View Poll Results: What energy allocation should be used to represent EACH SE settings.
FM : 50/00/50 0 0%
FM : 40/20/40 9 25.00%
FM : 40/10/50 0 0%
FM : 40/00/60 0 0%
FM : 50/10/40 0 0%
FM : 60/00/40 0 0%
Planned : 50/00/50 10 27.78%
Planned : 40/20/40 0 0%
Planned : 40/10/50 1 2.78%
Planned : 40/00/60 1 2.78%
Planned : 50/10/40 0 0%
Planned : 60/00/40 0 0%
Green : 50/00/50 7 19.44%
Green : 40/20/40 1 2.78%
Green : 40/10/50 2 5.56%
Green : 40/00/60 5 13.89%
Green : 50/10/40 0 0%
Green : 60/00/40 0 0%
Xenobanana-engineered 0 0%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 36. You may not vote on this poll

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Old January 19, 2003, 09:17   #1
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approximately OFFICIAL : Energy Allocations
Here are the follings suggestions :
--stats will come soon --
Economy : Energy Credits / Psych / Research

Multiple choice is enabled.
This poll is to choose which energy allocation will be used for the poll to choose SE settings. There will be a final if there is not one option per SE settings which gets 50%+ votes.
  • FM : 50/00/50
  • FM : 40/20/40
  • FM : 40/10/50
  • FM : 40/00/60
  • FM : 50/10/40
  • FM : 60/00/40
  • Planned: 50/00/50
  • Planned: 40/20/40
  • Planned: 40/10/50
  • Planned: 40/00/60
  • Planned : 50/10/40
  • Planned : 60/00/40
  • Green: 50/00/50
  • Green: 40/20/40
  • Green: 40/10/50
  • Green: 40/00/60
  • Green: 50/10/40
  • Green: 60/00/40
  • write-in :
    Mainly for suggestions less ordinary like FM : 30/20/50, etc...

This poll will last three days,
Multiple choice is enabled.
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Last edited by Pandemoniak; January 19, 2003 at 09:25.
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Old January 21, 2003, 08:49   #2
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FM - 40/20/40

Planned/Green - 50/0/50
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Old January 21, 2003, 17:29   #3
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planned/green- 50/0/50
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Old January 21, 2003, 22:21   #4
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FM - 40/20/40

Planned/Green - 50/0/50
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
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Old January 22, 2003, 17:53   #5
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the same
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Old January 22, 2003, 18:49   #6
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I voted 40/20/40 FM, 50/0/50 for the others.

Since the stats still aren't listed, I loaded the save and looked at the current numbers. Then went into SE and clicked Green, and recorded the numbers in the window (I didn't apply the changes to get more info to avoid the possibility of violating the play ahead thing). Then I cancelled out of the window and went back in, and clicked on FM. One gets different (worse) numbers for Green if one clicks FM first, but I imagine that's not really relevant.

Current: (Demo, Planned, Knowledge,50/0/50):
Commerce Income: 44/turn
Gross Income: 127/turn
Total Costs: -59/turn
Net Income: 68/turn
Research: every 8 turns (5 years till current, D:I, is done)
SE: Support -2, Growth +4, Probe -2, Industy +1, Research +2, all else 0

Green 50/50: (Demo, Green, Knowledge,50/0/50):
Net Income: 84/turn
Research: every 7 turns
SE: same as above, except Effic +4, Growth 0, Industry 0

Green 40/60: (Demo, Green, Knowledge, 40/0/60):
Net Income: 62/turn
Research: every 7 turns
SE: same as Green
Note: There is no efficiency loss for the unbalanced ratio, nor is there for 30/70, which is 31 EC/turn and research every 6 turns. You can put it at 0/100, in fact, with no efficiency loss... you just bleed ECs

FM: (Demo, FM, Knowledge,40/20/40):
Net Income: 125/turn
Reserach: every 6 turns
SE: same as Planned, except Economy +2, Effic +2, Police -5, Growth +2, Planet -3, Industry 0

I could try temporarily applying the changes to, for example, figure out which (if any) bases would require additional drone-satisfaction under FM, or if the 20 Psych mitigates that and/or actually improves the situation.

Last edited by Cedayon; January 22, 2003 at 18:55.
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Old January 23, 2003, 06:06   #7
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Thanx to Cedayon. Sorry I couldnt post the stats, I was called for an emergency filming, and I'm having exams these days.
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Old January 23, 2003, 06:13   #8
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Note: There is no efficiency loss for the unbalanced ratio, nor is there for 30/70, which is 31 EC/turn and research every 6 turns. You can put it at 0/100, in fact, with no efficiency loss... you just bleed ECs
That's what happens when you have a Paradigm Economy.
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Old January 23, 2003, 06:14   #9
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Originally posted by Cedayon
I could try temporarily applying the changes to, for example, figure out which (if any) bases would require additional drone-satisfaction under FM, or if the 20 Psych mitigates that and/or actually improves the situation.
Please do. You'll find that any bases rioting then are due to none other than military troops outside of our territory. Take that out of the equation, and hello GA's!
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Old January 23, 2003, 06:18   #10
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Hell, the last time I checked, we wouldn't have any riots even with troops out of territory.
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Old January 23, 2003, 07:10   #11
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Somehow that doesn't suprise me to hear that. This isn't Transcend difficulty afterall. Now that we're starting to get Psych facilities in place, that would only amplify the 20% out.
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Old January 23, 2003, 13:38   #12
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I collected the stats on what would happen to the talent/citizen/drone counts under the 3 econ choice candidates. I did a bit more than I normally would, since there seemed to be a need for a good baseline.

