January 23, 2003, 02:02
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When do you build them?
When I found a city, I build
- a warrior for defense
- a 2nd warrior for exploration
- a settler for expansion
a 3rd warrior to keep my peaple content
a temple (maybe a market place would be better?)
and then:
another settler for expansion
a diplo for defense purposes (enemy bribing) every 4th or 5th city
a trireme
caravans caravans caravans caravans
I need those temples for my later Fundy phase - they bring me a lot of ca$h.
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January 23, 2003, 06:34
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The 1g/turn upkeep for a Temple renders it a major nuisance in the early game - reserve them for those cities that you wish to grow - your capital and SSC - Fundy is a Loooong way away - building a Temple when martial law will suffice is simply wasteful.
January 23, 2003, 09:15
Just another peon
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This is for MP (deity), since in SP, you get whatever wonders you want so it's too different and happiness is an anoyance rather than something that must be carefully managed Or in less than deity for those that haven't learned to manage happiness yet.
In my major cities as soon as they stop spitting settlers and have enough units in defense. (this occurs when the core cities are too far from your expanding area and it would take too long to get the settlers there. Your border cities take over building settlers. (unless you're pinned in and have to go to sea to expand) This allows you to prepare for caravan spitting while waiting to finish developing trade. Unless you get a few breaks beelining to trade, there should be 4-5 turns where you have nothing to build that's more important.
Then around when you build the 10th or 11th city because you're going to start needing them soon. (provided you haven't built HG) And as your core expands so does the number of cities spitting caravans.
Then around the 15th or 16th city (maybe as early as your 13th depending on relative distance from your cap), you're rushbuying the temples the turn after your city is founded and revolts (despite a unit sent with the settler).
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January 23, 2003, 09:49
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I build temples when I need them. In SP, that means if the city keeps spitting out Settlers, and I have HG early and MC a bit later, I might not ever need a temple in some cities.
I work pretty hard, early on, to keep most cities at size 2 so that I don't need to be rushing temples in any but the key cities.
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January 25, 2003, 12:23
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i follow rahs train of thought for MP games, but i think i build temples before he does, sometimes sacraficing units in the process....
many times i expand to quickly and thus need temples b/c my one unit isn't going to quell disorder
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January 25, 2003, 13:54
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My basic builder strategy calls for prioritizing temples (and the enabling tech) fairly high in order to start accumulating culture. Garrison units come from older cities, so a newly founded city can start off with a defensive unit in place. By the time a city is templed, it's ready to start churning out settlers and workers in alternation with military units.
January 25, 2003, 15:09
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yes....but your talking civ3 here
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January 25, 2003, 15:32
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Culture... yeah, must be talking Civ III. Boy is he in the wrong forums.
Yeah, I'm like Rah and War4ever... It's all based on the number of cities, and what else is worth building. I try to get along without them as long as I can, but it gets to a point that you have to have them to continue expanding.
Keep on Civin'
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January 25, 2003, 15:34
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often i build temples too early, but dammit i hate surprise unhappiness
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January 27, 2003, 06:58
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Try looking at the 'happiness' tab - that will normally give a good indication of when the 'surprise unhappiness' is about to strike...
January 27, 2003, 09:36
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Try looking at the 'happiness' tab - that will normally give a good indication of when the 'surprise unhappiness' is about to strike...
I'm sure he looks at the happines tab.
But when you place 4 cities down the same turn, after the 10th city, you can't always seem to predict quickly which city is going to take the unhappiness hit. You have a good idea, but it doesn't always go the way you think. Distance and order of build impact it, but I've seen so many exceptions that I don't know the hard and fast rule. Something for the game geeks to look at.
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January 27, 2003, 14:37
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I have always thought I could predict somewhat regularly which would boot their mayor by using the happiness tab. The cities with red heads in its happiness screen will revolt before cities which are blue bloods. At least, that is the rule of thumb I use.
Maybe that is more micro management than you MP'ers have time for; or maybe, it is something I am mistaken about...like the sneak attack bonus, which surely must exist, in spite of tests to the contrary. That is, it may only be an observation.
