January 16, 2003, 09:47
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It's about decided. I'm starting work over a new scenario. It will cover the topic of Byzantine-Persian wars under Heraclius, and early Muslim conquests.
January 16, 2003, 10:42
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Good subject  - what are the civs? (other than Byzantine, Persian and Moslem  )
January 16, 2003, 11:56
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Follow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
January 16, 2003, 13:51
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Great idea!
I had loads of material since I was doing a school project concerning the first crusader.
It's all gone now(or is it misplaced?), but you should certainly include the Langobards and Berbers, as a barbarian civ.
January 16, 2003, 16:59
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if you like as we are working on +/- the same subject we may exchange thoughts and ideas. pm or email (steph_sander@hotmail.com) me if you like.
January 17, 2003, 08:11
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Thank You all.
jp - I'll mail You.
The civs?
and one more civ. Yet I don't know which one.
Of course it all depends on the map.
If the map would end on Italy, having Frankish civ wouldn't make sense. But I really want to include
African provinces and involve Franks in war with Muslims
when they conquer it.
The same, having Khazar civ, though I want to include it,
depends on how far north would the map stretch.
I like to have detailed map, so I suffer when I have to include large terrains... If I could have everything in the size of Komnenai map... And it will have to be smaller, as I'm going to include western Mediterrean and steppes there as well... Damn.
I'll start working with the map.
Yet, I experience problems. It turned out that somehow, I have no paintbrush on my computer! I'll get it from a friend.
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
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January 17, 2003, 11:47
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what about the Lombards?? And are you going to use that blasted ERS again? It has a nice effect, but I found the Komnenai scenario far too challenging because of it, since the Empire was simply too large and unit travels too at least two turns to get where they were needed.
I got through the whole affair by trading techs with the Muslims and buliding an army of Allah on Byzantine soil 
You could however arrange the same with numerous recruiting centres and have i.e. the units trained in Tangier, from where they'll appear at Carthago, and do the same with many recruiting centres(Ravenna, Constintanople, Caesarea, Antioch).
January 17, 2003, 17:50
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Originally posted by Heresson
If the map would end on Italy, having Frankish civ wouldn't make sense. But I really want to include
African provinces and involve Franks in war with Muslims
when they conquer it.
In fact, if I recall it correctly, Heraclius come from Africa, does it come?
I think that Africa is a must. Africa was a very important part of the East Roman Empire.
And I don't remember if in these ages Bizantium was still on Spain, but I'll search it and tell you
EDIT: A quick google search give me the date of 620 to Byzantium get kicked out of Spain.
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
Last edited by yaroslav; January 17, 2003 at 18:21.
January 21, 2003, 11:25
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Heraclius' father, Heraclius, was a gouvernor of Africa, but they were of Armenian root.
Yes, I think that Byzantium lost its last Spanish posessities under Heraclius.
Trading techs is forbidden!!!
No, I won't use ERS.
And it wasn't that hard! I managed to conquer north Africa and Egypt with ERS units only.
I'm making the map. It isn't that well. Too much terrain...
I had to "model" it a bit...
January 21, 2003, 12:39
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The map generally covers all Europe south to Scotland and southern Baltic coast, large part of Africa north to Sahara, All Arabia (made a bit smaller to fit), Persia,
Syria, Anatolia, Caucasus and the great plains around Caspian sea.
January 27, 2003, 06:19
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I have a problem. I haven't taken my atlas, and have no maps to cover the eastern, northern and southern edges of my civ2map... I'll have to wait, unless You post me some map of Africa, of Kaspian Sea enviroments, and of Persia...
January 29, 2003, 15:20
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hust try searching google or www.balcanica.org
January 31, 2003, 18:16
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Thanks, no need for that now, I'm at home with my maps.
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
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February 22, 2003, 11:26
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I finished the map some time ago but had problems with placement of the cities. I still do not know which ones to use in the northern plains. My main problem was that my geographical maps were lost in Gliwice. But now my dear sister brought them to me.I will post a map and a savegame with city placement for You to judge soon
February 23, 2003, 12:30
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I have a problem.
You know, I finished the map and am placing the cities. I would have finished it perhaps, but my big problem is this "Too much cities" thing
But that's not what I wish to ask You.
I noticed I forgot about one very, very important river that I just have to place. So, please, remind me the combination of engineer orders which will allow me to create it...
February 23, 2003, 18:33
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Wonderful idea for scenario, Heresson (yes , it's late to say this  ).
