GT^Commis> Okay, it seems she is on the Isle of Deianira, and most of her bases are sea bases.
DBTS^gov> ok herc lets build up the fleets
GT^Commis> btw, our income just sky-rocketed.
GT^Commis> From all the extra commerce.
DBTS^gov> yes commerce +1
DBTS^gov> that is a lot will get the tech much sooner now
herc2> well lets build defence and defensive navy base and the odd attacking unit
Drog|DeiG> I concur
herc2> what did we get from Yang again?
Drog|DeiG> my absolute pacifism extends only to the reasonable :kill:
DBTS^gov> lol
DBTS^gov> ok GT where are we in time and stuff
GT^Commis> Ok, we have a problem from Voltaire: He wants to switch the transport foil in NS to rec commons.
herc2> also bye the way who's recording the turnchat. Did I miss that decision. Or can it be recorded in chunks
GT^Commis> DBTS: still 2222.
GT^Commis> Herc: Me, Maniac or DBTs.
DBTS^gov> i can record it
Drog|DeiG> But it has only 1 turn left GT?
DBTS^gov> GT tanks
DBTS^gov> does he give a reason?
GT^Commis> Drogue: yes. And we've been waiting for it for ages.
Drog|DeiG> I no, I ordered it ages ago
GT^Commis> DBTS: No.
GT^Commis> So, let's vote on overriding it.
Drog|DeiG> I think TKGs will overrides Voltaires, but if you want to change, we have at least infiltrated the
herc2> with all that income
GT^Commis> 1 = override, 2 = don't.
DBTS^gov> 3
Drog|DeiG> 2
Drog|DeiG> sorry 1
herc2> 2
Drog|DeiG> transport
GT^Commis> 1
GT^Commis> Tie.
GT^Commis> Or not.
Mania^gov> I haven't got a clue what you're taking about. Ignore me.
Drog|DeiG> no, 2 for 1, 1 for 2
GT^Commis> Repoll.
DBTS^gov> 3
Drog|DeiG> override what?
herc2> i would like transport
Drog|DeiG> original or voltaire?
GT^Commis> 1 = Stay as transport, 2 = switch tor ec commons, 3 = abstain.
DBTS^gov> 3
herc2> 1
Drog|DeiG> 1
Mania^gov> with one turn still to go for the transport?? 1
DBTS^gov> passed
GT^Commis> 1.
herc2> DBTS will you record
DBTS^gov> i try
herc2> back in 5
Mania^gov> Damn I thought I was logging already for an hour, but I can't find the file. :-(
DBTS^gov> i log afterward
* Retrieving #smacdg info...
Mania^gov> What year are we btw?
DBTS^gov> 2222
GT^Commis> still 2222.
Mania^gov> wow
GT^Commis> All that diplomatic stuff and polling took a while.
Mania^gov> Indeed
GT^Commis> Drogue: the crawler SW of NT is convoying minerals, not nutrients. Which crawler do you want to move?
Drog|DeiG> There is too there
Drog|DeiG> two*
Drog|DeiG> the one crawling nutrients, on the square I gave
Drog|DeiG> the directions are only to show which part of the map, the reference is what I would go by
Drog|DeiG> on the square with the farm/solar
Drog|DeiG> where the worker is to be moved too
GT^Commis> Ah, just noticed it.
Drog|DeiG> Thanks
Drog|DeiG> On Voltaires orders, he wanted to complete the (23,105) terraforming before he let me use it, but why
does he want a farm there, it isnt inside a base area
GT^Commis> 2222 complete.
DBTS^gov> :S just let him be
DBTS^gov> yay
Drog|DeiG> yay
herc2> yay
DBTS^gov> we are in 2223 yay again! right?
DBTS^gov> what has happend?
GT^Commis> nothing catastrophic.
DBTS^gov> yay
Drog|DeiG> anything??
GT^Commis> Between turns? Some forest expanded, that's all.
GT^Commis> And the worms near TA still aren't moving.
GT^Commis> I think we've pinned them down for now.
Drog|DeiG> Hmmm but they can attack crawlers right?
DBTS^gov> they have trance so no biggy
GT^Commis> No.
GT^Commis> The crawlers nearby have armour & trance, like DBTS said.
