Got an e-mail from Firaxis since I asked them a support question for Alpha Centauri, but found the answer here.
There is a compability patch out for Windows2000/XP, but so far I can or don't have to use it!!
They also said there is no plans for Alpha Centauri II right now, since the publisher seems to own everything about any game they have done.
But the original game works once pass the CPU processor not supported error message, which can be handled by one line in the Alpha Centauri.Ini file.
Works even better, then it did before.
Oh, the X-COM Apocalyse!!
Well, sometimes old games are good to remember!!
Been busy for awhile so not much time to actually play something called a game. So I am glad that it still works, so far, but if needed that patch:
can be downloaded from and used and installed or uninstalled for both Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire.
Everything is working!!