January 5, 2003, 11:53
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Anyone here plays the classic game and has any experiences worth sharing? I hate most shooter games, but Doom is so much of a classic, I just love it.
Even though, I pretty much suck at it, as I do at all shooter games, but, I'm a good sharpshooter - bad at everything else  .
No, the single player game is fun though in Doom 2. I believe those levels are one of the best things about comp gaming.
So, anyone else sick with it?
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January 5, 2003, 12:02
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Hell yes.
One of the custom levels I've been going through recently has been Doomworld's "10 Sectors" megawad. The challenge was to build a level with only 10 sectors. "Sector" is an editing term; each sector has a set floor and ceiling height, floor and ceiling texture, light level, and other characteristics. Basically, they did all these levels by merging sectors with identical properties. (Search around on Doomworld, there's a link to the 10 Sectors download.)
Solver: I also am not that great at playing Doom. To the best of my knowledge, I've never used the Deathmatch mode.
January 5, 2003, 12:29
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Deathmatch? Gee. I still run it and play single player levels when feeling bad, improves feeling SOOO much.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
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January 5, 2003, 14:09
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i could go on about doom forever. my favorite single player/co-op game, and deathmatch isn't that bad either. i could play co-op doom on lan forever!  personally my favorite wads are plutonia, tnt, and eternal. i don't recall an specific stories at the moment but i think speed run demos have lots of good stories captured in them.
speed run demos - amazing stuff you have to check at this one below out if you haven't seen any of them before
"whole damn game" ultraviolence speed run, clocking 26:57 for doom2. to play them extract to where your exe file is and do "doom2.exe -playdemo 30uv2657.lmp"(without quotes).
get eternal here, great wad, and freaking hard.
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January 5, 2003, 14:26
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used to play mostly single player games and through lan at school, but that was 5 years ago. Still, it's the best 1st person shooter I ever played. I can still memorize some of those levels. It looks like I'll download it again after seeing this thread  , can't miss on this fun again
January 5, 2003, 18:46
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I only ever played single player Doom. But it was a better experience than perhaps some of my recent Quake III and Unreal Tournament games (for the time at least). Still keeps me amused at times.
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January 5, 2003, 18:58
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Just last Wensday I finally beat Level 17 in Doom 2. I could never get passed it before. I always had to do the level jump cheat. Now I finally found my way out.
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January 5, 2003, 19:16
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That's insane.
I imagine that this guy bought the game, switched to ultraviolence, then had all of the levels finished after half an hour. Must be pretty talented!
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January 5, 2003, 19:30
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i preferred wolfenstein myself but doom was ok
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January 5, 2003, 20:08
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I use the jdoom emulator with 3d models to play Doom II.
January 5, 2003, 20:30
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The storyline of Doom 2 caught me by surprise.
January 5, 2003, 20:35
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I liked doom two but I haven't bothered with any of the other doom titles.
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January 6, 2003, 09:37
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Doom has its place as the father of Quake. I thought SP was rubbish, but MP popularised the genre - a true classic.
January 6, 2003, 12:54
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I'm probably a moron, but I found Doom2 pretty hard as far as labyrinths go - on many levels I had difficuly finding my way out. Shooting monsters up was no problem with original levels though.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
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January 6, 2003, 15:46
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i love doom single player for a simple reason - it plays to it's own weaknesses that all computer games share. instead of trying to have 'smart' ai(which is impossible as we all know) it throws hoards of dumb, and weak monsters are you with specialized attacks(this is important because it lets you create different tactical environments by mixing and matching monsters). instead of a few supposedly smart ai monsters with strong attacks which are easy to exploit(most games you can just pick off monsters from behind walls, or get them stuck on the walls when they chase you).
solver - i used to have that problem too.  i know most of the lvls by heart now though, after a few times through them it gets easier(unless you play nightmare then it's way harder!).
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January 6, 2003, 17:30
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Yeah, I've completed many of the levels like a hundred times, even though there are a few in range of 21-25 that I only did like 5 times.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
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January 6, 2003, 18:42
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You sound like a junkie, Solver.
Maybe you should try half life for a change.
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January 6, 2003, 19:21
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So what's new on the Doom 3 front? I heard it was going to revolutionize 3-D graphics but I've heard that before about other games....
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January 7, 2003, 03:17
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The music (in it's time) was so cool. I think it still is...