The format of the numbers is: (total pop)/(talents)/(citizens)/(drones)/(eco damage)/(specialists)
I omit the specialist field in the totals at the bottom.
Specialists are counted as normal citizens, in the specialists field I put the number and then the type, ie 2d for 2 doctors and 3l for 3 librarians. After any doctors I put in parentheses the changes that occur if the doctors are put back on the fields, so 2d(-1t,+2d) means that there are 2 doctors which if removed cause the conversion of 1 talent into a citizen and 2 citizens into drones. I put (GA) after everything if there were no drones and more talents than civs (and the city's big enough to have a GA). In the FM column I marked if there were military units outside of territory that were causing drones, (1m) means 1 such military unit.

City        | Planned 50/0/50      | Green 50/0/50        | FM 40/20/40          |
New Apolyton| 9/2/7/1/3/0          | 9/2/7/0/1/0          | 9/5/4/0/5/0 (GA)     |
New Suez    | 7/2/5/0/0/2d(-1t)    | 7/2/5/0/0/2d(nc)     | 7/4/3/0/0/2d(nc) (GA)|
New Tass.   | 7/2/5/0/0/2d(-1t,+2d)| 7/2/5/0/0/2d(+2d)    | 7/3/4/0/0/2d(-1t,+2d)|
Pandemonium | 9/0/9/0/0/3l         | 9/1/8/0/0/3l         | 9/2/7/0/0/3l         |
Sheathed Sw.| 9/2/6/1/0/0          | 9/2/7/0/0/0          | 9/3/5/1/0/0          |
Tacticus Ac.| 9/2/6/1/14/0         | 9/2/7/0/5/0          | 9/4/5/0/27/0         |
Term. Dogma | 5/1/4/0/0/0          | 5/2/3/0/0/0          | 5/2/3/0/0/0          |
TBIBTU      | 9/2/6/1/0/0          | 9/2/7/0/0/0          | 9/5/2/2/0/0 (1m)     |
Trans. Acad.| 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          |
Twin Peaks  | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          |
UNMI        | 3/1/1/1/0/0          | 3/1/2/0/0/0          | 3/2/1/0/0/0          |
UNPD        | 9/2/7/0/0/0          | 9/2/7/0/0/0          | 9/4/5/0/0/0          |
UNRC        | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          |
Valhalla    | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          | 2/1/1/0/0/0          |
Xanadu      | 4/1/2/1/0/0          | 4/1/3/0/0/0          | 4/2/0/2/0/0          |
Zan. Gate   | 8/1/6/1/0/1d(+1d)    | 8/2/5/1/0/1d(+1d)    | 8/4/3/1/0/1d(+1d)    |
Antioch     | 9/2/7/0/0/1d(+1d)    | 9/3/6/0/0/1d(-1t)    | 9/5/2/2/0/1d(nc) (1m)|
Aurora      | 3/1/2/0/0/0          | 3/1/2/0/0/0          | 3/1/2/0/0/0          |
Concordia   | 13/2/9/2/0/1l,1d(+2d)| 13/3/8/2/0/1l,1d(+2d)| 13/4/7/2/0/1l,1d(+2d)|
Crystalis   | 3/1/2/0/0/0          | 3/1/2/0/0/0          | 3/2/1/0/0/0          |
Cyclops     | 3/1/1/1/0/0          | 3/1/2/0/0/0          | 3/1/2/0/0/0          |
Deus Ex M.  | 9/2/7/0/0/1d(+1d)    | 9/2/7/0/0/1d(nc)     | 9/3/6/0/0/1(+1d)     |
Mysidia     | 6/1/5/0/0/1d(+1d)    | 6/2/4/0/0/1d(+1d)    | 6/2/4/0/0/1(+1d)     |
Total:      | 142/22/110/10/17     | 142/34/105/3/6       | 142/62/70/10/32      |
I hope this assists everyone in making an informed decision.

Last edited by Cedayon; January 23, 2003 at 13:45.
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Old January 23, 2003, 14:48   #13
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Don't you want to run for any position in the next government? You would be assured of my vote.
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Old January 23, 2003, 18:43   #14
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Originally posted by Maniac
Don't you want to run for any position in the next government? You would be assured of my vote.
I'm mostly happy with the way things are run right now, and I wasn't planning on running for anything until I'd seen at least one full term go by to get the hang of things. Also, my arms and wrists get kinda cranky when I do that much writing/typing on a regular basis
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Old January 23, 2003, 18:46   #15
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then run for director of research. all you do is make a poll every 2 weeks or so
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Old January 23, 2003, 22:16   #16
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Do we have a candidate for that? Voltaire is running for DFA.
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