Chat report
(Should I edit out the OT stuff? I think H Tower did last time, but it's kinda interesting this way...)
[21:54] <Pedrunn> THE GAME IS LAUNCHED
[21:54] <Locutus> pedrunn, Maq probably won't show
[21:54] <Pedrunn>

[21:55] <HTower> what?
[21:55] <HTower> sorry, wrong window
[21:56] <Pedrunn> IW: Will we threat the Austrians in the exchange map proposal?
[21:56] <Locutus> I think you should start with posting an update of the situation Pedrunn, you ended the turn to do some diplomacy and stuff, so I'm not sure where we stand right now...
[21:57] <Zephyr> Locutus, 3 more posts and you overtake DanQ
[21:57] <Locutus> threatening won't help now. we need to give 100 gold and wait 1 turn first...
[21:57] <Locutus> only 3?

[21:57] <The-Gingerbread-Man> When Dan posts its a notible occasion though :/
[21:58] <Locutus> Hmm, if I joined two more DGs I'll be Deity before Jay Bee after all

[21:58] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Locutus = Poly's 7th Deity

[21:59] <Zephyr> lol
[21:59] <Zephyr> who needs sleep anyway? pah
[21:59] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Will he suffer the same fate as the 6th

[21:59] <HTower> is some one logging?
[21:59] <Locutus> nah, I'm aiming to be the 12th, 12 is my lucky number

[22:00] <Locutus> me
[22:00] <Pedrunn> IW: Will we threat the Austrians in the exchange map proposal?
[22:00] <HTower>

[22:00] <Zephyr> no
[22:00] <Zephyr> I'm still convinced its not worth it
[22:00] <Zephyr> give them gold. its your prerogative to determine how much
[22:01] <Zephyr> possibly
[22:01] <The-Gingerbread-Man> This is all too political for me.
[22:01] <Locutus> theatening doesn't cost anything AFAIK. but it won't help either, not right now...
[22:01] <HuangShang> no gold
[22:01] <Zephyr> how much gold do we have?
[22:02] <Zephyr> Martin's here
[22:02] <Locutus> where is here?
[22:03] <Zephyr> #apolyton at the moment
[22:03] <Locutus> I think you should start with posting an update of the situation Pedrunn, you ended the turn to do some diplomacy and stuff, so I'm not sure where we stand right now...
[22:04] * Lemmy has joined #lemuria
[22:04] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Have we played any turns since the last chat?
[22:04] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Lemmy!
[22:04] <Pedrunn> I have just posted the screen of the game now in the chat thread. I will post the situation now
[22:04] <Lemmy> ello
[22:04] <The-Gingerbread-Man> The most inactive poster in the CtP2 DG!
[22:04] <The-Gingerbread-Man> :P
[22:04] <Locutus> a long lost citizen!
[22:04] <Lemmy>

[22:04] <Locutus> frozzy, pedrunn played 1 turn, I believe...
[22:04] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Wow...
[22:05] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Is that 1 (One) turn? We need to go faster :/
[22:05] <Pedrunn> Where shall we move the first warrior?
[22:05] <Lemmy> 1 turn since the start of the game?
[22:05] <HuangShang> i'll go check out the screen
[22:05] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Lemmy, no,
[22:05] <Pedrunn> turn 12 at the moment
[22:05] <Lemmy> oh..ok
[22:05] <Zephyr> 1 turn since the last chat
[22:05] <The-Gingerbread-Man> One turn since the last turn chat 2 weeks ago.
[22:05] <Pedrunn> the situation is here
[22:06] <Locutus> yeah, all great leaders have nicknames right? alex the great, suleyman the magnificant... we should call ours Pedrunn the Slow

[22:06] <J_Bytheway> At 12 a month we should finish within 5 years or so...
[22:06] * Martin_G has joined #lemuria
[22:06] <Zephyr> Suleyman?
[22:06] <Locutus> the turk?
[22:06] <Pedrunn> ALL: Where shall we move the first warrior?
[22:06] <J_Bytheway> Out of their territory
[22:07] <Locutus> indeed
[22:07] <HuangShang> no, we must explore
[22:07] <Locutus> (loading map now to give better advise)
[22:07] <Martin_G> Out of there territory we have a withdraw treaty
[22:07] <Locutus> go north
[22:07] <The-Gingerbread-Man> MY 56K SUCKS!
[22:07] <HuangShang> im using UCLA's L4

[22:08] <HuangShang> imean t4
[22:08] <J_Bytheway> Remindme, who is the Gingerbread Man?
[22:08] <Zephyr> Frozzy
[22:08] <Locutus> frozzy
[22:08] <Lemmy> frozzy
[22:08] <J_Bytheway>

[22:08] * Lemmy is now known as Lemmy[2]
[22:08] <Zephyr> nee Redbull
[22:08] <Lemmy[2]>

[22:08] <Locutus> since when do you speak Dutch, IW?

