December 1, 2000, 00:34
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People Still Play SMAC?
Do you also still love fiddling with your Rubik's Cubes?
Sheesh, move on.
December 1, 2000, 07:37
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To what, precisely? It's a good game. Why stop playing something you still enjoy?
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December 1, 2000, 07:50
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It's a fantastic game, no doubt, but there is only so many times you can play it before it grows stale. I've had hundreds of games, but today playing it is just like going through the motions - like flogging a dead horse.
I do realise some rather backward people are just discovering it, but my amazement was triggered by Velociryx's strategy guide update.
I've personally moved on to Imperium Galactica II, and I'm greatly looking forward to Black & White.
December 1, 2000, 08:47
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If you have no interest in SMAC, you don't have to post here. There is still an awful lot going on in the multiplayer scene here - the interest is still very much there. SMAC is, undoubtedly, the best strategy game I have ever played, bar none. Why is there still such a community for civ2, which is older still than SMAC? Because it is a fantastic game, that's why. And people don't tire too easily from a game that offers virtually infinite longevity, and the UBC proves that even the most accomplished players can still find themselves stumped.
So, the base of it is, if you've lost interest in SMAC, don't play it anymore. Simple as that. But please don't criticise others for playing a game in which you happen to be finished with.
December 1, 2000, 09:30
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Hi, my name is VoodooChild, and I play SMAX
December 1, 2000, 09:36
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As a SMAC'er who predates even you, you might as well ask "why do people still play Monopoly - or soccer - or cricket?"
'cos they are timeless - as SMAC is.
Mark13 put it succinctly.
It is simply the best strategy game created.
You've "transcended" - good for you. I'm happy for you
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited December 01, 2000).]
December 1, 2000, 10:53
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If you've moved to Imperium Galatica 2 you won't stay there long. There went money I will never see again
December 1, 2000, 16:14
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Googlie puts it nicely: A good game is truly timeless.
December 1, 2000, 16:15
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I agree with you. I was at the CIV2 site and guess what? Some old farts are still playing boring predictable games like Chess. Isn't that like 3000 years old?
Honestly, you are all wrong on this. If I could find a good Space Invaders or Missle Command emu, you wouldn't get me off the computer. People are still playing SMAC, CIV2, and yes Chess because it is fun and new. People are find new stratgeies for these all the time.
There are plenty of new fans to these games because they have been moved to the discount bins where people are finding them for the first time.
Does anyone have the solution to Rubik's Cube? My colors are all mixed up and I can't seem to get it back...
December 1, 2000, 16:25
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I put SMAC aside a while ago, after playing it into the ground and went on to some other games. Played through the Fallout series and Thief 1/2 (both astoundingly cool).
Then, the other day I went out and bought CTP2. Although it was much better then CTP, I just couldn't get into it. It didn't have anywhere near the same depth, polish, or addictivness that SMAC does. So I took it back to the store and reinstalled Alpha Centauri.
Still, I'll admit I haven't played it anywhere NEAR hundreds of times. Maybe two or three dozen, but thats probably too high an estimate. I guess anything you play that much has to be get old.
But, then again, Alpha Centauri isn't very old chronologicaly. It's kinda strange when people stop playing perfectly good games just because they haven't been released in the last few months. Although, on the other hand, it lets me buy 90% of my computer games from the clearance shelves!  (Nothing's wierder then games released in early `99 being repackaged as `Classics'. I think this happened to System Shock 2.)
[This message has been edited by Fintilgin (edited December 01, 2000).]
December 1, 2000, 16:29
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Yeah, believe it or not I still play Sonic 2 on my old MegaDrive
After a hard day, nothing is more relaxing than bouncing around Emerald Hill zone for the ten millionth time....
I got SMAC at a discount - about four months after its release. Still, I'm not complaining, if they want to give me it at a discount, who am I to stop them?
December 1, 2000, 17:14
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December 1, 2000, 17:52
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I'm wondering if Bkeela ever tried Multi-player? I too have tired of single player games, but am realitively new to MP which still peaks my interest.
December 1, 2000, 18:00
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So, the base of it is, if you've lost interest in SMAC, don't play it anymore. Simple as that. But please don't criticise others for playing a game in which you happen to be finished with.
Thanks for the advice, you've made me see the futility of my opinion. But are you trying to convince me or yourself?

