January 26, 2001, 04:28
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Psi gates: use them much?
Never even built one, though in CIV II I built 'airports'. It's not that I wouldn't use them if I had them, just never had the chance to build them.
January 26, 2001, 05:09
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I also never build them, because they are nearly useless (as same as airports in Civ).
It is the sense of psi gate to transport troops. And where would You need this troops, and so, the psi gates?
Of course in endangered bases. But in this bases, there are things certainly more urgent to build: Garrisons, defense perimeter, command center, tachyon field. And when You have build all this, the base is safe. You don't need the psi gate any more.
January 26, 2001, 06:33
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Never bother with 'em. Each gate can be used only once per turn, so it'll take years to move a decent force using gates. Drop pods, transports, almost anything will work better.
January 26, 2001, 06:40
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Hmm, should clarify that. A Psi Gate is one per customer outgoing per turn, unlimited incoming.
I still won't build 'em though
January 26, 2001, 07:38
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They come too late to be of any use anyway. But strictly from a theoretical standpoint, you might use it to bring in reinforcements for your army *after* the beachhead has been secured.
January 26, 2001, 08:21
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Originally posted by Skanderbeg on 01-26-2001 04:09 AM
I also never build them, because they are nearly useless (as same as airports in Civ).
It is the sense of psi gate to transport troops. And where would You need this troops, and so, the psi gates?
Of course in endangered bases. But in this bases, there are things certainly more urgent to build: Garrisons, defense perimeter, command center, tachyon field. And when You have build all this, the base is safe. You don't need the psi gate any more.
In addition, if the enemy then takes your endangered base, they've got a nice little free route into your territory.
January 26, 2001, 08:26
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Originally posted by Chowlett on 01-26-2001 07:21 AM
In addition, if the enemy then takes your endangered base, they've got a nice little free route into your territory.
Is it really possible to enter trough an own psi-gate, and leave through one of an other (not-pacted) faction?
I think You can only use your own psi-gates (and maybe the gates of your allies).
January 26, 2001, 10:11
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I have used Psi gates in the end game to send units such as formers or crawlers to the base where ascent to transcedence is to be built.
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Pontificator Pendanticus
older richer & wiser than you
January 26, 2001, 12:25
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I have only used PSI gates once, and that was to transport a PB to and enemy base I had taken over. I already had a gate in my home base that had the PB, so I just rushed one at the base I had taken over so I could get the PB there on the next turn.
"Are you good men and true?" Much Ado About Nothing, Act III, Scene III
January 26, 2001, 12:34
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I fell across a great little strategy used in LAN games once (I think it was Fitz who said it) and that is to build a drop pod, put it next to an opponent's territory, rush a psi-gate and transport god knows how many troops through it the next turn. It sounds like a killer, as the units in question don't need drop pods - not entirely sure how long the base would last, though.
January 26, 2001, 15:58
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I fell across a great little strategy used in LAN games once (I think it was Fitz who said it) and that is to build a drop pod, put it next to an opponent's territory, rush a psi-gate and transport god knows how many troops through it the next turn.
Actually, God DOES know the answer to that!
God: You would only be able to transport one unit per psi gate at every other base you had,
So it's not really that unbelievably powerful a tactic. I'd probably end up simply using drop pods instead....
Basically I agree with everyone else, like most of the other tech level 9+ goodies, by the time you get psi gates the game's been decided....
[This message has been edited by Sindai (edited January 26, 2001).]
January 26, 2001, 17:32
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It worked fantastically in the game I saw it happen in. When your core empire has 40+ bases with Psi gates, and drops are being interdicted every which way, a sudden infusion of 40 best weapon hovertanks onto your enemies territory is a godsend.
and mark, I think it was a colonypod needle jet, but I can't remember for sure.
January 26, 2001, 23:29
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I imagine the value of Psi Gates depends on how you play.
Aggressive conquerer types probably don't see a use for them. Whereas defensive builder types usually think in terms the whole of their bases rather than one at a time.
Psi gates have only two disadvantages.
1. You have to build one per base.
2. Each gate can only be used once per turn.
1. Using a psi gates does not cost movement points.
2. A unit going through a psi gate does not incur an attack penality for their next attack on that turn.
Further benefits apply particularly to sea bases. Supposing some outerlying bases are threatened but they have a psi gates, units from the other 40+ bases can gate in defensive units.
Or even if you need ships on the other side of a continent, the other side of the planet or even near a base too far away to get there in one turn. Ships can't use tubes or drop pods, but they can use psi gates.
There are so many more examples of uses for psi gates, but if you imediately see them as useless, you will never see their true value.
January 27, 2001, 03:03
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I guess one would be in error for thinking that Psi gates are intended to replace conventional travel and transport. Definately useful, but use wisely.
Thanx for the replies; good input.
January 29, 2001, 17:04
What about Psi gate a transport full of units? not sure if the game allows that...
January 29, 2001, 18:21
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I'm pretty sure that doesn't work LordLMP, but my testing of PSI Gates isn't enough for me to be sure.
Here's an idea: give all factions a free PSI Gate whenever they build a new base, and set the upkeep to 0. I imagine that that would effect play quite a bit!
January 29, 2001, 18:41
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Originally posted by Jasonian on 01-29-2001 05:21 PM
Here's an idea: give all factions a free PSI Gate whenever they build a new base, and set the upkeep to 0. I imagine that that would effect play quite a bit!
Been there. Done that.
I was playing a "Star Trek - Borg" faction and I modified their txt file so that ALL borg bases came with a psi gate from the start of the game.
I figured, hey they assimilated "transporter" technology a long time ago in the Delta Quadrant.
It made for a very quick "assimilation" of Planet.
Just build a base on every continent your enemy occupies and beam yourself in. When you take over an enemy base, after a couple turns, that base also acquires a psi-gate (reflecting your society's advanced level of technology).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Your life as you know it is over. You will service us.
January 30, 2001, 08:48
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That's what I figured, but what if we went a step further and gave ALL factions PSI Gates? Do the computer opponents use them if possible?
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