January 4, 2003, 22:23
Local Time: 08:45
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Don't Tread on Us
"Finally, it should be observed that the strategic defensive, though it is stronger than the offensive, should serve only to win the first important successes. If these are won and peace does not follow immediately, we can gain further successes only through the offensive. For if we remain continually on the defensive, we run the great risk of always waging war at our own expense. This no state can endure indefinitely. If it submits to the blows of its adversary without ever striking back, it will very likely become exhausted and succumb. We must begin, therefore, using the defensive, so as to end more successfully by the offensive. "
- Carl von Clausewitz
Principles of War
Joan d'Arc was fuming.
"THAT'S it. He's finally ticked me off."
"Madame President?"
"Montezuma. He's crossed our border for the last time. " She jabbed a finger at the large map layed out on the table before them. "He's playing his two-faced little game again - saying he'll leave then moving farther in. And I'm finally mad enough to teach him more of a lesson than bombarding his poor excuse for an army!"
General Chaffee kept a poker face, but was grinning inside. "Madame, what do you wish us to do?"
"Wait until the boob commits himself. The arrogant jackass won't fall back; he'll declare war first. We will wait-"
There was a quick knock at the door, and an aide entered. He handed Chaffee a note and quickly departed.
Chaffee read the note. His poker face melted away.
"The boob has committed himself."
Joan shook her head disdainfully. "Commence Operation Pyramid."
January 4, 2003, 23:04
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 337
The Opening Salvos
He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.
- Sun Tzu,
The Art of War
"THOSE poor dumb bastards."
Colonel D'Aubigne was the commander of the Verdun garrison, a fortress situated on Mount Verdun to the south of Brest. The fortress had stood for over a thousand years, bristling with artillery gun emplacements, mortar positions and machine gun nests. Miles and miles of tunnels had been hewn out of the very living rock, deep into the mountain - enough room for a full infantry battallion, six months of supplies, and supporting artillery.
And now, that artillery (along with 3 other batteries in other parts of the Eastern Wall) was about to rain destruction on the two enemy Aztec battalions that had come into range. It was a situation that the fortresses had been built for - catching enemy units in a kill zone.
"Commence firing."
BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! Colonel D'Aubigne watch through his binoculars as the Aztecs - consisting of a rifle battalion and an infantry battalion - suddenly started scurrying like roaches when a light was turned on. Unfortunately, there was little cover on the plains that streched for miles to the east.
"COLONEL, the artillery has done all it can. The 5th Tank Battalion is finishing the job."
Both the Colonel and his XO, Major Mallery, watched from their perch as tanks rumbled towards the cowering Aztecs. The Aztec officers had fled during the second artillery barrage. Some of the remaining riflemen vainly tried to hold their ground, but their .58 caliber rifle muskets did no more damage to the tanks than hailstones.
The action shifted northward.
Last edited by justjake73; January 4, 2003 at 23:25.
January 4, 2003, 23:22
Local Time: 08:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 337
Target Saturation
"We should begin combat with the larger part of our artillery. Only when we have large masses of troops at our disposal should we keep horse and foot-artillery in reserve. We should use artillery in great batteries massed against one point. Twenty to thirty pieces combined into one battery defend the chief part of our line, or shell that part of the enemy position which we plan to attack. "
-von Clausewitz
People could hear the rumble of the opening artillery barrage from the battle of the Somme all the way in London.
- Historical accounts
IT was to be the largest recorded artillery barrage on the continent - two artillery divisions firing on Chapultepec and Ayotzinco, followed by a total of six bomber squadrons. The bombers were literally brand new - the technology for their construction was less than a year old, and many had rolled off the assembly line within the past few days. They were flown directly into combat.
January 4, 2003, 23:30
Local Time: 08:45
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Forgot this pic.
Early color photo of French artillery in action during the Third Franco - Aztec War.
January 4, 2003, 23:34
Local Time: 08:45
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French artillery in action, Eastern Front.
January 4, 2003, 23:36
Local Time: 08:45
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Artillery craters near Ayotzinco, Third Franco-Aztec War.
January 4, 2003, 23:42
Local Time: 14:45
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Interesting, is this going to focus on artillery ?
