Originally posted by Pedrunn
I was sure it was before Locuus put a (Time Uncertain) label in the title.
The main reason for me to do that was because you put 8:00 GMT in one post and 8:00 EST in another. So you may have been sure, but the rest of us wasn't
But I think the current time is a good one
And Locutus, that chart has AST wrong. You forgot daylight savings 12:00GMT is currently 23:00 AST.
I was afraid of that, you Oceanians should get your time zones sorted out, they're weird

(Some have summer time, some don't; some areas should have a 3 hour difference but are in fact using the same time, there doesn't seem to be any kind of consensus about how many time zones Australia has (it seems to vary from 3 to 7) or what they're called, etc)
Anyway, I updated the table, hopefully it's accurate now and can be used to set times for future chats without forcing people to stay up until late at night. (If anyone wants to have a time zone added, I can do that, just tell me what it's called and how how big the offset with GMT should be.)