OK I'm getting jealous of only RPers dominating the roleplay in the public forum.... and I'm no good with story telling, so I will write a fictional religion. It's got a bit of PTW human history so hope you enjoy it~
Creation: Long long time ago, Universe was in chaos and without form. Until one day, an omnipotent being, Protos, created order out of chaos. He first decided to destroy everything by merging everything in the universe into one. He created Terra, the mother earth and mated her. She began to blow up and eventually blew up to give birth to a first child, Lucius. Then came the other gods. The violent explosion sent the Lucius and other godshigh up in the air, while leaving the mother earth still on the ground. You can still see the gods in the air to this day, but the heaven blocks them from coming back to mother earth, and the clouds veil their eyes. Thus they still circle around Terra to this day, represented by the stars and the moons and the sun.
Lucius - is the god of light. He is the sun we see every morning and he is also the god of warmth and fire. He is the first born children between Terra and Protos. It is from Lucius, where children of light (Lux Invicta) were decended from.
Terra - is the mother of health, longetivity and endurance.
God of wind, which also Gathering Storm beleives in, is also the god of wind in Lux Invicta's religion. Meshellic once told me a story of his god, but I am unsure if the two religion agrees entirely

. He is the God of wind, frost and rain. It is with him and Lucius that balance of nature is accomplished and harmony can reign.
Cain - is the youngest god. He is the god of death, suffering and night. Cain is represented by the Moon in the heavens and is very moody. This is represented by his constant changes in his appearance. Cain fears Lucius, thus only shows up when his brother is gone.
Humans come from 3 different origins. While Protos was absent, Cain raped Terra. This act made Terra pregnant, with firt human children born of this world. This infuriated Protos once he returned, and he began hunting the humans down. Cain too, did not like his children... so he began huting them as well and offered it to his father, who then consumed the humans.
This barbaric act of killing their children greatly disturbed the other gods and left mother earth heart stricken, for she still loved her child, even if they were creation of Cain's sinful deeds. The other gods rebelled against Protos and killed him. When he was defeated, his blood spilled into mother earth created oceans and rivers and lakes. Also the very life essence of Proto's blood let loose all the spirits of the men who were wrongfully hunted and allowed them to rematerialize, thus creating a new generation of humans. This is where the most of humans are originated from today. From the blood of Protos and womb of mother earth. When the war was successful, Cain fled, fearing that his brother would come for him as well.
With rebellion successfully undegone, Lucius became the rightful heir of the universe and took over his father's position as the supreme god. He took his mother as his bride(ok its sounding more greek as it goes on) and created the last generation of human race. As time progressed, the three race of humans mated with one another, but people of Luxia can always be traced back to the 3rd generation of humans. Finally, there are still few bands of humans who are pure of Cain's decent. It is they who still worship Cain who pray to him for end of the world. Because Cain's generation has been mixed into human race, we have the suffering and sins we have today. Cain still sneaks into the world to take away the souls of humans under the darkness of the night, but those who are brave in war and honest and good are protected by Lucius and will be personally ascended into the heavens.
I'll fix some stuff along the way.