Welcome again. Sorry to hear about Gandhi; backstabbing fellow, ain't he? Luckily, he's on one of the minor continents that we don't have a presence on, and has sided with us so far.
We're currently at war with Germany (a war we had been planning for a while), Rome (a former friend, until Caesar invaded our territory), and Babylon and China, minor civs that are allies of Rome. Bismarck is falling before our massive artillery corps, and Caesar has yet to hear back from any troops he sends into our territory; in short, things are going well.
Our government consists of:
President Arnelos
Vice President panag
Domestic Minister Spiffor
Supreme Military Commander E_T
Foreign Affairs Minister ManicStarSeed
There are also many deputies and side jobs (two of which I hold myself), but there are too many to list here.
Originally posted by Zarn
edit: I request a thread for your embassies, so there won't have to be bumping or dieing realtions.
There's an embassy list in the
Directory. Look in the Misc/Informal section.