Session Start: Sun Jan 05 00:33:01 2003
Session Ident: #smacdg
* Now talking in #smacdg
* sets mode: +nt
*Furniture* !quote
* Furniture changes topic to 'Welcome to the SMACDG Turnchat, moderated by your omniprotent op Furniture!'
*Furniture* Bork.
3*** Joins : GT^Commis (*!*
3*** Joins : TKGDIA (*!*TKG32@
*GT^Commis* hi TKG
*TKGDIA* kass, let GT have op
*TKGDIA* and hey
*TKGDIA* you evil, evil furniture
*TKGDIA* i can't stay
* TKGDIA (~TKG32@ Quit
*GT^Commis* Great. We have a turnchat of 1.
*GT^Commis* *SIGH* I have no time to waste and I have most of the orders, so we might as welll get started now.
*Furniture* oh, this started.
*Furniture* One person? I thought the usual time was 22 GMT?
*Furniture* (which is 46 minutes away)
*GT^Commis* I had to move it forward by 1 hour, as we're leaving today and won't be back until Thursdat next week.
*GT^Commis* Update: finished the first turn, Mysidia Drone Rioted, we finished the CDF, and Zanarkand Gate experienced a Promotheus Virus epidemic
*Furniture* Forward? You mean backward?
*GT^Commis* Earlier.
*Furniture* Yeah, yeah. Hmm. An appalling turnout, to say the least.
*GT^Commis* and we have no orders from Drogue.
3*** Joins : Drogue (*!*
*Drogue* Hi
*Furniture* Speak of the Devil

*Drogue* sorry, i thought it was 22:00
*Furniture* *GT^Commis* and we have no orders from Drogue.
*Furniture* 3*** Joins : Drogue (*!*
*Furniture* *Drogue* Hi
* Drogue is now known as Drogu|DEI
*Drogu|DEI* sorry, iu thought it was 22:00

*GT^Commis* Ah, you're here.
*GT^Commis* We just had a virus epidemic in Zanarkand Gate.
*Drogu|DEI* Ohhh not good
*GT^Commis* Lost two pop points, but it didn't spread.
*GT^Commis* luckily.
*Drogu|DEI* My connections pretty shakey today, so if i dont talk for a bit, it's probably just an annoying line
*GT^Commis* Ok, any orders for our exploration units? You haven't given any so far.
*Drogu|DEI* sorry bout that, only got my connection back today... Gimme 2 sec and ill have them for you
*GT^Commis* Also, does anyone have any idea where that new southern base was meant to be built?
*Drogu|DEI* not really, ill try n find the thread
*GT^Commis* TKG has it listed as one place, but the pod is going somewhere else (and that place is a much better site)
*Drogu|DEI* I think we have one already with orders, and then the polled ones
*Drogu|DEI* DEI orders: Western probe foil, keep moving north along the coast until you hit a new faction, and then infiltrate
*GT^Commis* Just located Deirdre with said foil.
*GT^Commis* Contacting now.
*Drogu|DEI* YAY

*GT^Commis* she wants the Hive comm frequency, for 50 ECs.
*Drogu|DEI* give it
*GT^Commis* agreed.
*Drogu|DEI* she wont like him
*GT^Commis* Now she's offering EE for
*GT^Commis* Intellectual Integrity.
*GT^Commis* I say we do it.
*Drogu|DEI* Dont we get that from morgan?
*GT^Commis* We don't have it, and I see no reaosn to refuse it from her.
*GT^Commis* Morgan might not give it anyhow.
*Drogu|DEI* ok, lets give it then
*GT^Commis* Now she wants SothB for her maps. I'd do it, again.
*Drogu|DEI* yep
*GT^Commis* Ok, she says she has 4-3-1 unit, she wanted Doctrine: Loyalty from us (I refused), and she wants to sig a Treaty.
*Drogu|DEI* great

