I second both requests.
3. If I save a PBEM game right before hitting the End (my) Turn button (say, for future reference) and later reload it, all the statistics change from "the end of the last turn" to "the beginning of the next turn". Could it be that they still load as if I haven't hit the End Turn button yet? IOW: could the savegame show EXACTLY the stuff that was shown at the time of creating the savegame?
I am having troubles with this in the demogame. I need to make a save right before I end our turn and send the savegame on. Later, I need to load the save to take screenshots - unfortunately, all the stats (F11, production & food storage etc.) are incorrect/confusing then... the only way seems to be to load the
received savegame, replay every single move, and take the screenshots. Kinda annoying...
4. Fix the load bug/cheat, pleeease. It is so easy to - even unintentionally! - have a look at the previous player's capital...