January 20, 2003, 01:49
Local Time: 16:47
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Last night I had the strangest dream
Well, I had!
The dream starts in that fuzzy manner all dreams start - you don't quite remember the beginning. What I do remember was that it was sort of like a movie, which I was either watching or being part of - in that dreamlike manner where you can't be quite sure. It's sort of a teen movie, and I'm the protagonist - nerdy kinda guy. I remember two scenes from the movie. In one of them, the protagonist/me has this girl he fancies telling him she's moving away and he never really had a chance. In the second, the protagonist (at this scene it's clear I'm just watching it) has another girl, is standing in some kind of a line and telling some kind of a strange joke, which I don't remember but which was very strange indeed. I don't know any of the people in the movie IRL.
I wake up. I think "That was a strange dream". I get to computer, log to either Poly or Straight Dope and start to find information about the movie. Amazon has some specs - it's called "Homeownership 2", is indeed a teen movie, and one of the actors is Susan Sarandon. (No, I don't know what she was playing). Suddenly, I notice I only have a few minutes to get to the bus to go to school. I run through the kitchen, grab a piece of bread, and stuff it in my mouth as I run to toilet to take a whiz. However, the pee is coming annoyingly slowly.
I REALLY wake up. I think "DAMN that was a strange dream". I pace around a bit, then write the whole dream (or the parts I can remember) up so I won't forget it. The, about a hour later, I manage to get sleep again.
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
January 20, 2003, 01:54
Local Time: 10:47
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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I dreamt a repeat dream (one that happens again as you remembered it last time). In this one, I am fighting this creature which is human sized and white, and when I kill it and rip its guts out, its a tiny Citizen Kabuto! So, this Kabuto creature and these guts start to grow out of control, and everything is getting entangled in this tentacle like mess and the giant Kabuto is out running around rampant.
I think the white creature is a Sea-reaper.
January 20, 2003, 02:15
Local Time: 08:47
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I had a dream once where i had a really big pistol, somethn like a Desert Eagle, a powerul rifle, and somethn like a SPAS 12 shot gun, and went around the deserted commercial center of some major city hunting zombies. It really freaked me out at the time, but in hindsight it is one of my most thrilling, realistic, and memorable dreams.
January 20, 2003, 03:32
Local Time: 07:47
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we should just have a dream thread to talk about our dreams.
Someone like me can go in and analyze them. I'm an amateur psychcologist.
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January 20, 2003, 04:17
Local Time: 08:47
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Analyze me!
I bet my dream indicates psychopathy or somethn.
Man, wait till i tell you about that dream where I masacred munchcans in the Land of Oz.
January 20, 2003, 04:24
Local Time: 07:47
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all dreams are either about hidden desires or hidden fears.
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
January 20, 2003, 04:50
Local Time: 23:47
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I had a dream where I was flying a fanged fetus-powered ship to Mars where I designed crystal dogs to populate the planet.
and then there was the dream with the syncronized swimming cartoon squid in a river that was flooding thanks to the evil water-summoning magic of the cat sorceress-queen.
edit: have to add a squirrel dream of course. I was a squirrel running around inside a train throwing glowing ring thingies at another squirrel.
Beat that
Stop Quoting Ben
Last edited by Bosh; January 20, 2003 at 17:40.
January 20, 2003, 16:46
Local Time: 08:47
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Originally posted by Dissident
all dreams are either about hidden desires or hidden fears.
So it is either:
AHHHH! Munchcans! Run for your life!
OOO la la... munchcans *licks lips*
I had a dream once where i was abducted by aliens. nothing special, i suppose. But my mom said it wasnt a dream...
January 20, 2003, 16:53
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 14:47
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I once had a dream where people were sticking needles in other males.......  That was a nightmare.
I also once had a dream about skittles. That was just odd.
I also had a dream about Russia. That was a fun one
Nowdays I'm having dreams about darker aspects of my life.
(I'm too lazy to type of a full synoposis of these dreams. Sorry)
January 20, 2003, 18:58
Local Time: 14:47
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I had a dream once where me and some other Poly posters were in a huge, hovering dhingy over a bright yellow desert, and were being guarded by huge blue alien creatures with protounding tusks.
I also had a dream where I was watching a home movie of me and one of my childhood friends on a journey through the US Midwest (where I've never been). For some reason the one scene I remember consisted of us chidren, aged about 7 walking about in a cold ballet room with mirrors and a railing.
January 20, 2003, 20:40
Local Time: 14:47
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Man this thread is so jacked!
I always have dreams where I am naked. No ONe else is cept me! And even though I notice I am naked, no one else really does or if they do they don't say anything. I often dream that my kids have been stolen and I frantically search for them but when I find them they aren't my kids..strange. I've also had several premonitions..that have come true!!!*scary* I hate having dreams about family member because most of the time they come true! I am a really lucid dreamer and tend to have control over my dreams unless they are premonitions that's why I hate those dreams! 
The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!
January 20, 2003, 21:51
Local Time: 09:47
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Worst dream I ever had was me dreaming about trying to goto sleep, but tossing and turning. I didnt realize it until I sat down at the breakfast table. Something must have triggered my memory and realized what happened couldnt have been real.
