I don want to hear any other 'but's
The hour i will play the game will be
GMT 22:30 of 09/01/2003
Channel named "Lemuria" of the apolyton chat room
Playing the turns! Reporting what happened.
The chat will just be there since i believe i am going to play a lot of turns in a row. But probably nothing will happen. If something does i will halt the game and start polling about it. My guess is that i will halt the game when the second warrior is built.
Any complaints will be totally ignored

to for those who did not know this time change speacially those who had to make time changes in the real life schedules. It will never happen again while i am in power

of this community. This time will be for good . No more delays at all: GMT 22:30 of 09/01/2003 (thursday)