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 5, 2003, 00:05
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 337
"The cavalry should be as close behind the fighting troops during battle as is possible without great loss; that is, it should be out of the enemy's grape-shot or musket fire. On the other hand, it should be close enough to take quick advantage of any favorable turn of battle. "
- von Clausewitz
Headline story in the Paris Times, June 12, 1860:
"There has been heavy fighting in Chapultepec between the 2nd Armored Division and fortified Aztec troops. French commanders, however, are confident that the Aztecs are near the breaking point and the city will fall within 24 hours."
The 75mm smoothbore tank gun roared, and the Aztec storefront that had been turned into a machine gun nest exploded in smoke and flame.
The morse code machine in the tank started beeping (radio was still being researched, but the tanks had a morse code transmitter for communicating.) Private Montague on the comm shouted above the din.
Joan pounded her fist on the table.
"They've thrown back three armored assaults!! What do they have left?!"
"Just pikemen, Madame President."
"Pikemen?!? Send in the cavalry to finish them off!!"
Chapultepec fell to the 35th Cavalry Battalion within hours.
January 5, 2003, 00:08
Local Time: 08:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 337
Interesting, is this going to focus on artillery ?
I pounded the Aztecs with a dozen artillery units before attacking the cities directly. I thought the pics were cool.
January 5, 2003, 00:12
Local Time: 08:45
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Graphic of Operation Pyramid.
Last edited by justjake73; January 5, 2003 at 00:22.
January 5, 2003, 00:28
Local Time: 08:45
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Sorry, the forum seems to have a bug...I tried to upload a new photo, then tried to delete that last post only to be told that I am not logged in so I can't delete - "currently logged in as JustJake -Logout ?" So I'm both in and out at the same time??!!?! Sorry
Graphic follows:
Last edited by justjake73; January 5, 2003 at 09:40.
January 5, 2003, 06:24
Local Time: 14:45
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Yes I use artillery all the time to soften up the defense in my games. The auto bombard feature in PTW is great.
Keep this coming justjake73 its great with all the screenies.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 5, 2003, 10:25
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 337
"What is called 'foreknowledge' cannot be elicited from spirits, nor from gods, nor by analogy with past events, nor from calculations. It must be obtained from men who know the enemy situation."
- Sun Tzu
"What do our spies tell us of their navy, General?" Joan asked.
"Madame, the Aztecs have no real navy to speak of. Their entire naval offensive capability consists of 2 ironclads. They have a dozen galleons - well, 11 counting the one the destroyer LeGrange sank yesterday."
Joan smirked. "How many battleships do we have in position for the next phase?"
"Three - the Clemenceau, the Foch, and the Verdun. Respectively, they will lend fire support to the attacks on Ayotzinco, New Tenochtitlan, and New Xitol...Xit..the third city."
Joan laughed. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds their city names to be unpronounceable tongue twisters."
"Madame President, we have another problem. The people of Chapultepec are still on the verge of rioting. We've suppressed the resisters, but the people continue to despise what they term as "our aggression" and "our oppression."
"We can send in more troops, and we can also send in French workers to settle there. My belief is if we can make the majority loyal and French-born, along with building a cathedral, the people will become sedate."
"Make it so."
"WHO are they?!?! Where did they come from?!?!" asked a frazzled General Dalton.
"They appear to be Japanese Cavalry, sir. The Japanese have been at war with the Aztecs for a year longer than we have."
"I KNOW about that!!! What are they doing HERE!?!?"
"They're attacking Ayotzinco, sir!!"
"WHAT?! That city is supposed to be OURS!!!"
Colonel Rousseau peered through his field glasses. "They're not going to succeed, sir. They're meeting heavy rifle fire from the city. OK - the Japanese are falling back now."
"Send in the tanks!"
Last edited by justjake73; January 5, 2003 at 11:02.
January 5, 2003, 10:54
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 337
The miscalculation in the Verdun's fire control center, coupled with the incompatibility of sea and land-based comm systems, would lead to a chain of events that would culminate in the destruction of New Xitolango.
- from the show Military Blunders
"WHAT happened?!?! We were supposed to hit the barracks!! I see smoke coming from the residential area!!!"
