[23:13] <Locutus> btw, what's the goody hut giving us, Pedrunn?
[23:13] <The-Gingerbread-Man> J, so what? It gives people the chance to leave their own personal mark on a group game.
[23:14] <J_Bytheway> Well, I suppose I also don't like the idea because I'm hopeless at coming up with names

[23:14] <mapfi> pedrunn - on the bathroom or what?
[23:14] <Pedrunn> Sorry about the delay, I had to reload slic.
[23:15] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I think Pedrunn should name city two, then the ministers, then the judges, then the citizens can fight among themselves

[23:15] * Tassadar has joined #lemuria
[23:15] <Pedrunn> and the autosave
[23:15] <Tassadar> Greetings
[23:15] <Turambar> hi
[23:15] <Pedrunn> MERCENARIES! We now have Hoplites!
[23:15] <Locutus> hi, Tass. glad you could make it

[23:15] <Locutus> nice...
[23:15] <Turambar> sweet!
[23:15] <Tassadar> Yeah

What haver I missed?
[23:15] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Sweet as!
[23:15] <J_Bytheway> Now if only we could reverse-engineer them...
[23:15] <Turambar> lol
[23:16] <Locutus> we got a goody hut

not much else though...
[23:16] <iskallin> hye tovaritch tass
[23:16] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Kia Ora Tass
[23:16] <Locutus> (see
http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=74701 for map)
[23:16] <Tassadar> Tovarish...And what have I missed? :P :P
[23:16] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Nothing.
[23:16] <mapfi> so the warrior moves on on the lake?
[23:17] <Pedrunn> Time for war!?!

[23:17] <Tassadar> It's been an hour since I got the PM, we have to have done SOMETHING :P
[23:17] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Will the Lemurians go to war?
[23:17] <Locutus> with 1 hoplite? you silly Brazilian...

[23:17] <Turambar> warrior onto the lake
[23:17] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Will the defences hold?
[23:17] <Turambar> no war yet
[23:17] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Tune in next week!
[23:17] <Locutus> 2nd tur
[23:17] <mapfi> pedrunn should just get a move on!
[23:17] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the Warrior (one move along the river)
[23:18] <Pedrunn> ???
[23:18] <Turambar> RESPONSE: yep
[23:18] <Locutus> Tass: we're slow

[23:18] <Lemmy> i'm not even paying attention to this right now..
[23:18] * Lemmy has left #lemuria
[23:18] <The-Gingerbread-Man> All hail Pedrunn the slow!
[23:18] <The-Gingerbread-Man>

[23:18] <Pedrunn> Another hut in our sight!
[23:18] <Turambar>

[23:19] <Locutus>

[23:19] <J_Bytheway> north or south?
[23:19] <Pedrunn> slow, me?

[23:19] <Turambar> don't bother with screenies yet.
[23:19] <mapfi> two n-w - one north of the lake
[23:19] <Locutus> no, first move the other warrior and end the turn
[23:19] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the Hoplite?
[23:19] <iskallin> We come, we come with roll of drum: ta-runda runda runda rom!
[23:20] <Locutus> east
[23:20] <Turambar> RESPONSE: yep, east
[23:20] <mapfi> 2nd
[23:20] <iskallin> We come, we come with horn and drum: ta-rûna rûna rûna rom!
[23:20] <iskallin> To Wien! Though Wien be ringed and barred with doors of stone;
[23:20] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Will the defences hold?
[23:20] <Locutus> what about the other warrior? I say south...
[23:20] <iskallin> Though Wien be strong and hard, as cold as stone and bare as bone,
[23:20] <Tassadar> Stupid questions, but: What do we call ourselves and whats our capital?
[23:20] <iskallin> We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break the door;
[23:21] <Locutus> (then move back towards the capital)
[23:21] <iskallin> For bole and bough are burning now, the furnace roars - we go to war!
[23:21] <Turambar> RESPONSE: Southern warrior continues south...
[23:21] <mapfi> 2nd loc
[23:21] <J_Bytheway> I hope the Austrians haven't got defences so good we would require such a song