GT^Commis> And we're moving some more troops into position to finsih them off.
herc2> re moves: what about some of those other foils
GT^Commis> We just infiltrated the uni, and it seems they've given up on the Empath Guild.
DBTS^gov> yay
Drog|DeiG> big yay
Drog|DeiG> start building it as soonn as we can
Drog|DeiG> trade for techs?
Drog|DeiG> they have orders herc
herc2> the probes have bur the laser
herc2> but*
GT^Commis> Zakh has CE and Advanced Miltiary Algorithms.
Mania^gov> Why the Empath Guild. We've got infiltration on everyone, and we have enough votes on our own.
GT^Commis> Contact him & ask to trade?
herc2> ys
DBTS^gov> es
GT^Commis> Maniac: So we can win more easily, and to keep anyone else from getting it.
DBTS^gov> yes to talk
GT^Commis> He wants us to attack the Beleivers.
DBTS^gov> THE aurillion province would be honoured to build such a project
DBTS^gov> say no
herc2> not surprised but no
GT^Commis> He wants us to give him nonliner mathematics; we can ask for AAA in return.
Drog|DeiG> say yes
Drog|DeiG> i thought we werre at war already?
Drog|DeiG> ask for it
GT^Commis> with Miriam? No.
GT^Commis> He says he can't trust us with it.
Drog|DeiG> and were seething with the believers, we'll be at war very soon, whatever we do
herc2> good swap
GT^Commis> He refused.
Drog|DeiG> then say no
Drog|DeiG> freedom of information and all
GT^Commis> He just declared war, for some strange reason.
Drog|DeiG> oh he'slike that
Drog|DeiG> he'll calm down soon
GT^Commis> Now, about Cyclops: we were going to build it at 9,117, weren't we?
Drog|DeiG> yes
GT^Commis> Ok.
GT^Commis> DBTS: About the EG, I've already got plans to build it in TA.
DBTS^gov> cool just build the best base i ever build 2 mineral bonuses 1 enegry bonus 1 nutrient bonus river and
a monolith...yay more me
GT^Commis> It will be built faster there.
DBTS^gov> oh ok
Drog|DeiG> where DBTS?
DBTS^gov> my own game
Drog|DeiG> DBTS, isnt that in Aurillion
Drog|DeiG> GT sorry
Drog|DeiG> doesnt DBST have to want that?
DBTS^gov> am i missiong something?
Drog|DeiG> the EG
Drog|DeiG> in TA
GT^Commis> Eh?
Drog|DeiG> isnt TA in Aurillion?
DBTS^gov> TA is centralis
Drog|DeiG> ok sorry
Drog|DeiG> my bad
herc2> maybe another base should have the honour
GT^Commis> Now, NS has finally built that tansport foil, now what do we with it?
DBTS^gov> lets debate about that on the forum
GT^Commis> Bring along a probe to steal University tech?
Drog|DeiG> pput the probe teams on board, and steal tech from the university
Drog|DeiG> yes
GT^Commis> Noth of them?
GT^Commis> Both?
herc2> both, but dangerous
Drog|DeiG> yes both
GT^Commis> Not if we're careful.
DBTS^gov> both
GT^Commis> Hang on, I think we should delay leaving 'till that IoD goes away.
GT^Commis> IT's very close by.
DBTS^gov> agreed
herc2> yay
Drog|DeiG> yes
Drog|DeiG> or move around?
herc2> it could just squeeze it
GT^Commis> Not without being attacked next turn.
GT^Commis> Anyway, we're now only 1 turn away from reaching Labourer's Throng.
DBTS^gov> yay
herc2> at last
herc2> though to think about Labourer's thong can not be that pleasant
GT^Commis> 2223 complete.
GT^Commis> Okay, this is not good.
DBTS^gov> yay again (dont have anything else to say)
Drog|DeiG> what??
GT^Commis> The Hive just took Okreatia-Discovery from the Uni, mindworms have invaded near NS, and DEM is
GT^Commis> Time to rush that Node, I'd say.
Drog|DeiG> Yes
herc2> yes
GT^Commis> DBTS?
Drog|DeiG> NS??? How?? :O
GT^Commis> Can I use some specialists tk calm the place down while they build the node?
herc2> yes
GT^Commis> Drogue: OF that IoD.