As a SMAC'er who predates even you, you might as well ask "why do people still play Monopoly - or soccer - or cricket?"
Predates moi? Maybe on these boards, but I doubt playing the game. (I was actually too busy playing the game before I found this site)
Monopoly, soccer and cricket are all team sports: for me, SMAC has always been a solo game. I could rant endlessly comparing such games to SMAC, but frankly I'm not that concerned about this topic, suffice to say that SMAC as multi-player is a highly frustrating experience in my opinion. Now Quake, Half-Life or even good old Doom are great multi-player games, but I suggest anyone who plays SMAC with other humans, and even worse - over the Internet, are...[how should I put this?]...easily amused, and very patient individuals.

If you've moved to Imperium Galatica 2 you won't stay there long. There went money I will never see again
I've not grown tired of IGII after several months. It should keep me interested until Black & White which is released in Febuary.

Hey Bleeka, I still play MOO2 and Colonization occasionally. What do you say to that?
I do also hellrazor. MoO2 is the greatest space strategy game of all time: and I would say it's even better than Civilisation. I would also admit that Colonisation is better than Civ. Both games although dated, still have fantastic game play, as does SMAC. But although I still love these games, its only the "occasional" game for me also.

I agree with you. I was at the CIV2 site and guess what? Some old farts are still playing boring predictable games like Chess. Isn't that like 3000 years old?
Oh the sarcasm. Please spare me

Honestly, you are all wrong on this. If I could find a good Space Invaders or Missle Command emu, you wouldn't get me off the computer. People are still playing SMAC, CIV2, and yes Chess because it is fun and new. People are find new stratgeies for these all the time.
Mame [32] is the best emulator for Space Invaders and Missle Command if you want the original arcade experience. Not hard to find ROMS either. [You can private message me and I'll give you some links if you wish].
I also like a good game of Donkey Kong, or Pac Man, but playing these games now is more for nostalgic value, than for the sheer pleasure I felt when I was a kid.

Does anyone have the solution to Rubik's Cube? My colors are all mixed up and I can't seem to get it back...
But why cheat, that's no fun

Then, the other day I went out and bought CTP2.
My sincerest commiserations.

Yeah, believe it or not I still play Sonic 2 on my old MegaDrive
After a hard day, nothing is more relaxing than bouncing around Emerald Hill zone for the ten millionth time....
I play Solitaire to unwind. Platform games are great, but it's like comparing chalk and cheese.
Anyway, I shall no doubt enjoy a game of SMAC in the future, it's just that I'm simply stating that my obsession for the game has died completely. I'm simply amazed [mildly suprised actually] that people are still excited about it all. Anyway, that's my two cents worth: I shall now dissapear back into the ether.
December 1, 2000, 21:28
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. I think Bkeela has been trolling you all.
Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
Pontificator Pendanticus
older richer & wiser than you
December 2, 2000, 00:08
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Heh,Heh,new forum to annoy...Anywho,I mostly play Homeworld and ToT,but I still play SMAX.Never played online,though.How?
December 2, 2000, 01:17
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Dang i didn't get quoted.... i guess i don't rate high enough to be called a loser... oh the humilitation.
December 2, 2000, 01:33
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Hey Bleeka, I still play MOO2 and Colonization occasionally. What do you say to that?
Oh and what's wrong with Rubric's cube? Watch how fast I can solve it!
December 2, 2000, 09:47
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Isn't it great that people can post their opinions on here, no matter how intelligent or not? (me included)
I would like to point out that SMAC has been on the best seller list for a record number of weeks (months)
And to repeat after VC, my name is Zonk and I have a SMAC problem: I can't get enough.
December 2, 2000, 11:03
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. I think Bkeela has been trolling you all.
Nah, a troll doesn't have a pathetic post count like I do.

Dang i didn't get quoted.... i guess i don't rate high enough to be called a loser... oh the humilitation.
Well, you didn't give me much material to work on...
December 7, 2000, 17:22
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listen i just got SMAC not the expansion just SMAC so if you play SMACX and You Dont like SMAC SUCK MY **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 7, 2000, 20:42
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OMGWTFBBQ :chucks his SMAC cd and the nearest lamers head and plays SMACx:
its all about multi, single player SMAC got VERY boring very fast, probably because of the lame AI
[This message has been edited by Qualicide (edited December 07, 2000).]
December 9, 2000, 03:38
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Are you a spastic tyler666?
December 9, 2000, 12:12
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Originally posted by Bkeela on 12-09-2000 02:38 AM
Are you a spastic tyler666?
lol...nicely put!!
[This message has been edited by Killjoy (edited December 09, 2000).]
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