[23:21] <iskallin> To land of gloom with tramp of doom, with roll of drum, we come, we come;
[23:21] <Tassadar> Stupid questions, but: What do we call ourselves and whats our capital?
[23:21] <iskallin> To Wien with doom we come!
[23:21] <Pedrunn> bothe moves doing now. BTW, scree n the thred
[23:21] <Locutus> Tass: the name of the capital is still being polled, but will probably be called Lemur City. Our nation is called Lemuria
[23:21] <iskallin> With doom we come, with doom we come!
[23:21] <Tassadar> :O
[23:21] <Tassadar> We do not call our capitol Apolyton?!
[23:22] <iskallin> turambar should reconice this
[23:22] * mrbaggins has joined #lemuria
[23:22] <mrbaggins> rehi
[23:22] <Pedrunn> No. Not east the hut is north, the hop can get there sooner
[23:22] <Locutus> tass: nope, lost in the poll. I wouldn't have like it...
[23:22] <J_Bytheway> I certainly recognise it. It's the best song in the book

[23:22] <Locutus> rehi!
[23:22] <Tassadar> This is a heathen civiliation!!!!

[23:23] <Pedrunn> Second Warrior moved south
[23:23] <Locutus> sweet terrain in the north, I hope the goody hut is a settler or city...
[23:23] <Turambar> which ever unit can get to the hut quicker
[23:23] <Pedrunn> Are you sure to send the Hoplite east?
[23:23] <iskallin> yeap popped in my mouth right away we have found the natures wrath
[23:23] <iskallin> which will beat the aussies
[23:23] <Locutus> Ped: yes, why not?
[23:24] <Pedrunn> oh!

[23:24] <Turambar> yes
[23:24] <Pedrunn> I thought the hop could get to the hut in 2 moves
[23:24] <Locutus> no, both have move 1
[23:24] <Turambar> so can the warrior
[23:24] <mrbaggins> 2 moves?
[23:25] <mrbaggins> ok...
[23:25] <mrbaggins> is the hoplite still in the location he's in in the screenshot, or has he been moved?
[23:26] <Pedrunn> END TURN (15)
[23:27] <Locutus> k, move the northern warrior north
[23:27] <mrbaggins> the goody hut might even be a discovery which would be cool too
[23:27] <Turambar> yep
[23:27] <Locutus> we need cities more...
[23:27] <mrbaggins> yes... but we get what we get...
[23:27] <Turambar> ballistics would be better..... quicker invasion....
[23:27] <iskallin> please dear god let it be a city so we can go to war!!
[23:27] <Locutus> Pedrunn: what's the tile east of the hoplite? (no need for a screen, just say what you see)
[23:28] <Turambar> how far do people think we should explore?
[23:28] <mapfi> sand mountains
[23:28] <Locutus> hmmm...
[23:28] <J_Bytheway> I advise send the hoplite straight east and then straight south to the capital.
[23:29] <J_Bytheway> (Barring ruins, etc.)
[23:29] <mapfi> 2nd that
[23:29] <Locutus> tur: first warrior to the goody hut, then let it depend on terrain
[23:29] <Locutus> hoplite: what john said
[23:29] <Turambar> sounds good
[23:29] <Locutus> 2nd warrior: east and then north to the city
[23:29] <Turambar> south warrior maq said to follow aust border
[23:29] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the hoplite?
[23:29] <Turambar> east
[23:29] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:29] <Locutus> he did? okay. fine with me as well...
[23:30] <Pedrunn> I moved the First warrior nortn
[23:30] <mrbaggins> can we get another screenie, Pedrunn?
[23:30] <iskallin> sand mountains that sucks!
[23:30] <Turambar> wouldn't bother for a while
[23:30] <Turambar> takes too long
[23:30] <Locutus> no, Ped, wait witht the sreen until the next turn. we need to speed up
[23:31] <mrbaggins> ok
[23:31] <Turambar> lets get a few turns done
[23:31] <Locutus> only 30 minutes left...
[23:31] * mrbaggins nods
[23:31] <Turambar> lets aim for turn 20 maybe.....
[23:31] <Locutus> mapfi: can you estimate how long until city growth?
[23:32] * The-Gingerbread-Man has joined #lemuria
[23:32] * Tassadar has quit IRC (Quit: )
[23:32] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Ahem..
[23:32] <mapfi> growing to 3 on turn 18
[23:32] <The-Gingerbread-Man>