GT^Commis> off
GT^Commis> It's just worms, not the Hive.
DBTS^gov> rush
GT^Commis> done.
GT^Commis> Now, can anyone find the poll on where to build those seabases?
Drog|DeiG> Yes i no,but ti thought it could defend itself
Drog|DeiG> yes
GT^Commis> The first sea colony pod just got built.
DBTS^gov> i has to be build in the FWsea
DBTS^gov> there was a poll about that ones
GT^Commis> Drogue: yes of coruse it can, but that doesn't make it good.
Drog|DeiG> are, just invaded
hew: thought thed actually reduced pop
GT^Commis> DBTS: I know, I wanted to know where in the FWS.
herc2> there are to be two bases?
Drog|DeiG> thats the poll about the bases
Drog|DeiG> yes two bases
Drog|DeiG> that poll GT
GT^Commis> thanks.
Drog|DeiG> build 1st on on brown
GT^Commis> Well, DBTS has the honour of building the first seabase
herc2> clap applause
Drog|DeiG> yay
Drog|DeiG> and I control it
DBTS^gov> yay for me
GT^Commis> HO, and something else: The worms near TA attacked the unit being sent to kill them, and lost.
GT^Commis> Oh
GT^Commis> rather
DBTS^gov> unyay for drog :P
herc2> party on
herc2> the worms lost?
herc2> lost my upgrade
Drog|DeiG> Whats the name of the base
Drog|DeiG> if it hasnt got one, can we call it azibi?
Drog|DeiG> for the monent anyway
Drog|DeiG> until we can poll
GT^Commis> Er, Drogue, it hasn't been built yet.
GT^Commis> It will be next turn.
herc2> prob Metropolis or erregion
GT^Commis> No, I still have a list of seabase names.
GT^Commis> Does anybody remember if we decided to allow the crawler upgrade trick at the start of the game?
Drog|DeiG> Ok, whats next on the list?
GT^Commis> Er, my question above.
Drog|DeiG> I would go for a no
GT^Commis> Maniac? DBTS?
DBTS^gov> no
GT^Commis> No you don't remember, or no it wasn't allowed?
herc2> no
herc2> why dowe need it
DBTS^gov> i say no not allowed
Mania^gov> NO it wasn't allowed.
GT^Commis> I have 1 more crawler than I can use outside TA, and I'm wondering if it would be allowed to cash in
the upgraded one for the EG.
GT^Commis> I guess I'll just have to use it for for the next borehole
Mania^gov> Anyway guys, I'm leaving. There's a movie I'm watching and it's kind of hard to divide my attention.
GT^Commis> Ok. bye.
DBTS^gov> later
Mania^gov> see ya
* Mania^gov has left #smacdg
herc2> Ok bye
GT^Commis> Ok, we're just about to steal tech from Labourer's Throng.
Drog|DeiG> yay SFF
herc2> sff
DBTS^gov> ...?
DBTS^gov> what is it?
GT^Commis> SFF
DBTS^gov> yay
herc2> good one
* TKGDIA has joined #smacdg
GT^Commis> And our probe got away & got upgraded to commando.
GT^Commis> hi TKG.
Drog|DeiG> TKG finally here
Drog|DeiG> get my PM?
DBTS^gov> now we can really kick morgans butt if we wished
GT^Commis> We just got SFF
TKGDIA> sorry, nope
herc2> hi tKG
* DBTS^gov slaps TKG
DBTS^gov> hi
* Drog|DeiG slaps TKGDIA around a bit with a large trout
TKGDIA> i just assumed saturday
Drog|DeiG> likewise
DBTS^gov> i dont assume
GT^Commis> It would have been, but we're leaving again, and I didn't want a repeat of last time that ahppened.
TKGDIA> then i read the orders thread "is there a turnchat now, or did i read that wrong?"
herc2> I read it carefully
TKGDIA> and said "****"
GT^Commis> Anyway, now we have SFF, which means missiles and FUNGICIDE
DBTS^gov> lol
TKGDIA> have we founded UNMI yet?
GT^Commis> Not quite.
TKGDIA> not quite?
GT^Commis> Next turn.
GT^Commis> Herc: Can I flame the worms outside NS?
TKGDIA> only 1 turn played?
Drog|DeiG> is it UNMI?
