Originally posted by bongo
There are a number of factors(6?) of which number of foreign nationals and overlapping city radius is the two biggest.
Number of troops is the smallest.
I would say that the potentially biggest factor is the foreign culture / own culture modifier. If you have a great culture lead, this is more important than the other factors, and it also skews the importance of other factors.
I.e. if you have a city with foreign local culture higher than yours, and equal total culture, then you need 2 military units for each foreign citizen/city tile.
But if your local culture is higher than foreign local culture, and your total culture is 5 times bigger than foreign total culture, then you need only 1 military unit for every 5th foreign citizen/tile.
So in this last case, military units are 5 times as important as foreign citizens/tiles. Add a WLTKD, and the military unit becomes 10 times as important.
I.e., a city with 20 foreign tiles/citizens in WLTKD only needs 2 military units to totally quell CF if your culture is 5 times the foreign culture. Here, each military unit is
very important.