[23:33] <Pedrunn> another screen already in the thread
[23:33] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the second warrior
[23:33] <Pedrunn> ???
[23:33] <Turambar> the south one? along the Austrian border
[23:34] <Locutus> mapfi: thx
[23:34] <Pedrunn> end turn?
[23:34] <Locutus> south
[23:35] <Turambar> don't we have a non tresspass agreement?
[23:35] <Locutus> I though we still had 1 tile between us and the border...
[23:35] <Turambar> nope
[23:36] <Locutus> okay, then follow the border se
[23:36] <Turambar> latest screen shot shows us on it
[23:36] <Pedrunn> Second Warrior Along with the border (southeast)
[23:36] <Pedrunn> END TURN (16)
[23:36] <Locutus> last screen is still loading, I'm having some lag here...
[23:37] <Turambar> nect turn then.....
[23:37] <Locutus> yup, warrior 1 to hut, hoplite east, warrior 2 se
[23:37] <Turambar> yep
[23:37] <Turambar> go for it
[23:37] <Pedrunn> Moving First Warrior toward the hut. Any objection?
[23:37] <mrbaggins> no, go for it
[23:37] <Turambar> nope just do what locutus said
[23:37] <Locutus> no, just move....
[23:37] <Locutus>

[23:37] <Pedrunn> ok
[23:38] * mrbaggins waits with baited breath
[23:38] <Pedrunn> just RUINS In the hut

[23:38] <J_Bytheway> :sob:
[23:39] <Locutus>

[23:39] <Turambar>

[23:39] <The-Gingerbread-Man>

[23:39] <The-Gingerbread-Man> You suck Pedrunn!

[23:39] <Turambar> lol
[23:39] <Locutus> okay, Ped, make the move and end the turn
[23:40] <Pedrunn>

we are in turn 17 i suggest move some units back to the city
[23:40] <iskallin> i name the sand dunes Anfauglir
[23:40] <Turambar> lol
[23:40] <Locutus> hoplite should now start moving south
[23:40] <iskallin> which means jaws of thirst
[23:40] <mapfi> 2nd loc on that
[23:40] <J_Bytheway> We intended to return the southern warrior, didn't we...
[23:40] <Turambar> yep
[23:41] <mapfi> a warrior won't be enough anyway
[23:41] <Locutus> I did, but Maq left an order to follow the Austrian border...
[23:41] <Turambar> and look for settling sites....
[23:41] * mrbaggins mumbles something as he reads the constitution to see if getting crappy goody hut results is impeachable

[23:41] <Turambar> so i say go south from here...
[23:41] <iskallin> impeach the hut
[23:42] <Turambar> once past the corner of the border
[23:42] <J_Bytheway> Shouldn't the hoplite go se once before south? That will maximise our exploration.
[23:42] <Locutus> let's go to the edge of the border and have a look at the terrain then, then decide if we go east or south...
[23:42] <mrbaggins> agreed
[23:42] <Turambar> k
[23:43] <Locutus> what about the 1st warrior?
[23:43] <iskallin> okidoki
[23:43] <Turambar> good idea J
[23:43] <Pedrunn> New screen in the thread
[23:43] <iskallin> go west
[23:43] <Pedrunn> This will be our last turn today

[23:43] <iskallin> damn
[23:44] <Turambar>

[23:44] <Locutus> I agree with iskalin, go west
[23:44] <mrbaggins> hills...
[23:44] * The-Gingerbread-Man{Ghost} has joined #lemuria
[23:44] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by The-Gingerbread-Man{Ghost})))
[23:44] * The-Gingerbread-Man{Ghost} is now known as The-Gingerbread-Man
[23:44] <Locutus> 2nd warrior se, then look again, then probably east, towards the grassland...
[23:44] <Turambar> 1st warrior i'd say north...
[23:44] <iskallin> i'll write something in our story thread about the hoplite thats for sure
[23:44] <Turambar> 2nd se
[23:44] <Pedrunn> END TURN (17)
[23:45] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Turn 17?
[23:45] <J_Bytheway> OK, hoplite should now go directly south (we overshot half a square, but I hope it won't matter...).
[23:45] <The-Gingerbread-Man> All hail Pedrunn the mildly slow
[23:45] <Locutus> the metal might be a good city city, hence I say west. but north is okay as well...
[23:45] <Pedrunn> The austrians changed their attitude towards us
[23:45] <iskallin> namarie
[23:45] <Turambar> more likely to be a new civ north
[23:45] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Do they still think we're a piece of s***?
[23:45] <Turambar> you off?
[23:46] <iskallin> who me
[23:46] <Turambar> yeah
[23:46] <Turambar> you said farewell....
[23:46] <iskallin> i don't now
[23:46] <Turambar> elvish?
[23:46] <Locutus> true. still think west is better, but north makes sense as well.
[23:46] <iskallin> yeah i know that was to the ones who are leaving
[23:46] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Finnish!
[23:46] <Turambar> ah
[23:46] <The-Gingerbread-Man>