GT^Commis> Odds are 3 to 2, in our favour.
Drog|DeiG> not the southern one is it?
TKGDIA> un marine institute, iirc
TKGDIA> red first. the northern
GT^Commis> TKG: we're in the middle of 2224.
Drog|DeiG> OK, UNMI is nothern
Drog|DeiG> southern I want to be azibi but i think we have to use another
GT^Commis> TKG: Damn. I sent the pod to the southern one.
GT^Commis> Hang on.
TKGDIA> which one? brown?
GT^Commis> Do you mean UNMI is to be northern, the first seabase is to be northern, or both?
TKGDIA> both
GT^Commis> The pod is at the brown one.
TKGDIA> meh. go for it then
GT^Commis> Herc: so can I flame the worms?
Drog|DeiG> Yes
GT^Commis> Herc?
* GT^Commis slaps herc over the head with a large trout.
* herc3 has joined #smacdg
Drog|DeiG> yes
herc3> back
DBTS^gov> just flame them already
Drog|DeiG> Herc, attack worm or not?
* herc2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
herc3> yes
GT^Commis> Okay, that should pay for at elast 1 of Drogue's rushes.
Drog|DeiG> what should?
Drog|DeiG> oh the worms
Drog|DeiG> have you don ethat one last turn I asked?
TKGDIA> drug had rushes? hmm i didn't see any...
GT^Commis> Now, can I send the probe skimship that infiltrated the Uni back to steal tech?
* TKGDIA looks
GT^Commis> TKG: He asked for some before you arrived.
Drog|DeiG> No, you were'nt here earlier TKG
GT^Commis> Drogue?
Drog|DeiG> only 40-60 odd credits
GT^Commis> The probeship?
TKGDIA> that's fine
Drog|DeiG> yes
TKGDIA> i think maniac had a rush of a net node in sheathed sword
Drog|DeiG> did u do the rush I asked for last turn (2223)?
TKGDIA> if i didn't approve it i meant to
Drog|DeiG> or the one for this one?
GT^Commis> Drogue: the CC in NT? No. I forgot. Did it this turn.
herc3> what techs has uni got we need
GT^Commis> Oh, and there's a pod 1 south of the other probe skimship. pop?
GT^Commis> Herc: CE and AAA.
Drog|DeiG> yes
herc3> many turns left
Drog|DeiG> yes how many turns sorry
GT^Commis> f*cking hell.
GT^Commis> Antoher IoD.
Drog|DeiG> IoD?
Drog|DeiG> oh well
Drog|DeiG> run
Drog|DeiG> if we can
TKGDIA> iods=pia
Drog|DeiG> GT: did you do the rush for this turn. The SC in Twin Peaks?
GT^Commis> I thinkw e're going to need some Empath Skimships pretty soon.
GT^Commis> Drogue: yes.
TKGDIA> did you get the rush of net node in sheathed sword?
TKGDIA> and i think there was a tree farm in concordia
herc3> we need to build up the navy
TKGDIA> pfft
TKGDIA> concordia's not coastal anyways, but if you need the credits...
herc3> put empath skimships and missle what evers in the design workshop
TKGDIA> we can cut back on rushing if necessary. i just think concorida needs the tree farm, and sheathed sword
will riot
TKGDIA> without net node
GT^Commis> SS has the net node.
GT^Commis> It's already been rushed.
Drog|DeiG> We already voted for the concordian tree farm too
Drog|DeiG> yes, been doen
GT^Commis> Oh, and soemthing else you aren't aware of: we're Planetary Governor.
TKGDIA> i thought i approved it, but i guess i didn't
TKGDIA> oh goodie
GT^Commis> Commerce just about doubled our income.
TKGDIA> infiltrators
TKGDIA> oh and income...
herc3> what tech does uni have that we need
Drog|DeiG> CE
GT^Commis> Herc: I told you, CE and AAA.
herc3> sorry missed it
DBTS^gov> slap me if needed
* TKGDIA slaps DBTS around a bit with a large bunny
* Drog|DeiG slaps TKGDIA around a bit with a large trout
Drog|DeiG> for the sheer hell of it
* TKGDIA shrugs
GT^Commis> f*ck.
TKGDIA> what now
GT^Commis> I just tried to move one of Manaic's former N intot he fungus, and worms popped up.
