Any advice before I have to start a new game. Game keeps locking up when I move this one skimship. I have re-loaded and tried moving in other directions and disbanding unit. Always locks up. Any fixes or am I @$*%#! on this one. It was such a good game.
Is your one skimship at the very top or very bottom of Planet? This is the only time that I crash with skimships. The suggested solutions for the dreaded terranx crash, which include disabling the wheelmouse and making a minor adjustment to one file, don't work for me.
I can sometimes get the unit back from the edge of the earth by using the Action, GoTo base command. Sometimes you can't even get that to come up. In that case try Patrol Automatically and see if it moves from the edge. If that still doesn't work ask yourself if that one unit was critical to the whole game. If not, you can always disband it or leave it sit there.
Rereading my last post, it seemed a bit pessimistic. Many other people were able to resolve their terranx.exe crashes by disabling the wheelmouse or using the fix suggested in the .txt readme file. The other thing that works for some people is disabling your virus shield which could conflict with terranx.exe.
Of course, I am only assuming that it is a terranx.exe problem.