[22:09] * Lemmy[2] is now known as Lemmy
[22:09] <Pedrunn> ALL: All agree we should go north?
[22:09] <J_Bytheway> yep
[22:09] <Zephyr> since we raped your language and stole all the best words to use in English
[22:09] <Locutus> and zephyr is IW, in case anyone was still wondering...
[22:09] <The-Gingerbread-Man> And English still sucks.
[22:09] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Does that mean Dutch sucks?
[22:10] <Locutus> as long as you remember where you got them from

[22:10] <HuangShang> i think english is very easy....
[22:10] <Locutus> not necessarily, but it happens to be true

[22:10] <Zephyr> I thought it was French (:hangs head in shame

[22:10] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Lemmy is an evil Dutchie.
[22:10] <Locutus> huangshang: it's your native language?
[22:10] <J_Bytheway> It is French
[22:10] <HuangShang> Chinese
[22:10] <J_Bytheway> except with an accent
[22:11] <Locutus> hmm, odd. most chinese (and other asians) have plenty of trouble with english...
[22:11] <HuangShang> did we move north?
[22:11] <Zephyr> yeah. thought so. couldnt be bothered to find an acute e though
[22:11] <J_Bytheway> Most English have trouble too...
[22:11] <Pedrunn> north
[22:12] <Pedrunn> Where to go with the second warrior?
[22:12] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Most foreigers always do this: My 56k sucks !
[22:12] <Locutus> and still I can understand english folk better than chinese when they speak english (although sometimes only barely

[22:12] <HuangShang> 5as my friend once said: English was made by dumb people so it is easier to learn
[22:12] <Martin_G> The second warrior should go into the other dircton of the river
[22:12] <Locutus> good question Pedrunn. we could defend, we could follow the river... what turn is htis?
[22:12] * The-Gingerbread-Man dislikes the Pommy accent
[22:12] * Zephyr dislikes your face

[22:13] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I can't listen to Poms for too long.
[22:13] <Locutus> not me, Frozzy, I'm on the fastest network in europe

[22:13] <Pedrunn> turn 12
[22:13] <Locutus> well, follow the river then, we have 8 turns

[22:13] <HuangShang> 2he should head toward Austria or fortify
[22:13] <Locutus> what are we building?
[22:13] <Martin_G> The other warrior should return until turn 20
[22:13] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Warrior.
[22:14] <Locutus> should be Settler...
[22:14] <HuangShang> nnnooooo
[22:14] <Locutus> it's winning in the poll...
[22:14] * Lemmy is now known as AyCaramba
[22:14] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Speaking of Warriors...
[22:14] * AyCaramba is now known as Lemmy
[22:14] <Martin_G> Yes a settler
[22:14] <mapfi> follow the river west
[22:14] <Zephyr> or at least get that warrior down the river and find us a flippin' goodie hut. We cant win with 1 city.
[22:14] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Lemmington sucks

[22:14] <Locutus> west? why? we already went there, no?
[22:14] * Zephyr considers plugging the OCC scenario for these warrior-loving fools*
[22:15] <Locutus> nm
[22:15] <The-Gingerbread-Man> OCC

[22:15] <Locutus> OCC on SAP should be interesting...
[22:15] <mapfi> i mean west then south following that river
[22:15] <Pedrunn> Should we send the secon warrior east or north west?
[22:15] <Zephyr> OCC on Cradle...

