<Turambar> could be another civ down there too
<Locutus> I say NE-SE so we maximize the number of tiles uncovered while still following the river
<mapfi> no - e-se will get us farther ahead
<Pedrunn> TUR: where to go?
<Pedrunn> the Austrian regard is not that good
<Turambar> ORDERS: Hoplite-SE, North Warrior-East, South Warrior East then South East
<Locutus> hmm, it only costs 1 tile so I guess it don't matter too much. e-se is fine with me
<Pedrunn> The austrians dislike us!
<J_Bytheway> Hoplite - don't you mean SW?
<Turambar> yep, sorry
<Turambar> Hoplite SW
<Pedrunn> lets name the scond warrior too
<Pedrunn> please!
<Pedrunn> I am getting confused when reading their names!
<Turambar> suggestions?
<Locutus> j0e

<J_Bytheway> C0b
<J_Bytheway> Or B1b

<Turambar> lol
<mapfi> lol : that's a good name
<Pedrunn> B1 and B2
<Turambar> just call him something like "Dave" for now

<Locutus> arbitraryarmyname (don't know, just sounded good)

<J_Bytheway> We count from 0 round here, don't we

<Locutus> yes, we do

<mapfi> pedrunn - moved yet?
<Pedrunn> Moving units!
<mapfi> ok - southern river runs directly south-west - and northwest of it is swamp again
<Pedrunn> wait! Isnt the hoplite going to the city?
<mapfi> yep it is
<Turambar> SW
<mapfi> make that all east up there in my line
<mapfi> confusing these maps...
<J_Bytheway> Only 46 turns to Ballistics

<Pedrunn> In the tile south of dave seems like a nice place to settle!
<Turambar> how many to the settler?
<mapfi> i'd say dave should continue on the river
<J_Bytheway> 6
<Locutus> yes, continue along the river
<Turambar> it still heads SE?
<mapfi> yep
<J_Bytheway> yep
<Pedrunn> end turn?
<mapfi> the northern warrior east again and then i'll give you a screen
<Turambar> yes
<mapfi> yes
<Locutus> yes
<Pedrunn> Shouldnt we try to increase the regard with the austrians?
<Locutus> sounds good to me, mapfi
<Locutus> no, why? waste of resources in preparation for war... plus, what could we possibly give them?
<mapfi> i'll keep my mouth shut in that aspect...
<Turambar> lol
<Turambar> they dislike us, we dislike them, everyone's happy.....

<mapfi> it's like the us and the eu...
<Locutus> yup, everyone in the eu hates the us but we can't agree on anything else

<Pedrunn> END TURN 24
<Pedrunn> And seems like the resoultion started to mapfi failed
<mapfi> i know...
<Pedrunn> so people dont want peace treaty after all

<Pedrunn> TUR: Orders!
<Locutus> no, they dont. could have told you that without a poll too...
<J_Bytheway> Locutus's official poll was even more convincing.
<mapfi> oh gee- thanks

<Turambar> B0b east. Then a screen shot did we say?
<mapfi> i played three hours again today and won over an enemy like the austrians with just that tactic
<Locutus> yes, but not until all units moved
<mapfi> i even had a military treaty but was able to provoke them!
<Pedrunn> I say B0b should move SE
<Turambar> ORDERS: B0b East, Dave along the river.
<Turambar> Hoplite - head to city.
<Locutus> nah, east and then a screenshot so we can discuss where to go
<Pedrunn> k, then
<Pedrunn> Dave sees grasslands
<J_Bytheway> And some more swamp...
<Turambar> good ol' dave...
<Locutus> screenie!
<mapfi> is up!
<Pedrunn> Orders to fortify hoplite given!
<Locutus> good thing we didn't go east at the start then, with all that swamp...
<Pedrunn> true!
<Pedrunn> but the river and the moutains would be a nice production/gold combination
<Pedrunn> anyway
<mapfi> B0b should go se now - i think
<J_Bytheway> B0b east once more and then south, I presume.
<Locutus> waiting for screen to load (server is slow tonight)
<Pedrunn> and a good view to talk about it in the history thread

