Hi. Being a fan of Civilization from the time of its first version I enjoy the last one: ÒCiv-3 PTVÓ. My American friend Captain Nemo have sent me both ÒCivilization-IIIÓ and PTV additions which I play now under Òhot seatÓ mode.
I have some question about PTV myself but now I want to share with Civilization community some my ÒdiscoveriesÓ:
how to use in new role the some well known units. I invite You to place here You own ideas!
1. A new ÒMotorized infantryÓ role!
I always fought that the last level of Civilization, when You forsed to use only modern tanks and motorized infantry
units is ubnormal. Foot units stil play a great role in any modern war and we have many samples of it.
And so using the Editor I modernized ÒMotorized infantryÓ as a battle transport which can carry ground foot units. It
work! To do this use ÒloadÓ - ÒunloadÓ buttons in Editor (units editor section) and choose a number of units which this
war vehicle can keep inside. For modern war I saved the ÒinfantryÓ unit as a basic modern soldier (with a company of
course more stronger mariners and paratroopers ). All they are successfully may be transported inside ÒmotorizedÓ
infantry unit. As You remember in Civilization -II there was not such possibility, only naval transports were possible.
The result of this ÒdiscoveryÓ is: You can quickly transport infantry to combat point so fare so Òmotorized infantryÓ
can go. Then You can send Òmotorized infantryÓ unit in a battle. In this case it or gain victory or had been destroyed. If
it won, but combat point still occupied by another enemy units You can unload landing party from Òmotorized
infantryÓ. It work again! The unit which traveling inside battle machine can immediately enter in a battle being
unloaded. I found that an optimal number of a landing party for the motorized infantry is 2. And so You can attack 3
times in one moment: first - with vehicle itself, second - with two landing units which it carry - all during one turn.
No bugs I have found using the new role of ÒmotorizedÓ infantry. Only one - it can not be transported on naval transport
- transport unit can not carry another transport unit.
This give me idea, that Civ-III Team (Sid and C¡) can add new unit for modern period - war truck (no a combat bonus,
but a valuable infantry transport.
NOTE - in order to use this new idea You need to
make foot units some stronger than now, an add shields for producing Òmotorized infantryÓ and tanks. In this case You
will have a limited amount of vehicles and many infantry, enough to use the last one as a ÒcrewÓ or alone fighting
units. This method is good for human&human player (net game) or HOT SEAT mode when You play for some sides at one
time. I do not know how AI will adopt this ÒideaÓ. I never used it in a single player mode.
2. A new helicopter role!
In the classical Civ-3 (and PTV) versions the role of helicopter is limited. This flying transport can lands only one
unit but in real war (The American war in Vietnam, for example) helicopters were also ÒlifeboatsÓ evacuating
wounded from battlefields.
I changed the role of helicopter in Civ-III PTW. In Editor I changed the Òrank of movementÓ for this unit from ÒzeroÓ to
Ò4Ó ( or Ò5Ó may be good too). As You know all air units (bombers, fighters etc.) have Òzero rankÓ of movement in
Number of transported units I have chosen - 2 (foot units). Both these new options work!
But with some ÒbugsÓ. Now You can move manually your helicopter from the city - it will fly in any direction (all
animation and sound work normal). You can now pick up your damaged units and evacuate them from a battle to a safe
hex. You can transport units in helicopter to remote islands or deep to enemy rear side (a fuel limit is absent).
Moreover - You can land fresh 2 units from helicopter direct in the combat square. They can immediately attack from
the board if the helicopter is under land. They can not attack only ashore (only if mariners are in the landing party).
I limited Òoperation rankÓ to 1. This mind that helicopter will fly 4 hexes with landing party inside (You must to move
it manually) and when it lost all his movement points You can use ÒlandÓ command. And helicopter will place infantry
in any point around him in the place limited with one hex.
If You try to move helicopter across friendly territory where are railroads it will not fly but simply moves from dot to
dot (no animation) . In all other situations it begin to fly (animated) under the sea, roads (not railroads), enemy
territory and under the land without roads.
Some bugs:
Helicopters do not obey Ògo toÓ command. This option for him is impossible. Helicopters are ÒuntouchableÓ units.
They can not be shot down ( only with direct strike with enemy helicopter) . I tried to fire them from artillery - but AI
count as the target the circle UNDER the helicopter, not his ÒbodyÓ. But because this place is ÒemptyÓ all fire useless.
I tried using sea units to ram the enemy helicopter which fly (without landing party on a board) under an ocean. The
result is stupid - the ship cross the hex under a helicopter losing an attack possibility. Helicopter after such ÒattackÓ
have no damage.
I have no full vision how to check these bugs, my be anybody else have an idea? May be the problem appeared because I
made helicopters ÒinvisibleÓ as a submarine. twice I sanked submarine and cryiser by acciden striking them with
helicopters. Why? Because these naval units have ÒinvisibleÓ and Òcan see invisibleÓ ability?
NOTE. This method is good for human&human player (net game) or HOT SEAT mode when You play for some sides at one
time. I do not know how AI will accept this ÒideaÓ. I never used it in a single player mode.
Alex MOR
(Alex the Magnificent in Civ-II)