January 13, 2003, 00:05
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About the silly little puking smiley
Didn't miss any pukes did I?
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
Last edited by unscratchedfoot; January 15, 2003 at 11:23.
January 13, 2003, 01:54
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Did i really freak out?
January 13, 2003, 02:13
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Lol. Dude, you don't have to go. I actually asked for and welcomed the puking smiley, of course I didn't really think a puking smiley existed  .
Some folks need to chill out, and have fun. Grow some tougher skin, folks, too much sensitivity is boring  .
Anyways, everybody on these boards are cool to me so you all get a  from me. Keep writin!...both stories and feedback...you too scratch.
Can't we all just get along?
January 13, 2003, 02:24
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Sorry, man, I was a jerk too. I really didn't intend to react the way I did. You could have told us.
Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
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January 13, 2003, 04:29
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If Scratch told us what was going to happen next we would lose the surprise element that makes so much of what he does fun.
Even Scratch knows he can go a bit to far sometimes but to go and send insulting Email, well shame on you.
I was banned not so long back for attempting to win an argument with a certain someone and I probably had it coming but I see no reason to have gone to Ming over this.
Scratch if you do leave I will truly miss your inspirational sense of humour my friend.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 13, 2003, 10:17
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Well, scratch, here is what I am thinking.
You wanted to complete the "psychological analysis" of us all, and I understand that. What I don't understand is why you decided to leave all of a sudden. You wanted to see our reactions, and you have seen them. Now you want to leave just because you didn't like some of them? Well, what did you expect? People saying "Oh, what a cute smiley you got there, Scratch!" and "Why thanks for the constructive criticism of the story"? Not everyone has exactly the same sense of humour as you do, unfortunately.
Secondly, I really don't agree with the fact that everyone freaked out. I mean, read the posts more carefully. Centauri said all along that you would edit the posts - and he was right, like you said; SKILORD just asked a couple of times why you did that, and I don't recall him insulting you or anything; Easthaven didn't post anything freakish, either - not that I have seen; I ... ah, you can figure out the rest on your own, after all.
Finally, about the e-mail goob sent you. I suppose you know what I think of such claims from the little incident of our own about a couple months ago. But again I say: the argument you used against us you should apply to yourself. You say there's worse things in life than a 10x10 pixel pic. You are right. But then, my response is: there is worse things in life than a psychotic e-mail from a dude, who has know idea who you are, or where you live. Of course, the latter is much less pleasant, but you get the idea. And you gotta know that if anybody dares touch you, Chris will come and slap that man around with a trout till he's half-conscious, and after that I'll let all the dogs from my story loose.
So, I think, you don't have to go ahead with your plan if you don't want to, but one thing's for sure: you can't leave us all.
PS: Oh, and one more thing - you probably won't believe me any way, but I did not send any PM's to Ming.
January 13, 2003, 14:21
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I beleive you vov, I didn't either.
I will miss you scratch, you never did upload that N. and S. America map.
January 13, 2003, 19:35
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I sent no such e-mail, nor did I PM Ming, I just asked for an apology, and since one seemed far from coming, I made Scratch a bloody pulp in Yuute, no other actions were taken by me towards him.
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
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January 13, 2003, 19:45
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I was not at all horrified by the icon, nor did I write anything about it. Indeed, it was not Scratch that really made me feel somewhat disgusted. I felt that some of the things I read in that thread where unhealthy, to put it VERY mildly, and it is exactly the sort of thing that is rapidly turning me off from this whole place. It gives the Civ3 Stories Forum a bad name.
Unscratchedfoot is one of the few authors here who I continue to really enjoy reading, to be honest. Seeing him leave would, to put it mildly, get me peevish, especially if what he says he received in an email is genuine.
In short, I'd very much like to see this silliness (again...to put things mildly...very mildly) STOP.
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January 13, 2003, 21:10
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Hey, we all misinterpreted the message. Maybe I misinterpreted it because that little icon came right after the latest installment of my story, which took most of the day to write, and I sort of thought it was aimed at me.
But I know now that Scratch was just kidding around, and while I don't think I said anything especially harsh, I'm sure we all could have been nicer - should have been nicer about it.
That's my two cents.
Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)
January 14, 2003, 19:16
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Does any one know whether Scratch has been banned over this ? seems a shame if he has.