[23:46] <mrbaggins> west, if its a choice
[23:46] <Pedrunn> Screen for the Diplomatic change of the Austrian in the thread
[23:46] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Evil, evil Finland...
[23:46] <Locutus> RESPONSE: ignore the Austrians for now, never mind their attitude.
[23:47] <Locutus> move on with the game ASAP.
[23:47] <Turambar> RESPONSE: 1st Warrior West then
[23:47] <Turambar> Hop South
[23:47] <Locutus> 2nd tur
[23:48] <Pedrunn> TUR: and the second warrior?
[23:48] <Locutus> I say se, but I think I'm alone...
[23:48] <mrbaggins> i'd say east
[23:48] <The-Gingerbread-Man> se?
[23:48] <Turambar> se
[23:48] <mrbaggins> towards the city
[23:48] <mrbaggins> ish
[23:48] <mrbaggins> barbs soon, no?
[23:49] <J_Bytheway> east
[23:49] <iskallin> on next turn :sharpeninghisaxe:
[23:49] <Turambar> they appear turn 20. but i doubt we'll see any until 30
[23:49] <Locutus> mrbaggins has a point. Maq's order aside, it will take a long time for the hoplite to reach home...
[23:49] <Locutus> this is SAP...
[23:49] <iskallin> oh i always thought 18 :ashemed:
[23:49] <Locutus> max barbs...
[23:50] <Turambar> you usually don't see them until 25 - 30 though
[23:50] <Pedrunn> This move is to end the turn and chat!
[23:50] <mrbaggins> if we go east
[23:50] <Turambar> i played a few games earlier last week
[23:50] <mrbaggins> then we are still exploring
[23:50] <The-Gingerbread-Man> NO!
[23:50] <mrbaggins> just opening up an option to return
[23:50] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the second Warrior?
[23:50] <Locutus> as it it, it will take until turn 27 before the hoplite reaches the capital (if I counted okay)
[23:51] * Zephyr has joined #Lemuria
[23:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Zephyr
[23:51] <Locutus> a little late, IW... we're almost done...
[23:51] <mrbaggins> hi
[23:51] <iskallin> send the hop to Good Land
[23:51] <Locutus> Pedrunn has to go in 10 mins
[23:51] <Zephyr> bah. was watching James bond
[23:51] <Turambar> hops heading home anyway
[23:51] <iskallin> you are one hour and 51 minute late
[23:51] <Turambar> lol
[23:51] <Pedrunn> I have to go now!!!
[23:52] <Turambar> new screenie before you go?
[23:52] <The-Gingerbread-Man> 1 hour and 53 mins late!
[23:52] <Locutus> k, we can poll on the 2nd warrior properly then...
[23:52] <Pedrunn> TUR: Where to move the second Warrior?
[23:52] <J_Bytheway> If you have to go, don't worry about the last move
[23:52] <Locutus> post a savegame before you leave if you can...
[23:52] <iskallin> 22:52.38
[23:52] <Turambar> shall we just send it east to keep options open?
[23:52] <iskallin> exactly
[23:52] <Locutus> yes, east
[23:52] <Zephyr> post the save game

[23:53] <Turambar> go east
[23:53] <iskallin> east the way to victory
[23:54] <J_Bytheway> I have to go too. Bye.
[23:54] <Locutus> bye...
[23:54] <Turambar> bye!
[23:54] * J_Bytheway has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[23:54] <Pedrunn> Second Settler moved east!
[23:54] <Locutus> goody.
[23:54] <Turambar> settler?
[23:54] <iskallin> now namarie
[23:54] <iskallin> og bless bless
[23:54] <Locutus> you have to go now, I presume?
[23:54] <iskallin> yes
[23:54] * iskallin has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[23:54] <Pedrunn> END TURN (18)
[23:55] <Pedrunn> Game Halted