January 20, 2003, 22:09
Local Time: 09:47
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Posts: 1,088
Try this Dissident:
I was on some sort of metallic strip way way up in the sky and their was a group of other people there. There was also a tree there. We wanted to leave because we were all there because some group had taken control of the world or whatever and placed us on the strip. I jumped off the strip and fell into a sort of tube full of water. I emerged in a room that was very high-tech and then continued. I ended up back where I started and told the others that there may be a way out. We all jumped into the waterslide like tube and slid down into the room looking for a way out. Some other stuff happened and the tree died. Then I woke up.
January 20, 2003, 22:13
Local Time: 09:47
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Originally posted by Dissident
all dreams are either about hidden desires or hidden fears.
perhaps if you let your mind make its own dream that may be true, but it isnt true if you dream incubated (trying to persuade the mind to dream about a content you desire before going to sleep) or lucidated (same as dream incubation but done while actually in dream)
January 20, 2003, 22:23
Local Time: 09:47
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There was an irritating song in the 80's that had this exact line in it, and now that damn song is stuck in my head!!!!!!
Damn you Stefu!!!!!!
Example of the song:
Last night I had the stranges dream,
I sailed away to China,
In a little rowboat to find ya,
You said you had to get your laundry clean,
Didn't want no one to hold you,
What does the mean?
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride,
Nobody gonna slow me down,
Oh no,
I got to keep on movin'.
Damn you!!!!!
"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Look out, he's fuzzy, let's get out of here."
January 20, 2003, 22:58
Local Time: 14:47
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I had a dream I was on a highway..in a car with other people I can't recall..and I could see nothing behind or ahead of me because the highway was clouded. Huge clouds ebbing...rising high and crashing on the highway. I was scared.. I couldn't see where I was going or where I had been. It was a reoccuring dream. Analyze that please!
The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!
January 20, 2003, 23:07
Local Time: 09:47
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I hate when I wake up like at least 12 times before I wake up for real in my dream. :T
January 21, 2003, 00:59
Local Time: 10:47
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Originally posted by Dissident
all dreams are either about hidden desires or hidden fears.
I could believe that: Kabuto is one scary mofo!
January 21, 2003, 01:05
Local Time: 07:47
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actually I have an add on to that.
Dreams are either about hidden desires or hidden fears, or sometimes you dream about something you were doing that day.
Example. I dream about work often, especially if I go to sleep right after work. Often I dream about computer games if I stay up all night playing civ3 or something. I dream about moving units in civ3 sometimes
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January 21, 2003, 01:36
Local Time: 10:47
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I just got done playing through some Giants a week and a half ago. But its odd that this dream was so much like the one I had over a year ago playing after playing the game.
But I get repeat dreams like those every so often. Heck, one I had about timetraveling recurred two or three times after the first time.
January 21, 2003, 01:54
Local Time: 07:47
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The dream analyst is in.
Originally posted by Blackwidow24
I had a dream I was on a highway..in a car with other people I can't recall..and I could see nothing behind or ahead of me because the highway was clouded. Huge clouds ebbing...rising high and crashing on the highway. I was scared.. I couldn't see where I was going or where I had been. It was a reoccuring dream. Analyze that please!
Vell Blackvidow, I vould zay dat dis iz a manifeztation of your zubconscious exploring what it zees az a confuzing time in your life. You're not really zure where you are in your life, what your zituation iz, where you're going, where you've been or what your goalz are. Your zubconscious is playing with dez ideaz, manifezting them as dreamz and dealing with your fears in dat way. Itz nozzing to be conzerned about.
[BTW, I really like your new avatar  ]
January 21, 2003, 04:03
Local Time: 10:47
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I've had some zombie hunting dreams before... They're wicked cool.
Also I've had some twilight-zone esque ones. quite cool.
"mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
January 22, 2003, 02:54
Local Time: 14:47
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ahhhh zank you zer proffezzzeerrrrr.... It all makes un clearer zenz to me now!
(and thank Slowwhand for my new avatar..he gave it to me animated and I screwed it up  I know my own face on my avavtar was a bit vain an I am not all that great looking.....*throws in line waits for fish* )
The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!
January 22, 2003, 02:58
Local Time: 00:47
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I dreamed I met a Galilean.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
January 22, 2003, 03:07
Local Time: 10:47
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Thanks pilate
"mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
January 22, 2003, 03:09
Local Time: 00:47
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But he had that look you rarely find!
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
January 22, 2003, 03:11
Local Time: 10:47
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Do you ever give up?
"mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
Drake Tungsten
"get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
Albert Speer
January 22, 2003, 04:29
Local Time: 07:47
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Originally posted by Blackwidow24
I am not all that great looking
If you're not, then why do I keep showing up with my camera in all those dreams in which you're naked?
January 22, 2003, 20:51
Local Time: 14:47
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Geeez first bite of the day!!!
I was wondering what all those flashing lights were about in my dreams!!!   
The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!
January 23, 2003, 02:56
Local Time: 07:47
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Originally posted by Blackwidow24
Whoops. I am so busted!
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