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January 14, 2003, 19:35
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Hey everyone! Did not post in a half a year or so ... but here I feel the need to post again  .... please don't flame me ...
When I saw the puking smiley, I didn't think it THAT offencive. I mean of course course goob's stroies are VERY good, but a person can have it's own opinion about a story. I do not think that scratch's opinion on a story is enough to stop goob from writing it. He's a respected memer and he writes nice stories but after all he's just one poster and most of other people liked the story a lot.
If goob REALLY sent that e-mail (about what we have no proof ..... for now .......) then it was very stupid from his part and HE should be banned, not scratch .... or maybe both of them.
If he sent no e-mail and scratch made that up it means that he insulted goob and then lied trying to cover himself and get people to flame goob. Then scratch is just a big bastard and should be banned forever.
I hope that you two will get along fine, or at least if you can't - forget about each other's existence on the forums, then the forums would return to normal.
Might I suggest a new feature on the forums. Put a sign under a name that would say if a member is okay, he is in Mingapulco or banned. RPGForums uses that, I think they have the same VBulletin as your fourms.
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January 14, 2003, 19:52
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Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Does any one know whether Scratch has been banned over this ? seems a shame if he has.
Well, I hope he didn't get banned, although if you were following the rules of the forum, he should have been. But I don't think that is the case, because then he would probably have been banned immediately, and couldn't post this thread here...
Maybe he actually decided to keep his word this time, and left?  That'd be kind of sad.
January 14, 2003, 23:33
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I agree, it would be, though he has been posting lately at CFC.
January 14, 2003, 23:49
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Originally posted by SKILORD
I agree, it would be, though he has been posting lately at CFC.
Well, not really. His last post at CFC was on Jan 12. The same day as the last post on these boards. :shrug:
January 15, 2003, 01:54
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Smiley didn't bother me, though I was tired of reading nonsense posts in all the story threads. Don't see why anyone had a reason to complain though, guess some people are just odd.
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January 15, 2003, 17:52
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He edited his first post....
January 15, 2003, 18:16
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Does anyone know what was his first original (un-edited) post?
I don't conquer -
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January 15, 2003, 18:22
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He removed it for a reason Cavalier. I remember it, but it is done and gone, there is no point but destruction in digging it back up...
January 15, 2003, 18:27
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Ah yes life returns to normality, peace and happiness to all my fellow forum users.
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January 15, 2003, 18:50
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 I just noticed that the first post is edited. I was wondering what SKILORD was talking about, since I thought it was a response to the previous poster.
Any way, second what Chris said.
January 15, 2003, 18:51
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Sorry about the whole thing, Scratch.
Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
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January 16, 2003, 03:36
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Scratch Ive just seen your latest addition in goobers thread and I have to say this to you.
You thanked me for backing you the other day and I would stand by those words now.
I feel that goob should apologise if the email was sent but I have no power over that situation,
I dont think you should continue to post in goobers other thread I see no point. Its not really your place to tell other people to like one writer or another.
Now then you have also been a little harsh towards SKILORD and I fail to see why, yes he has sat on the fence but I cannot blame him. This mess is between you and goober, the rest of us just have to live with it.
You have no right to make us choose!
Many people have supported you and asked you not to leave but you must do one or the other rather than sneaking in and out of the shadows to have a go now and then. If you do stay then I would suggest you write another story instead of carrying on like this.
Last word Scratch I find the middle finger smiley deeply offensive and as a friend would suggest you find some other way to win your arguments.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
January 16, 2003, 17:49
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Even if I'm not a storyteller... I'm a big story reader... and as such I'm very happy that finally everything looks back to normal... and peace reigns supreme over Apolyton....
And now..
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The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
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January 18, 2003, 19:47
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It's NOT normal : scratch is missing
I don't conquer -
I obliterate
January 18, 2003, 19:49
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Yes I am afraid he has taken his leave, shame because hes a talented writer.
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January 18, 2003, 19:51
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Well, he still checks the forums every day, just doesn't post any more...
January 18, 2003, 19:56
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How do you know this has he been in touch with you ?
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January 18, 2003, 19:59
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Heh, no. I think there is only one person that he considered his friend on these forums. And that's not me.
As for knowing that he checks the forums - there is the list of "Currently active users" at the bottom of the front page. His name shows up there from time to time.
January 18, 2003, 20:09
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Oh well maybe after hes had time to chill a little he will swallow his pride and return, hope so hes a good writer.
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