[22:15] <Locutus> yeah, mapfi, I said nm.
[22:15] <HuangShang> yeah
[22:15] <Pedrunn> east is the place we started the game
[22:15] <Zephyr> east or south-west surely?
[22:16] <Locutus> either way is fine with me, Pedrunn, as long as we follow the river...
[22:16] <Pedrunn> nrth west to them move south
[22:16] <mapfi> one move north-west, then west -follow the river
[22:16] <HuangShang> follow the river
[22:16] <Zephyr>

[22:17] <Martin_G> move east follow the river
[22:17] <Pedrunn> The river will be followed
[22:17] <HuangShang> mapfi's right
[22:17] <Zephyr> actually, no, what martin said
[22:17] <Zephyr> go east
[22:17] <Zephyr> we can get the west map from austroa
[22:17] <Zephyr> *austria
[22:17] <Pedrunn> we are kind of divided, arent we?
[22:17] <Locutus> good point, go east...
[22:18] <HuangShang> impossible
[22:18] <Locutus> someone should make the calls, someone like Maq

[22:18] <J_Bytheway> What's wrong with north?
[22:18] <J_Bytheway> (along the river...)
[22:18] <Locutus> J, we're talking about the other warrior
[22:18] <J_Bytheway> Ah, sorry

[22:18] <mapfi> there's just sand in the east, down south is the spot for our next city - and the sutrians are in the west not in the south
[22:18] <The-Gingerbread-Man> ^_^
[22:19] <Martin_G> the first warrior can and should go north
[22:19] <Zephyr> the river isnt going south. chances are we'll get something useful from the austrians. judging from their borders, it doesnt look like they have too many cities
[22:20] <Pedrunn> the first warrior already moved north
[22:20] <Zephyr> shall we just do a quick poll
[22:20] <mapfi> yep
[22:20] <Locutus> okay
[22:20] <Martin_G> OK second warrior east
[22:20] <Locutus> east
[22:21] <Pedrunn> Locutus, do you accept be the Maqs delegate for this chat?
[22:21] <HuangShang> nw, then w, then sw
[22:21] <mapfi> second huangshang
[22:21] <Locutus> (east: 2, (north-)west: 0, other: 0)
[22:21] <Pedrunn> I am going nuts with the alt tabs and reading chat, an all other stuff
[22:21] <Locutus> pedrunn: yeah, sure...
[22:21] * Dale has joined #lemuria
[22:22] <Dale> Hi all.

[22:22] <HuangShang>

[22:22] <Locutus> cool, this chat is going to be busy

[22:22] <J_Bytheway> east
[22:22] <Locutus> well, people vote now...
[22:22] <Locutus> (east: 3, (north-)west: 0, other: 0)
[22:22] <Dale> What's the vote?
[22:22] <Zephyr> sw
[22:22] <Locutus> (east: 3, southwest: 1, other: 0)
[22:22] <Zephyr> where to move the second settler. I vote follow the river west-south-west
[22:23] <Dale> sw
[22:23] <Locutus> (east: 3, (south)west: 1, other: 0)
[22:23] <Locutus> (east: 3, (south)west: 2, other: 0)
[22:23] <Pedrunn> west
[22:23] <J_Bytheway> Two said nw (HS and mapfi)
[22:23] <Locutus> (east: 3, (south)west: 3, other: 0)
[22:23] <Martin_G> Hope you mean the Warrior Zephyr
[22:23] <Zephyr> yup
[22:23] <mapfi> ahem , loc what about my and huang's vote?
[22:23] <Locutus> (east: 3, southwest: 3, northwest: 2, other: 0)
[22:23] <The-Gingerbread-Man>

[22:24] <HuangShang> k
[22:24] <Zephyr> Locutus, Huang's vote was the same SW as my vote
[22:24] <Zephyr> along the river
[22:24] <mapfi> as is mine
[22:24] <Locutus> well, west is west, we all want to follow the river, no?
[22:24] <Zephyr> going straight SW is dumb. but generally, "nw,w,sw" is/will be SW
[22:24] <HuangShang> i think thats what we all meant, along the river
[22:24] <Locutus> (east: 3, west: 5, other: 0)
[22:24] <mapfi> exactly
[22:25] <HuangShang> perfect

[22:25] <HuangShang> missing 3 votes
[22:25] <HuangShang> but whose?
[22:25] <Locutus> still 3 people to vote. HT, Lemmy, Frozzy...
[22:25] <Locutus> (I think)
[22:26] <Locutus> hmm, if they don't vote fast we'll go west...
[22:26] <HuangShang> if one more goes to west, we win
[22:26] <Lemmy> vote? i abstain
[22:27] <HuangShang> ok, if another one abstain, we win

[22:27] <Locutus> then east can't win, only draw. I say let's go west, then we can continue

[22:27] <HuangShang> k
[22:27] <Zephyr> yup
[22:27] <Locutus> follow the river west, pedrunn...
[22:27] <Zephyr> shall I start the song again?