I was so hooked on that game for so long. My sister used to make fun of me when I played that game. I was constantly wawing from side to side "dodging bullets" and "trying to peek behind my monitor for imps (or something worse)"
The game could get scary sometimes...
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
January 7, 2003, 03:25
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I got some sort of DoomII emulator. But I really don't want to have this thread closed, so I won't say anything more. :O
January 7, 2003, 06:04
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I play a level or two now and then. Wonderful way to clear the mind before going to bed. My only beef is that most levels are too large for my liking. I don't like spending time finding the way out, I will spend time doing maximum damage to uglies.
This is worse in Doom2 than in the original, I think.
I'm using zdoom and the zdoom launcher. What executable are you guys using? And why? Zdoom gives high resolution and look/aim up/down. Very nice with mouse.
January 7, 2003, 11:43
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Mattyboy, I haven't found myself liking any other similar game, half-life included.
Willie, it's awesome, Doom 3. If you know what I mean, Doom was a huge step up in graphics for that time - well, Doom 3 is too. If you download the alpha or something, the graphics are completely outstanding. And so are system requirements. Moreover, it plays in the old good Doom style.
Catullus, now that I've played the levels over and over, I remember pretty well the ways out. But yeah, in Doom 2, my all time favorite levels are 10 and 16, for the easy ways out and lots of monsters.
And I use prboom or sometimes even the original exe - heck why not?
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
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January 7, 2003, 14:49
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i use legacy doom for playing(lan/single player) and glboom for watching speed run demos. i've fiddled with zdaemon over the internet but my connection(26.4k modem) is too bad usually. i've managed to play a few co-op/deathmatch games online with zdaemon though where i didn't lag out. fun stuff when it works good. zdaemon is really quite easy to get working if you have any inclination for doom over the inet w/ other players you should really give it a try - http://www.zdaemon.com/~zd/
i have a hard time standing non-opengl doom anymore. the low visibility is annoying. i've used jdoom in the past but legacy seems so much simpler and easier to start quick games with(it has a setup utility). i also prefer non-3d models.
i don't think the maps are all that big especially since many of the maps have big rooms which are easy to navigate and find your way around. using the diagonal strafe speed technique, among other useful speed boosts (like wall strafing) let you really fly through most areas. the really big maps with lots of high/low areas and small/tight halls ways are still a blur to me sometimes. my favorite maps are the ones with lots of weak enemies(imps/men/pigs) and ample space to maneuver in. i've seen all the secrets since i've watched so many speed run demos but i usually forget a few when i'm playing.
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January 7, 2003, 19:28
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I'm using zdoom and the zdoom launcher. What executable are you guys using? And why? Zdoom gives high resolution and look/aim up/down. Very nice with mouse.
As I have already said, I am using jdoom. The only zdoom feature it's missing is the 3rd person view. I like playing in jdoom's (optional) windowed openGL mode and I think that 3d monster models are cool.
January 8, 2003, 15:08
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I play a level or two now and then. Wonderful way to clear the mind before going to bed. My only beef is that most levels are too large for my liking. I don't like spending time finding the way out, I will spend time doing maximum damage to uglies.
Then SoF1 multiplay is your thing, only goal is to kill as much and as bloody as possible  (still one of my favourite games)
I found Doom a bit disappointing, being used to games like Hexen which came out later of course, but that was my first shooter... (after wolf3d), hexen and heretic were mighty good (especially hexen), compared to Doom, i found it Doom a rather uninspired monotonous game compared to hexen (my all time favourite shooter, next to duke3d and SoF1). and the labyrinths were just plain boring, Hexen had some clever stuff in it!!
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January 8, 2003, 15:24
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Hexen games were good, but I got lost in the labyrinths of Heretic 3 (in the Mayan temple). couldn't find that third apocalypse boss and stopped playing years ago. But still, it's a long and tricky game, quite different than doom.
January 8, 2003, 18:02
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Yeah, Hexen had some more RPG, like in heretic 2 etc.. diff characters to play with,=> diff speed, weapons, strength and objects that have diff values according to which char it is..
"An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
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January 9, 2003, 01:41
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Hexen games were good, but I got lost in the labyrinths of Heretic 3 (in the Mayan temple). couldn't find that third apocalypse boss and stopped playing years ago. But still, it's a long and tricky game, quite different than doom.
Is that Hexen 2? I passed it by x11ting.
January 9, 2003, 14:26
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sorry, Hexen 2 it is... played it years ago
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