January 27, 2003, 16:04
Just another peon
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Normally what you say is true, but when you place 4 cities the same turn, when you already have 10. It crosses the barrier to the next level of unhappiness. I've seen the 10th city, which was previously ok, take the hit, while the 13th city is OK. Even if you're looking at the attitude screen, the city may not have updated yet, and the city must be viewed to update the attitude advisor. These are the circumstances where I usually miss it and have a revolt.
AND you are 100% correct that it comes down to the amount of micro management necessary in the shortened timeframe given in MP.
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January 27, 2003, 16:25
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One other thing I have observed about this phenomenon of which city/cities will revolt is the importance of arrows. Usually, I find the city with the most arrows--but other things being equal, red heads, etc--will NOT be the one to revolt. In any case, it only seems prudent to update, and then check the city list after laying down a new city... much less four new cities on a turn...and make any needed adjustments.
I fail to see how getting a "surprise" revolting city is anything other than sloppiness...a form of the "...I didn't know it was loaded" defense. If you fail to check, you cannot object!! (with apologies to J Cochran)
But, my experience is solely with SP. Results in MP may be very different.
January 27, 2003, 16:40
Just another peon
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Sloppy, maybe a little. Considerate definately. You shouldn't be checking your happiness during your movement phase, only during the other peoples turn. You review as many cities as you have time for, to check possible build micro management decisison (.i.e. If I buy up two shield to twenty, my seven shields a turn is maximized, or I don't need the all the shields, might as well take food or arrows), possible growth causing it to revolt., checking possible caravan delivery cities. I always check the attitude screen quickly but it's annoying when it isn't updated. You don't always have time to cycle through all your ciites. (especially if you're squeezing a smoke in the garage in in between turns)
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
January 27, 2003, 17:16
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You guys have a set of rules that you all agree to. The time constraint must be a *itch to play within.
It takes far less time to do this than to type this: open any city, press the up arrow key, as all your cities whiz by they are updated; check happiness screen...now you know which are going to revolt. Are you implying there is not enough time to do that??
Have you considered using a patch or nico-gum during your games?? If you still need something oral, try an unlit cigar. Believe me, this reformed smoker understands the need.
January 27, 2003, 17:29
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well thanks for the vote of confidence rah, and yes i do check all cities each turn.....but there are times that i still get revolts.....  but i suppose if i took the worker off each time i would have fewer...
either way, its not always predictable, nothing like scrolling and making changes only to find a new redhead pop up at the end and have to go and change it again....gr.......
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January 27, 2003, 18:04
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Bloody Monk
It takes far less time to do this than to type this: open any city, press the up arrow key, as all your cities whiz by they are updated; check happiness screen...now you know which are going to revolt. Are you implying there is not enough time to do that??
You make the assumption that that's all you need to do between turns. WRONG.
1. Verifying caravan deliveries since we know demands change.
2. checking how many beakers you need for your next tech in case you want to tweak the science rate in each city.
3. calcing that you have enough caravans showing up at the wonder building city the exact turn you get the tech. (this isn't sp, where you can lollygag in terms of wonders)
4. Using the hut finder 
5. Irritating or distracting your opponents with meaningless king chat 
6. Review any attack scenarios (or defense)
Now around when you have 8-10 cities, you may only have 30-60 seconds between turns. Even less in a 3 man game. You don't have time for everything ever single turn. You sometimes have to set priorities.
(and if sometimes that's a smoke or grabbing another beer so be it) But even without that, you still sometimes have to make decisions on what you're going to spend that 30 seconds doing.
Heck If I had a buck for every time I've been caught trying to buy up and building that spy instead of the settler, or moving that city worker and not finishing before the turn changed, I'd be rich.
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January 27, 2003, 18:46
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Well for sure you are... Rich!!
30-60 seconds!!
