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Old January 11, 2003, 17:12   #1
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameACDG3 SpartansACDG3 GaiansC4DG VoxC4WDG éirich tuireannC4DG Team Alpha CentauriansBtS Tri-LeagueC4BtSDG TemplarsACDG PeaceACDG3 Data Angels
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Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Director of Peace Operations forum
In a discussion thread earlier when we were talking about war, peace, attack and defence. AdamT set out 6 priority objectives which received acclaim, (Though not polled). They were:-

1 Infiltrate all factions ( 2 more to go)
2 Build CDF ( done)
3 State of art garrisons in all sites (debated and compromise agreed on frontline priority for state of art and less costly and armed garrisons for inner bases).
4 Build defensive navy.
5 Build occupation force
6 Liberate Hive popukation.

In moving to objective 3 , a request has gone to governors and the DIA for the inclusion of state of art garrisons in weakly defended bases and the inclusion where Govs and DIA think appropriate at other bases. We need both types of garrison prototyped, so that is a priority (Xanadu is building the sentinel and if GT agrees New Apolyton will build the prototype trance plasma defensive ( moves 2).

the DPO requests are as follows but I am pleased many directors have already taken the initiative.

Terminal Dogma Trance Plasma Defence (TPD) into build Q between crawlers
Pandemonia Trance Plasma Sentinel (TPS) in Q
Concordia TPS or upgrade
Antioch TPS in q after research hosp
Tacticus academy TPS in Q
New Suez TPs in Q
Zanarkland Gate TPS in Q

To start on the fourth objective ( build defensive navy) I simply ask that a Trance Gatling Foil be added to the design workshop,
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
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Old January 16, 2003, 08:51   #2
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameACDG3 SpartansACDG3 GaiansC4DG VoxC4WDG éirich tuireannC4DG Team Alpha CentauriansBtS Tri-LeagueC4BtSDG TemplarsACDG PeaceACDG3 Data Angels
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Thankfully, it is difficult to make controversial polls in this area at the moment. I have taken the approach that citizens do not want to be polled on the detail of a plasma sentinel in a build queue, rather, that decision should be brought about through discussion and agreement with DIA and regional governors.(In accordance with the overall agreed strategy as outlined above.

Also my approach to military matters veres to the non confrontational (as I read to be the wishes of the faction at this time) but at the same time decisions have been taken in ' defence of the realm'. Not, as far as possible, without consultation, yet as GT kept reminding me, the buck stops here.

However in the context of building sea defences a matter I do think needs discussion is the question of establishing key coastal bases on our immediate western peninsulay-thingy islands: north west of TBIBTU and west of New Apolyton.

To set out achieving objectives 3.(defensive navy), 4 (occupation force) and 5 (liberation of the hive) I feel we need to make a start on this.

But a first step (along with building a defensive navy) is investigation of the 'islands'. so give me your views on this and if I need to poll.

Or is the DEI content to take this request on board?
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
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Old January 16, 2003, 10:56   #3
Alpha Centauri PBEMNationStatesACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansACDG The Human HiveACDG PeaceACDG3 SpartansACDG3 MorganACDG3 Data AngelsPolyCast TeamC4DG Team Alpha CentauriansCiv4 SP Democracy GameAlpha Centauri Democracy GameACDG3 CMNsACDG The Cybernetic Consciousness
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I will take the request on board, and will go in the next DEI orders poll, due in the next 30 minutes
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But he would think of something

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