I always have a story to tell about my games. Nearly everytime I play a game of Civ3 you bet I will have a story. This has been one heck of a game! Standard size map, all random, regent level and I ended up with the Greeks. Here is a current mini map shot of this game, it is 1973 right now and this is how it looks...
This is the current situation...I am in the middle there, green. You can see China just to the south and east, Babylon far across the ocean to the west and America far southeast across another ocean. I took Rome and Japan early on and owned my continent. For nearly half this game America, Babylon, Persia and Zulu was not even in contact with me or any of my nearby countries. So I had no idea what kind of map this was. Needless to say it is water heavy. China has been uneasy to deal with. I went to war off and on with them. They have a very large navy and are more advanced then me. Babylon is powerful and also holds a large and powerful navy. America, although small has a ton of techs and more advanced then me and has a fairly powerful navy.
Having grown tired of America's attiude I was secretly planning an attack on them. I continued to be polite to them and all the while I had 5 galleons on the way to their homeland loaded with riflemen, calvary and cannons. They had no clue what was about to happen to them. Upon arrival I anchored the galleons just off the coast to the west of them. They had a navy out there, and trust me I did not want to wake them. Especially since I never had any escorts. I waited until they moved a ship into my territory back home. I used this as an excuse to attack.
War had begun, landed one galleon and unloaded. Forgot the others on fortify, huge mistake. Quickly just after hitting the beach american infantry showed up, oh no where the heck did those come from? I was unaware they had infantry! My first landing forces was rapidly destroyed. Then america crowed the landing shores. I was unable to land anywhere(i need marines here! help!) . Then here comes american warships from all directions, big trouble now. I must get my ground forces on that shore! I desperately need those troops onshore now! I manage to sail just around in time and landing all forces.
Under constant fire immediately after landing my troops just started to drop one by one. All I had left was 2 riflemen and 2 cannons. I positioned them on a coastal hill and fortified. Cannon fire on several improvements begun. I managed to dish out some damage. Unfortunately there where eventually destroyed.
War weariness started to take its toll on my republic nation and I wanted peace. Now China and Babylon was going at it. Then I ended up at war with China! I managed to get an alliance with Babylon and america allied with China. War was getting heavy, I lost an island city directly south from a chinese landing fleet. It was going back and forth, I could barely keep up. Navy battles were breaking out all over the place, there were ships everywhere, I kid you not. Finally peace treaties were formed and the game continued on...