I had no idea. You guys certainly are brisk. I shudder to think how badly I would perform under those conditions. I'm not only old but disabled and it never occured to me you were playing under some kind of chess clock like that. I'm not so good that I can blast along without thinking...a lot. I'd be dogmeat in no time playing that way.
So let me amend my comments to specify they apply only to SP. Shouldn't be a problem for most people I think. If they wanted advise about MP play, they probably would ask there; but, maybe not. When you MP pros talk about things from that point of view, does it ever occur to you how confusing it might be for folk still in BC times only playing SP?? Most of the time it's not an issue; but there is nothing like a 30-60 second time limit on playing a turn in SP.
PS: I'm so out of the loop on this I thought we were talking about what you might do DURING your turn.
January 27, 2003, 20:27
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lol, the scary thing is some of us do it even faster than that  Markus taught me how to wiz thru the screens, but you must be paying carefull attention...and even then freaky redheads appear.....
i will say this much, if you have good sci, and you manage your cities effectively, you will gain one-two sciences (later in the game) over your opponents.
lost beakers/cash etc can really hamper you.....
we play quickly, and its well known that if you dont', we don't like playing with you.....its not to be mean, its because it is an investment, and with that investment we want to have fun as well..
so yes, four player games are the best, every man for himself and try not to overthink when your making changes.....it really slows you down and causes you to make errors...
and if i had a dollar for every time i screwed up, i too could retire
and as for your turn.....we don't like priming cities either....
take a hit from the bong and pass it along hahahaha
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January 28, 2003, 09:33
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Bloody Monk
30-60 seconds!!
I had no idea. You guys certainly are brisk. I shudder to think how badly I would perform under those conditions. I'm not only old but disabled and it never occured to me you were playing under some kind of chess clock like that. I'm not so good that I can blast along without thinking...a lot. I'd be dogmeat in no time playing that way.
Just so you don't think we're all Speedfreaks, later in the game when everyone has 15-30 cities. (1600bc and later) and have quite a few units to move every turn, it does slow down. Then everybody's turns can take a few minutes each. And if you go on a attack frenzy, it can take up to 10 minutes. While 10 minutes is not the norm, it does happen on certain turns. There are legitimate reasons to take time.
Despite all our comments about speed, we do play with an unlimited time limit. Some players are slower than others, but if you're really consistently slow, (as war points out) you may have problems finding games on a regular basis.
With 4 people, everyone has to try to be considerate to keep the game moving. SO while it's fun to read and understand all the minutia about the game, some of it is not pratical for MP.
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January 28, 2003, 11:04
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Wow! 30 seconds!!!!
I don't think I could get anywhere near that!
I too am amazed at that kind of speed.
January 28, 2003, 12:46
Just another peon
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Please keep in mind that that's early in the game. It does get longer.
Of course the first couple of turns can go around in less that 15 seconds.
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January 28, 2003, 21:26
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unless i am moving an attack force or a bunch of vans, i can manage 30 cities in a min.....but then again, i am always moving caravans hahahahaha
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January 29, 2003, 14:57
Just another peon
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Yes, the turns fly through till everyone has trade. I once tried to sneak a smoke in before that point and heard the chime announcing the start of my turn before I got out of the family room. opppppps.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
January 29, 2003, 17:04
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January 30, 2003, 02:13
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Looking at your sig (I'm a chess player):
Sometimes you MUST sacrifice your queen ...
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January 30, 2003, 03:55
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On a (slightly more) serious note - if any of us SPers were able to join in your sessions, would you bear with us long enough to let us learn the ropes?
January 30, 2003, 09:52
Just another peon
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By all means yes. We have played with quite a few people new to MP. (they have to start somewhere) You might have to deal with being teased as being the next Deity for the first few times. And with a little experience you'll be able to handle the flow. If after we feel you're experienced you still move too slow, don't worry, we're not shy, we'll tell you.
We're always looking for new blood. New players use different strats, and help us reflect on what we're doing.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
January 31, 2003, 05:52
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thanks Rah - hope to get a broadband at home some time this year and then I shall petition SHMBO for a time slot to give it a whirl.
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