Commander Reynard hung up the commlink, having just spoke to the fire control center. "Captain, there's been a...miscalculation."
"No kidding!! And due to the brilliance of some eggheads in the military industrial complex, we can't communicate with the land units to tell them their attack will now wipe this city from the face of the Earth!!!"
The tank assault on New Xitolango went like clockwork. Like in other cities, some of the people resisted when the soldiers rolled in. What the French troops did not realize until too late was a simple fact - there were too few people left in the town.
And now, there were none at all.
Last edited by justjake73; January 5, 2003 at 11:00.
January 5, 2003, 12:35
Local Time: 14:45
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 Keep it coming
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 5, 2003, 16:00
Local Time: 08:45
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I'll have to wait and see if the Aztecs attack again. It's not really exciting enough to write about unless there's some combat, and I have completed my objectives for now.
A lull in the fighting allows French troops to resupply and pose for a photographer.
January 5, 2003, 20:32
Local Time: 08:45
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Headline, Paris Times, August 19, 1870:
(But For How Long?)
NEAR TOYAMA, JAPAN - For the first time in memory, the Aztecs have come to the peace table wanting nothing but peace. Officials were fully expecting, as one put it sarcastically, "for them to demand four worker battalions, two technologies, and a partridge in a pear tree."
According to strategy experts, the Aztecs saw our right of passage agreement with the Japanese as more of a threat than they could handle.
Pundits and skeptics give the peace treaty between ten and twenty years before Montezuma declares war again. "When they do, we'll be ready." a French Army spokesman said.
French soldiers patrol near Chapultepec, on the lookout for any Aztec soldiers.
January 6, 2003, 06:18
Local Time: 14:45
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This is great, Im really enjoying this with all the pictures to go with the story.
Your writing this as you play I think and it is going well, I usually write my stories based on my experience of the game as a whole and never really on one particular game Ive played.
This is obviouslly different from my style but you are doing a very good job, keep up the great work.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 6, 2003, 10:08
Local Time: 22:45
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Keep the goods coming jake dude. Pictures are always a bonus to have. Dude, if the game's too easy why not crank up the skill level a few notches? I don't know about PTW cause I'll never buy it, even at gunpoint, but do what you gotta do dude.
I don't wanna play civ anymore. Reading/writing stories is far more interesting.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
January 6, 2003, 15:10
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 16
Dude, if the game's too easy why not crank up the skill level a few notches?
Well not all of my games are like this. I quit the last one because the AI was getting too far ahead!! I lucked out this time and got a very good map and starting position. The AI in this game, for the most part, is only a few techs behind me, and I like it that way. I've had games where I'm neck and neck with the AI, and I like those too.
I had to slug it out with Montezuma for some of the cities I captured - he had a couple of infantry in one.
January 6, 2003, 16:40
Local Time: 05:45
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Peace with a subdued opponent means the Cold War spies get to work!
Who knows what sort of machinations go on while nations prepare for war (think of the time between the World Wars when Germany increased its quality and quantity of war materiel).
Great job, especially the apt quotes!
January 6, 2003, 22:25
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 337
I've had spies in his territory since before this war - that's how I knew he had hardly any navy.
I now have a MPP and RoP with Japan, and am building a few forts there and stocking them with troops.
January 8, 2003, 03:36
Local Time: 13:45
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I love it.
I'm serious.
This story kicks a--
January 8, 2003, 16:42
Local Time: 08:45
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This is beyond good. Write more ASAP.
January 8, 2003, 17:55
Local Time: 08:45
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Posts: 16
Gee wow thanks everyone
One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them,
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
January 8, 2003, 22:25
Local Time: 07:45
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Posts: 5,725
A very good story, justjake73. I had been thinking for a while about writing a story in the form of assorted short notes, as if taken from different sources: excerpts of war documents, dialogue transcripts, and newspaper articles. I'd thought this would be a potentially engaging story. And your piece of writing just supports that. Very nice. One problem with such an approach would have been to keep everything flowing smoothly, as the difference of sources, and the brevity of paragraphs might bring in a certain feeling of rambling. But I see you have solved that problem well. And the pictures add extra flavour to the whole thing.
Overall, a nice refreshment from the long-paragraphed stories. Keep on writing, please
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