January 11, 2003, 21:42
Local Time: 01:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: of Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 6,851
Turn Report 2216-2222
The main events:
1) Most of the Drone Riots died down, however, those in Tacticus Academy continued, and they destroyed the recycling tanks.
2) We then experienced a Network Overload at TA which wiped out our research, due to the delays caused by the riots.
3) We located and infiltrated the Spartans, who declared war after we refused to give them Cyberethics. They seem to be located in the Monsoon Jungle.
4) We suffered a number of mindworm attack, which cost us a Gatling infantry squad near TA, and a laser foil in eastern sea. We were also forced to arm two crawlers in order to hold off mindowrm attack from the sea.
The chatlog will follow shortly.
EDIT: at least, it will if Hercules is still around to post it.
January 12, 2003, 05:40
Local Time: 14:13
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: soon to be a major religion
Posts: 2,845
what do you mean with arm two crawlers?
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
January 12, 2003, 06:01
Local Time: 01:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: of Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 6,851
Spent 90 ECs on each one to give them Synthametal armour and Hypnotic Trance. Turned one of the worms into charcoal, and the other one is staying put for now.
January 12, 2003, 06:39
Local Time: 16:13
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Bubblewrap
Posts: 2,032
eek..you played 6 turns 
How long did it take?
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
January 12, 2003, 06:46
Local Time: 01:13
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: of Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 6,851
A little under four hours.
January 12, 2003, 11:56
Local Time: 15:13
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: On a Board Walk
Posts: 11,565
Partial turn chat log. Timed out after first two hours so that part is missing ?
I notice it is missing who said what , but the information is in the copy between <>. Wonder why it disapppears.
Start of #smacdg buffer: Sun Jan 12 01:41:27 2003
* Now talking in #smacdg
Drogue: they have all those things, and they still
connection timed out
they have a net node? etc
i thoughgt only rec commons
They'd have had the Node if they hadn't
interrupted production by rioting.
Anyway, where was the base ast of Concordia
supposed to go?
1,74 wasn't it?
18,74, rather.
border of us and morgan
2 squares SW of pool
Oh, and herc: We just built the first working
model of Plasma armour at NA.
Time to start upgrading.
only needed in outside bases though
Herc wanted upgrades in Centralis, too.
as agreed and as per build qs
GT: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&th
I upgraded them to police untis, and now we don't
have to worry about Drones any more.
east of concorian base
take out fungus on yellow E, E, E, N of condordia
In progress.
Now whatd id DBTS want me to do with the former at
no idea.. where is that:
Hang on, found it.
He wanted a condenser.
sounds ok
btw, Arurora now has three formers.
What do you want me to do with them?
One's clearing fungus and another's planting
And a third wa sjsut built.
road to new base, a couple of condensor/farms for
crawling (if needed) and then give them to somewhere else
Ok, in prgress.
OH, and do your ealize that we have an AA in NA
that we STILL haven't used?
then give it to abase we can use it in!
more tech 
We may be able to use it NA.
Shall I try?
can we??? if so yes
Yes, it worked, and we got Advanced Subatmoic
No wait it may come in more useful later
oh well, too late.
Besides, what for?
well, another tech prob,im all for using them
Ok, now what to do with the formers near xanadua?
forest if none there
or road if needed
or farm/condensor
Apparently he wants them sent to NT and handed
over to you.
ok, sounds good
And the square already has farm/solar.
keep one of tehm and defungus one square inland
Ok, 2219 complete, and out probe foil is
approaching BRC.
The laser foil hasn't found anything.
blast figle crag?
Well, for once nothing catstrophic happened this
Yes, Blast Rifle Crag.
even I kne taht
knew that
hmmmm... didnt register for a sec 
Ok, we have a laser foil near a pod with an IoD
further on. we can pop the pod *OR* attack the IoD.
I say pop the pod; we'd have only 50/50 odds of
killing it if we attacked.
id got for attackj personally, but pods ok i guess
Something else to report: Zakh has built a new
port much closer to our other probe foil.
I'm redirecting it to there.
btw herc: I've just found a sea with your name on
'The Mouth of Hercules'.
objective one
Found anothe rpod near NS.
it's with a Lsaer foil.
how many moves?
yeh, go for it
The othe rpod contained another IoD.
thank god for trance.
its only 50 50 whichever
And so did that one.
ohhhh not good
Oh, and no it isn't; it's 60/40 in our favour.
