Proposing a game coordination tool.
It seems at some point in the past EA had a "matchmaking" service for SMAC. I've found vague mention of it on a few web sites, the domain name long expired. I'd like to draft some design notes for a possible project and am rather unsure as to what features would be in demand ( if such a program is in demand at all ).
Immediately I envisioned a program that spends most of its time idle in one's system tray. Each user would specify any ideal game parameters, and wait for people with similar tastes to become available.
The details of the coordination system aren't really trivial because there probably won't be a lot of people using the service. A service like with thousands of people active at any given moment only needs to concern itself with players immediately available.
Possibly the program could notify its user in a non-intrusive way that there are possible game matches. Double clicking on the system tray icon would then transport the user to a chat session with the other players in the game-to-be.
Of course, a less real-time system might be more preferable, web based and possibly relying on email.
Last edited by Verbed; January 11, 2003 at 00:09.