*Drogu|DEI* lets sign
*GT^Commis* Done. She's complaining about our Planned economy, though. Shall we try for a PAct?
*Drogu|DEI* No, she wont if shes complaining
*GT^Commis* Ok, end diplomacy? She has nothing else.
*Drogu|DEI* Yep
*Furniture* Yeah, and even if she agreed, the pact wouldn't be on too stable grounds
*GT^Commis* And we have a probe foil ready to infiltrate.
*GT^Commis* Damn. The foil had no no movement left.
*GT^Commis* What about the other probe foils?
*Drogu|DEI* Eastern Probe Foil: keep infiltrating Yang, and steal tech from him, until we get his world map, and then use it to explore eastwards, towards
the university (might have a new coastal base.
*Drogu|DEI* Western Foil: Continue exploring west and south along other continent.
*Drogu|DEI* Eastern Foil: Stay in TBIBTU immediatly and rest until fully repaired, and then continue exploring North along the coast
*Drogu|DEI* Scout Patrol: Continue exploring. When all has been explored around the southern coastline, explore to the northern area, around the ruins.
*Drogu|DEI* Do we have the new transport and new probe team in new suez yet?
*GT^Commis* btw, Deirdre's maps are showing up the Spartans and Believers as well, and it seems the Gaians have taken a Spartan base.
*GT^Commis* What about the prove foil at Antioch
*GT^Commis* It just got built.
*GT^Commis* ?
*Drogu|DEI* Another one?
*GT^Commis* Yes.
*Drogu|DEI* Is it able to get to the spartans or believes easily?
*Drogu|DEI* lets infiltrate one of them, whichevers easiest (i cant see the new maps yet)
*GT^Commis* Well, yes, but it'd have to cross an ocean to get there.
*GT^Commis* As for the probe & transport: The transport is quite low on the buold queue at NS.
*GT^Commis* Now what to do about the damn southern CP?
*GT^Commis* Where can we send it?
*Drogu|DEI* I think it's worth it. We need infiltration first, and we already have a probe for deirdre
*Drogu|DEI* Hmmmmm... if it has orders, leave them IMHO
*GT^Commis* IT was being sent to a different square than TKG ordered, but I'd prefer to build the base where it is now (it just got there)
*Drogu|DEI* I think it was meant to be built there, and the new cps for the spaces in the poll
*Drogu|DEI* Kass, what do you think
*GT^Commis* Ok, so build it where it is?
*Drogu|DEI* lemme start up the sdave and have a look
*Drogu|DEI* where's it been ordered to go, by TKG?
*GT^Commis* S S S W SW of New Tassagrad
*GT^Commis* 10,14
*Drogu|DEI* Hmmmm... Are you sure it's the CP that TKG ordered to go there?
*GT^Commis* He didn't give any other orders for it, and its the only one nearby.
*Drogu|DEI* I think build it where it is. I think thats meant for a different CP
*Drogu|DEI* we can build both anyway, both look like good locations
*Drogu|DEI* He gave 3 base locations and 4 base names, so maybe he thought this would be founded too
*Drogu|DEI* everyone was already expecting a Xanadu, and this is the only one so close to its build site
*GT^Commis* Ok.
*GT^Commis* So call it Xanadu?
*Drogu|DEI* yep
*Furniture* Xanadu :doitnow!.
*GT^Commis* According to DBTS' order, it was meant to be built 1 tile SW.
*Drogu|DEI* DBTS?
*Drogu|DEI* The base?
*GT^Commis* In his orders, it refers to it being built at 5,113.
*Drogu|DEI* ive got the poll
*Drogu|DEI* Yellow is clearly chosen
*Drogu|DEI* 4 tiles SE of new base
*GT^Commis* ?
*GT^Commis* That has nothing to do with the base I'm talking about.
*Drogu|DEI* 4 tiles directly south of for in the road between new base, NS and Crystalis
*Drogu|DEI* doesnt it?
*Drogu|DEI* same area isnt it?
*Drogu|DEI* The bottom pic
*GT^Commis* No. The on I'm talking about is nearer to DBTS' region.
*GT^Commis* 6,112.
*GT^Commis* We built it in the wrong place, didn't we?
*Drogu|DEI* nah, 23, 111
*Drogu|DEI* 23, 11 is yellow on the pic
*Drogu|DEI* 111*
*Drogu|DEI* sorry