TKGDIA> un-yay
GT^Commis> Can I upgrade it to armour + trance?
DBTS^gov> wormS like in plurar?
GT^Commis> no, singluar.
Drog|DeiG> just trance needed?
herc3> ys
Drog|DeiG> why armour?
GT^Commis> no, it needs armour AND trance.
GT^Commis> It's non-combat unless armoured.
Drog|DeiG> ok, synthmetal then
GT^Commis> TKG? Herc?
TKGDIA> oo, clever
Drog|DeiG> but Scout patrols are unarmoured and combat?
TKGDIA> erm what?
herc3> whatever it takes
TKGDIA> why not just move it away?
TKGDIA> scout partols are attack units drug
TKGDIA> kinda
GT^Commis> Drogue: Yes, but they have guns.
GT^Commis> TKG: because there's another former there with no movement.
Drog|DeiG> armour+t then
herc3> go for it
TKGDIA> sure, how much is it? not too much i hope
GT^Commis> btw, what should be done wit the extra police infantry in Pandemonium?
TKGDIA> 20? 30?
GT^Commis> TKG: 70.
TKGDIA> what do you mean, "extra"
GT^Commis> MAniac order the building of two more, in addition to the one already there.
GT^Commis> ordered.
TKGDIA> send it to sheathed sword and have it escort the pods from there soon
GT^Commis> oops, it's in Sheathed Sword.
GT^Commis> alreayd.
Drog|DeiG> GT: no idea
* TKGDIA has quit IRC
GT^Commis> I got them mixed up.
GT^Commis> Oh well, cans till be done.
* Drog|DeiG is now known as Drg|DEI|G
GT^Commis> 2224 complete.
Drg|DEI|G> gd gd
GT^Commis> Some bad news: ZG is suffering from climatic variances and gets - nut per square for 10 years.
GT^Commis> -1.
Drg|DEI|G> is it starving?
DBTS^gov> damn
DBTS^gov> it also had the blblaa virus
GT^Commis> don't know, haven't chacked.
GT^Commis> DBTS: That place is cursed.
DBTS^gov> if not just let it be for now
GT^Commis> Okay, another problem: Concordia is rioting.
GT^Commis> I'm using a doctor for now.
Drg|DEI|G> gd idea
GT^Commis> Also, we've had another worm invasion near NS.
Drg|DEI|G> oh well, lets get an empath or two built and over there
GT^Commis> Oh, and NT is now riotiung as well.
herc3> I agree
GT^Commis> And DBTS, ZG IS starving.
Drg|DEI|G> really, it had a talent and no drones last turn :O
Drg|DEI|G> has it got 4 people now?
GT^Commis> yes.
GT^Commis> use doctor?
herc3> you asking me
Drg|DEI|G> use a doctor
Drg|DEI|G> do we have the virtual world?
DBTS^gov> about ZG can you deuse a doctor?
Drg|DEI|G> if so put net node next, before Tree Farm.
GT^Commis> DBTS: No, they're workers, but I can move some onto the Kelp farms.
herc3> do that
GT^Commis> That wook care of matters.
DBTS^gov> ok
GT^Commis> Now we have a surplus again.
Drg|DEI|G> Do we ahve the virtual world???
DBTS^gov> no i think
GT^Commis> Yes we do.
GT^Commis> Why?
herc3> No we don't
GT^Commis> What? Of course we do.
GT^Commis> In NA.
Drg|DEI|G> then build a net node in NT ASAP
Drg|DEI|G> rush it if possible
GT^Commis> Switch from Tree Farm?
Drg|DEI|G> then put tree farm top of build queue
Drg|DEI|G> yes
GT^Commis> Ok.
Drg|DEI|G> how much to rush?
GT^Commis> Cyclops just got built, btw.
GT^Commis> Drogue: dunno, still have to check.
DBTS^gov> yay
herc3> re VW stand corrected
GT^Commis> Drogue: way too much. Wait for another turn or two.
herc3> happy days
Drg|DEI|G> Ok,next turn if possible
GT^Commis> The road to Twin Peaks just got finished, now what to with the crawler there?
GT^Commis> Drogue?
herc3> explore south
* GT^Commis slaps Drogue over the ehad with a large trout