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Old January 18, 2001, 01:43   #1
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You're a punk Vel
My wrath upon thee shall be slow and painful.

Why you ask? Let me explain.

I was doing a little personal editing to Vel's guide earlier today. Now, I knew I should have been packing since I am moving tomorrow, but what the heck, had some ideas I just had to put down before I forgot.

Then I re-read your take on Morgan and turn advantage and blah blah blah. I realized I had never won the game by cornering the energy market. What the heck, lets fire up a game real quick as Morgan, get it started, and after I move I'll have something to occupy me!

Random map, large, avg rain/erosion/lifeforms. No pods, directed research, choose your first base.

Well my two colony pods and scout appear. I see a river flowing SW to my left. Rivers are always a good choice, so there we go. So I move my scout and reveal a little more terrain. And there it was. The holy grail of starting locations. *blink* *blink* Ok, its still there. A river with a energy bonus on it. *blink* Then I look closer and see this dark green under it. Right click for more info.

Elev: 1010m
Rolling and Rainy
Energy Bonus

A little piece of heaven right there just waiting to be used and abused by Morgan industries. Four hours later the phone rings and brings me out of the SMACX trance.

Damn you Vel, damn you to Chiron.


ps I only wished I had saved as soon as I saw it, so everyone could play with that little piece of heaven.

pss My second base, right in the middle of the jungle has 3 mineral bonus squares. Its like the computer was just asking to get the beating of its life.
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Old January 18, 2001, 02:37   #2
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Punk? Huh? So Vel has a ring through his nose and spikey purple hair?

Travathian, I'm with you 100%. The "Just on more turn" aspect of this game is amazing. I have been playing since the game came out and I haven't tired of it yet. And a jungle start is about as good as it gets.

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Old January 18, 2001, 02:50   #3
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Final results

2238 Economic victory

Cost me 1600 credits

Planetary governor

Global Trade Pack in effect

Enviromental/Industrial/Planetary Economics

Pacts with 4 other factions

Treaties with other 2

Didn't fight a single battle other than with natives.

Probably could have done it sooner had I given up research and gone 100% income. But everything was just going so smoothly I lost track of my goal!

You're still a punk Vel.

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Old January 18, 2001, 05:32   #4
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Reminds me of a pbem game that I was in that never got past turn 20: I got landed right in the middle of the Borehole Cluster with rainy and hilly terrain all around me.

Damn, I wanted to finish THAT game...
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Old January 18, 2001, 07:42   #5
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Okay....I'll admit it....I'm a punk....::chuckling:: a reeeeally tall punk, but what the heck....and that sounds like a FANTASTIC game!!!

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Old January 18, 2001, 09:52   #6
Ogie Oglethorpe
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Vel and the Sex Pistols
Vel and the Clash
The Veliant Fems

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Old January 18, 2001, 11:36   #7
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What an awesome way to start the morning....::chuckling here at work, and everybody's lookin' at me like I'm insane...I love it!::

Veliant Fems...that rocks!

(contemplating what body-jewelry goes with which tattoos...very important to have a coordinated "look" going on)

PS: Since I'm now officially a punk....I wonder if I ought not be transferred over to 'polyton's "Alternative Civs" section
[This message has been edited by Velociryx (edited January 18, 2001).]
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