* GT^Commis calms down a bit.
*GT^Commis* Ok, what do we do now?
*GT^Commis* I REALLY don't want to have to load up the game again and go through all those f*cking former movements again.
*Drogu|DEI* I no, wait a sec
*Drogu|DEI* its meant to be one square south west of the nutrient, so it really doesnt matter beign there
*Drogu|DEI* the red arrow
*Drogu|DEI* top pic
*Drogu|DEI* however, it makes almost no difference being on 6, 112
*GT^Commis* Ok, well it was going to the nutrient and we agreed to build it where it was, so I built it on the nutrient. :Wall:
*GT^Commis* though you're probably right, ti doesn't matter.
*GT^Commis* Now what to do with the NT former NE of it?
*Drogu|DEI* No idea, forest around it i guess
*GT^Commis* There's forest there already.
*GT^Commis* Clear fungus?
*Drogu|DEI* yep, sounds good
*GT^Commis* There's some covering a nice square just south of it.
*Drogu|DEI* Yeh, looks like a good spot
*GT^Commis* Dammit, who gives orders for Aurora?
*Drogu|DEI* Voltaire I think
*GT^Commis* I've got 1 former there and it's going to keep on building them ad infinitum, by the looks of it.
*Drogu|DEI* Or maybe its for the new region (which willm be me)
*GT^Commis* Ok, what to do with it then?
*GT^Commis* What to build, and what to form?
*Drogu|DEI* 19, 109, Forest 21, 107, Remove fungus. 2, 108, Remove fungus.
*Drogu|DEI* either of those 3 looks good
*Drogu|DEI* probably remove fungus 21, 107
*GT^Commis* It's on it's way.
*Drogu|DEI* Oh crap, I've gotta go :-( You've got my DEI orders, and most of the formers done, so I think its pretty straight forward now isnt it?
*GT^Commis* yes.
*GT^Commis* Until DBTS' orders run out, anyway.
*Drogu|DEI* As DPO or as Governor?
*GT^Commis* Governor. He's not DPO and there are no rders for that.
*GT^Commis* One other thing, though; one of TKG's base locations is in Morganic territory.
*Drogu|DEI* they must have built a new base :-S
*GT^Commis* I'd say just build the base 1 tile NW.
*GT^Commis* Was Morgan Mines there last time?
*Drogu|DEI* cant remember

*Drogu|DEI* yeh, 1 tile NW seems sensible considering
*GT^Commis* Dammit, Drone riots at zanarkand Gate.
*Drogu|DEI* anyways... better go, sorry I couldnt be more help
*Drogu|DEI* bye all
*GT^Commis* bye.
* Drogu|DEI ( Quit
*Furniture* Börk.
*GT^Commis* f*cking hell.
*GT^Commis* One more turn, then I'll wrap up. I've got no time for screwing around with this many formers.
*Furniture* Roger that.
3*** Joins : herc2 (*!*
*herc2* good heavens I can read Kass's message, but a mi too late for themain chat
*herc2* anyone still here
*GT^Commis* Yes.
*GT^Commis* We've contacted Deirdre and got EE from her.
*GT^Commis* Plus we know where the Spartans and Believers are.
*GT^Commis* Oh, and Drone Riots seem to be very frequent occurences.
*herc2* Delighted to hear from you and delighted to know we've contacted Deirdre.Taliskers on me . Sorry I am very late.
*herc2* Who else is here and what turn are you at
*GT^Commis* Well, the Governors are NOT going to pleased with the mess they're facing right now. Something like half our bases jsut rioted in the last
tur alone.
*GT^Commis* Okay, last turn done. I'll post the report. Kass, can you deal with the log?
*Furniture* Sure.
* Logging #smacdg to 'D:\evangelion\eva\#smacdg.EFnet.20030105.log'
*herc2* what was the cause of the riots
*herc2* I guess you must be at 2220 then
*GT^Commis* no, I had to cut the chat short.
*GT^Commis* As for the riots; overpopulation and growth.
*herc2* For me this is a first. Had to swap browsers to get here. But now know the procedure I think
*GT^Commis* Ok, report posted.
*herc2* OK Guess it time to quit here
* herc2 ( Quit
*GT^Commis* Kass? Um, the log?
*Furniture* oh, yeah. yeah. mocking around with something else, got distracted.
3*** Joins : Lemmy|AT (*!*
*Lemmy|AT* Boo!
*Furniture* Boo.
*Lemmy|AT* :Scared:
*Furniture* The turnchat is over.
*GT^Commis* welcome, you're only an hour and fifty minutes too late.
*Lemmy|AT* it wasn't at 2200gmt?
*Lemmy|AT* i wasn't planning on coming anyway

*Furniture* apparently not, and if it wasn't, it's 2246 now
*GT^Commis* I had to move it to 2100 because we're leaving today

*Lemmy|AT* ow..
*GT^Commis* OH well, Kass can post the chatlog in his own time. bye.
* GT^Commis ( Quit
*Furniture* Meh, I was just posting it FCOL
Session Close: Sun Jan 05 00:49:03 2003