, Acting FAM, Acting DM)
panag (VP)

Senatorial and Court Attendance:


Turn 1 (1305 A.D.):

Moved 5 native workers to join Heroes' Summit (as the first line in Spiffor's order here is assumed by those in the chat to be a typo since the new Heroes Summit WF appears correctly as the second line of the same order)
Drafted from Oak Ridge
Temple rushed in Hannover for 116 lytons
2 Artillery of the "Berlin Bombers" fire upon the German cavalry SE of Berlin (no damage, 3/5 to 1/5)
Veteran Cavarly from "Berlin Bombers" attacks 1/5 German cavalry and defeats it (Cav now 3/4)
3 Artillery of the "Berlin Bombers" fire on Berlin (4/4 rifle to 2/4, whif, 4/4 rifle to 2/4)
3 Artillery of the "Berlin Bombers" fire on Berlin (whif, 4/4 rifle to 3/4, 4/4 rifle to 3/4)
2 Artillery of the "Berlin Bombers" fire on Berlin (whif, 4/4 rifle to 3/4)
3 Artillery of the "Frankfurt Group" fire on Frankfurt (Police Station destroyed, whif, whif)
2 Artillery of the "Frankfurt Group" fire on Frankfurt (4/4 rifle to 3/4, 4/4 rifle to 2/4)
An element of the "Frankfurt Group" moves to a more forward position just south of Frankfurt
2 Veteran Infantry join the stack at northwest of Frankfurt
6 Cavalry that witnessed the razing of Cologne move toward Frankfurt
Elite Cavalry attacks 1/4 Roman legionary southwest of Brundisium and defeats it (no damage to Cav)
3 Artillery at Fort south of Brundisium shell a Roman stack east of Syracuse (4/4 inf to 3/4, 3/4 inf to 2/4, 2/4 inf to 1/4)
Artilery in Roman territory shells Roman stack east of Syracuse (4/4 legionary to 2/4)
Elite Cavalry attacks 1/4 Roman Inf east of Syracuse and kills it (Cav now 4/5)
Elite Cavalry attacks 3/3 Roman legionary east of Syracuse and kills it (Cav now 2/5)
Victorious Cavalry produces a GREAT LEADER - Seti
Veteran Cavalry attacks 3/3 Roman legionary east of Syracuse and kills it (no damage to Cav)
Veteran Cavalry attacks 2/4 Roman legionary east of Syracuse and kills it (no damage to Cav)
Additional units move into Roman territory near Syracuse
Avignon renamed to Los Alamos
Heliopolis renamed to Ferropolis
Susa renamed to El Duderino
Seti fortified in Apolyton - he gets a parade in the one and only true capital city of Apolytonia

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Old January 4, 2003, 22:25   #4
C3CDG Team BabylonPtWDG LegolandInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamPtWDG2 TabemonoC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamApolyton UniversityCivilization IV PBEMC4DG The Mercenary Team
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I assume we'll use the current "Next Chat Saturday 1500 - POST ORDERS HERE" orders thread and just edit in any changes for next chat?
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Apolyton Civ4 Democracy Game and the Apolyton Team in the C3C Inter-Site Democracy Game
Schlock Mercenary: an awesome sci-fi comic
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Old January 4, 2003, 22:28   #5
C3C IDG: Apolyton TeamCivilization III PBEMInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3CDG Team BabylonC4DG SarantiumCiv4 SP Democracy Game
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Chat Log
Here is the Log of the Chat

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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
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