I'm not sure how popular FPS games are around here, but at least the Medal of Honor series seems to be played by a few at least. So far I've only heard about Frozzy the Snowman playing MoH Frontline, but I've heard that e.g. Dan has played the MP and SP demos of MoH Allied Assault, so I'm quite sure there might be a small MoH community around here.
So if you have played any MoH series game, please answer a few questions out of general interest as we all haven't played the same titles necessarily.
1. Which MoH games have you played?
- MoH Frontline (PlayStation)
- MoH Allied Assault (PC, Mac)
- MoH Allied Assault, SP demo (PC)
- MoH Allied Assault, MP demo (PC)
- MoH Allied Assault Spearhead (PC)
- MoH Allied Assault Spearhead, SP demo (PC)
- MoH Allied Assault Spearhead, MP demo (PC)
2. Are you still regularly playing any of the titles?
3. Are you member of of an organised clan/team?
4. Favourite weapons and maps?
5. Favourite music from the soundtrack?
Just to get it started, here are my answers. 1. MoH:AA and MoH:AA SH. Plus the MP demo of SH, but only once. 2. Yes, I play many times a week. Now mostly SH. 3. I have been playing in a team for about 6 months now. Still in the same ol' team that I started with.

4. My favourite "toy" is still the Colt 45, but the Russian Mosin Nagant rifle is also something I have recently found good. However my real laptop beast is the portable MG42 that I love so much to carry around.

As for the maps, lol_v2 is still the best custom made MoH:AA map IMO and as for the ones supplied with the game, it's The Hunt or Algiers, however I haven't settled my opinion for SH yet. I'll wait and see for what the map makers will come up with. 5. Sturmgeist from SH.