Or more; the second foil is hardened.
those keys
Mysidia just built a supply crawler, but Voltaire
gave no orders for it.
What should be done with it?
yes, buit its the saem whetehr we attack or let it
No, it isn't.
Psi combat at sea is 1 vs 1.
Trance only applied if we defend.
yes, so better to defend, im trying to say why we
should pop with omne turn left,, ratehr than waiting to
attack it
We can't attack anyway; no movement left.
Now, the crawler?
Shall I just have it crawl forest?
which one?
might as well
In Mysidia.
IT was just built, and Voltaire left no orders.
btw what happened to foil at 127,81
yep, sounds good
What foil?
There was a probe foil there which is going on to
infiltrate at BRC.
thats where it was at 216
Alsol, I think the Gaian foil had a fatal
encounter with an IoD.
The toher probe foil just spotted a badly damaged
And now gaian foil.
what ahppened to Kass btw
Alright, now where was the CP at NT meant to go?
heys in #apolyton
What's this about Kass?
just wondered
um... not sure, lemme see
Now, the CP?
He usually turns up. did I miss his apology
There was meant to be another base near xanadu,
wasn't there?
2SW, 2 S of NS
top pic, blue
And I think we ought to build a base S S S of
Xanandu later, as well.
It gets a monolith and and a sea nutirent (once we
clear the fungus).
And it might be named Cyclops
sounds good
What did you want done with the other xanadu
did you want it sent to NT as well?
Do you think the response in the name thread by TKG on
naming seas was sufficeent to rename the sea of pholus as
this sea is belongs to us
possibly, poll would be nice, but it was wanted
um, no idea, i would look, buit i cant
do wehatever u thinks good
The othe rXanadu former send it south to where the new
base might be
I just sent it E to help the theird former.
ah well
either sounds good
Ok, now what do we do with the second western
probe foil?
It's uncomfortably close to an IoD.
The damaged IoD.
the 2nd one?? probably infiltrate the believers if
and yes, avoid
Uh oh.
While trying to avoid, it spotted another one
equally close.
So I'd day it's probably going to die.
go for the one with less health
oh well
a small prayer
id better call it a night in a sec, its 1am
Is ther much left this turn apart from giv orders
Gov orders
There's the western laser foil.
mine or hercs?
has it got orders
And the Eastern rpobe foil
Did it steal from The LEader's Horde last time?
If so, we should send it somewhere else.
Decurity will be VERY tight.
ahhh, ok then
send it up, the coast
another tech
To Labourer's Throng? It's the next base up.
Herc, what aboutm your foil?
GT: yep
anyways, im gunna go to bed now... need sleep
cheers guys, nicely done
* Drogu|DEI has quit IRC
yeah bye. just hold with western foil
It was looking for more Spartans, remember?
Ah that one
head south
It just ran into an IoD in the fungus.
Okay, report: we lost one foil to the IoDs (the
south eastern one), killed another one, but there's a third
closing in, and we just had worms land near TA.
are we enough to make decisions?
Can I send the Gatling squad in TA to kill them?
You're DPo, after all.
It will have to attack at 2/3 strength, but if we
don't kill them, thye'll massacre our crawlers.
Yes how many worms
Oh, and something else: The Gaians pledged Blood
Truce with the believers.
So, can I?
whats the odds on the worms
A bit better than 50% I expect.
Shall I check?
Exactly 50%.
whats our morale rating a tpresent
If need be, we can always upgrade the nearby
crawlers to have Trance and armour.
good idea
It will cost 90 ECs for each one.
So, can I attack?
what is Ta base status did we upgrade to 131
go for it
It's a police unit, though.
It lost, after reducing 1 worm to 30% health.

Do the upgrades?
still go for it and me a friend of our native culture
Bit sad about the gatling
oh well, it's not as if it was a very good unit
That's not really going to comfort the families of
the dead, though.
we can get the worm next turn somehow can we
If they attack, the damaged one is charcoal, and
the other one should be damaged pretty badly.
What we should really fear is that they may start | | |