If I can suggest a little idea for the 7th tribes...
 ... Kingdom of AXUM!
Axum was, in those times, the important christian kingdom of Ethiopia.
(Of course it can be only if your map has almost a bit of this area  ...)
Axum came to conquer the west-southern Arabia, and Arab tribes had to call for help by Persians.
In the "Corano" (well, I don't know how translate in English the holy book of the moslems), is narrated the battle "of the Elephant" ( AD 570: the tradition tell Mohamed was born in this year), in which Arabs defeated Ethiopians.
Well, after 570 Axum was not so powerful as before, but Ethiopia continued to be an important kingdom, and the Arabs (under Mohamed) made projects to invade Ethiopia itself (and perhaps they tried to attack it).
So I think this maybe can be interesting for your scenario, even if I'm late...
That's all.
However, good work!
"Dilexi iustitiam, odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio" [PAPA GREGORIUS VII +1085] - ("He amado la justicia, he odiado la iniquidad, por eso muero en exilio") - ("I loved justice, I hated unfairness, that's why I die in exile") - (J'ai aimé la justice, j'ai détesté l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi je meurs en exil") - ("Ich liebte Gerechtigkeit und hasste Ungerechtigkeit, deshalb sterbe ich im Exil")
February 24, 2003, 09:14
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In fact, the seventh tribe IS Axum, merged with Nubia and Georgia (only one city in Georgia, however).
I have a problem with this civ, however, as it will have little cities, and will be weak unless I give them some super-units.
February 24, 2003, 17:30
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Well Heresson, I understand my late again...
Hope your problems will be resolved, so your prjoect become reality soon.
dobry dien... (by w³oski...)
"Dilexi iustitiam, odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio" [PAPA GREGORIUS VII +1085] - ("He amado la justicia, he odiado la iniquidad, por eso muero en exilio") - ("I loved justice, I hated unfairness, that's why I die in exile") - (J'ai aimé la justice, j'ai détesté l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi je meurs en exil") - ("Ich liebte Gerechtigkeit und hasste Ungerechtigkeit, deshalb sterbe ich im Exil")
February 25, 2003, 09:47
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Thank You.
And now;
somebody reply what I asked about...
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
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February 25, 2003, 10:00
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Originally posted by Heresson
I have a problem.
You know, I finished the map and am placing the cities. I would have finished it perhaps, but my big problem is this "Too much cities" thing
But that's not what I wish to ask You.
I noticed I forgot about one very, very important river that I just have to place. So, please, remind me the combination of engineer orders which will allow me to create it...
turn terrain into an improductive one, then create engineers over it. Then order them to irrigate it.
This is the only way you can create a river from nothing.
Remember! it works only with scen flag on.
If you have more throubles about it ask via PM to Jay Bee. I learned it from him.
February 25, 2003, 10:05
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Thank You.
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
Middle East!
February 28, 2003, 08:15
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I personally can't wait for this scenario, so I'm posting this to tell you to HURRY UP!
Or take your time and complete another brilliant scenario.
Oh, and just in case you don't already know: http://www.thehistorian.co.uk/crusader_samp2a.html
February 28, 2003, 08:59
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Oj, don't count on a quick finish. I experience problems,
as I don't have all the books I had in my home here, I haven't got a scanner as well. So I don't move very quick. Still, I have the problem with cities.
But I think I shall make separate scn, event and rules files for each civ to play; this way, in one scn, I can place more cities here, and in the other here, and stuff
March 10, 2003, 11:22
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Here's the map. But the thing goes sooo slow. And I won't do anything this week, li'anna 'indi imtihan...
Hamza, 'ayn, polonizmy, co za ró¿nica.
The map is not so good, but bare in mind that I had historical maps only while working over it.
March 30, 2003, 07:39
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Well, Heresson, are you intent on finishing the scenrio? Looks promising to me, it would be a shame to let the map go to waist...
March 31, 2003, 07:06
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I will finish it by the end of the year, I promess.
Yet, if I haven't mentioned it, I made 4 buildings for new city style. That's not much, is it...
April 1, 2003, 05:26
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Show them to us!
May 8, 2003, 16:04
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So what's going on? Are we ever going to see the First Crusader at all?
May 15, 2003, 08:52
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Ehm yes. As soon as I finish conquering world in EU2 as England, I'll have a lot of time... If I pass my exams that is. Then, I'll be working during holidays. It will be finished by the end of this year for sure.
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
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