[22:27] <Martin_G> OK continue go west
[22:27] <Martin_G> No
[22:27] <Locutus> lol
[22:27] <Pedrunn> lol
[22:28] <HuangShang> new screen?
[22:28] * Lemmy has left #lemuria
[22:28] <Pedrunn> warrior moved west
[22:28] * The-Gingerbread-Man abstains
[22:28] <Martin_G> Yes we need a new screen
[22:29] <Pedrunn> What to build next?
[22:29] <Martin_G> settler
[22:29] <Locutus> settler, it's winning the poll...
[22:29] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Settler2!
[22:29] <HuangShang> aww
[22:29] <Martin_G> Yes settler won the poll
[22:29] <Locutus> how much gold do we have, Pedrunn?
[22:29] <Pedrunn> settler since we are friendly toward the Austrians
[22:29] <J_Bytheway> Settler - is there any chance of rushing it later?
[22:29] <Pedrunn> 211
[22:30] <Pedrunn> gold
[22:30] <Locutus> did you give the Austrians some yet?
[22:30] <Pedrunn> no
[22:30] <Locutus> hmmm...
[22:30] <HuangShang> dont give
[22:30] <Locutus> well, let's go find us a goody hut

[22:30] <Locutus> no, we should give 100 Gold...
[22:30] * Dale likes goody huts
[22:30] <Pedrunn> Settler to be built in 20 turns
[22:30] <Martin_G> only if they give their map to us
[22:30] <Locutus> get their map...
[22:31] <Locutus> they will
[22:31] <Pedrunn> how
[22:31] <Pedrunn> ???
[22:31] <HuangShang> threaten?
[22:31] <Locutus> read my lips

[22:31] <Martin_G> Build settler and get their map
[22:31] <Pedrunn> asking again?
[22:31] <Locutus> how what? just give them 100 gold now and ask for a map-exchange next turn...
[22:31] <Martin_G> Build settler
[22:32] <HuangShang> no screen?
[22:32] <Martin_G> Get their map in exchange of 100 gold
[22:32] <Locutus> turn's not over yet, huang...
[22:32] <Locutus> they won't take it, Martin. give them 100 Gold now and ask for map later. they're guaranteed to accept it...
[22:33] <HuangShang> really
[22:33] <Martin_G> They don't accept even if we threat them if not
[22:33] <Pedrunn> I will we send any other proposal?
[22:33] * Dale agrees with Loc. 100 gold now, map exchange next turn.
[22:33] <Locutus> no, pedrunn, just give gold.
[22:34] <Pedrunn> Screen loaded
[22:34] <HuangShang> k
[22:34] <Locutus> interesting
[22:34] <HuangShang> Turns to finish Warrior: 1??
[22:35] <Pedrunn> we have finish the warrior
[22:35] <Locutus> huangshang: no, 5 (assuming we don't have any farmers)
[22:35] <Pedrunn> thats why there are 2 in the map
[22:35] <Pedrunn> no farmers
[22:35] <Martin_G> city size?
[22:36] <HuangShang> did their settler move?
[22:36] <Locutus> +/- 2,500 (2)
[22:36] <Pedrunn> we just reached 2 this turn
[22:36] <Locutus> no, huang
[22:36] <Pedrunn> their settler surprisinly did not moved
[22:36] <mapfi> you ended the turn?
[22:37] <Pedrunn> IW, Any proposal???
[22:37] <Locutus> ped, you sure? last time I checked the savegame it was already size 2 and that was last turn...
[22:37] <Pedrunn> i was not that sure. So i will take your word locutus
[22:37] <Martin_G> Probably the Settler is in the ZOC of our Warrior
[22:37] <HuangShang> 3then does the warrior keep moving north?
[22:37] <HuangShang> zoc?
[22:37] <Pedrunn> warrior moves north as agreed here
[22:38] <Locutus> we'll decide on that after Pedrunn ends the turn, Huang. diplomacy is up now...
[22:38] <Martin_G> Yes the warrior should move North onto the river
[22:38] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Laters
[22:38] <Pedrunn> END TURN 12