<J_Bytheway> E-S explores more, and takes same number of moves
<Turambar> which i need to write more in...
<mapfi> john, you're right
*** Lemmy|Busy (~lemmy@lemmy.xs4all.nl) has joined channel #lemuria
<Lemmy|Busy> eek...
<J_Bytheway> eek?
<Pedrunn> me too. I just need time

<mapfi> dave should go east
<Lemmy|Busy> there are people here!
<Turambar> E-S sounds good to explore that area.
<Locutus> bob should go se, to explore a potential city site at the grassland...
<Lemmy|Busy> we called a warrior "bob" ?
<J_Bytheway> He'll explore it all going E-S
<J_Bytheway> yep
<Lemmy|Busy> lol
<Turambar> and the other Dave
<Pedrunn> Like I suggested B0b should go SE
<mapfi> pedrunn, end the turn?
<Locutus> agree with john
<Pedrunn> END TURN 25
<Turambar> E-S
<mapfi> whatabout dave now?
<Pedrunn> TURN: Where to go?
<Locutus> dave should go se-e
<mapfi> i'd say we cover some terrain - go searching, so directly east
<J_Bytheway> se-e is not river
<Turambar> ORDERS: Dave - east, South east. Bob East
<mapfi> yep, loc, se-e is on the mountain
<Turambar> oops
<Locutus> I say we should search out for goody huts too and cover as many tiles as possible...
<mapfi> no tur, e-se is the same mountain
<Turambar> Dave: East
<Locutus> sorry, meant se-ne
<Turambar> then east again...
<mapfi> i say we go one east and we look what we see
*** Lemmy|Busy has left #lemuria
<Turambar> agree with mapfi
<J_Bytheway> yep
<Locutus> agree
<Turambar> ORDERS: Dave East. Bob East
<mapfi> i'll give you the screen of dave
<J_Bytheway> Another river in sight...
<J_Bytheway> NE-N of our current square
<mapfi> screen's up
<Locutus> for what unit, john?
<Pedrunn> Dave has another move! I only move him E
<Pedrunn> he can go NE or E again!
<J_Bytheway> Dave
<Turambar> stay on this river or go to the other?
<mapfi> look at the screen, i'd say east
<Locutus> waiting for screen..
<J_Bytheway> I guess we leave the other for Bob
<Turambar> they seem to head the same way
<J_Bytheway> Ifhe ever gets here
<mapfi> probably a circle river anyway
<J_Bytheway> yeah..
<Turambar> so east looks best for now
<Pedrunn> the other seems tto be the same as the one we know about already
<Pedrunn> I was alking about the river
<mapfi> what kind of connections has loc got tonight? pretty slow...
<Turambar> ORDERS: Dave - East.
<Pedrunn> east is better
<Locutus> crap server is very slow now. don't wait for me...
<mapfi> btw, see that coal in the mountain...
<Pedrunn> The river makes a curve!
<Pedrunn> The river we just found is the same river

<Pedrunn> Dave is on!
<J_Bytheway> Yep, looks like we'll be back to slow movement soon...
<J_Bytheway> There are surprisingly few ruins
<Pedrunn> end turn?
<mapfi> yep - are we going to leave the river and head east or are we returning on the river?
<mapfi> just further north?
<Turambar> end turn?
<J_Bytheway> End turn. I'd say leave the river.
<Pedrunn> END TURN 26
<Locutus> is apolyton down?
<Pedrunn> no
<Pedrunn> TUR: where to go!
<J_Bytheway> Not for me
<mapfi> no for me either
<J_Bytheway> So - Bob south, Dave NE-NE?
<Locutus> uhm, you guys still here?
<mapfi> second john
<Pedrunn> I gotta go
<Turambar> we won't........
<Pedrunn> mapfi can be my delegate until the building of the settler

<mapfi> in that case you have to give me your savegame - just in case
<Turambar> pedrunn?
<mapfi> you still got my mail?
<Pedrunn> I will post in the thread the saved game

<mapfi> ok
<Locutus> crap, I think I'm gonna crash. I think I'll reboot, see if that speeds things up. back in 5 minutes (I hope)
<mapfi> someone tell me how to write red here, please?
<Turambar> the chat room has seemed to slow down
*** Signoff: Locutus (Quit: )
<mapfi> i have no problems
<Turambar> seems to be normal now...
<J_Bytheway> Something wierd just happened to the chat...
<mapfi> ha, got it
<J_Bytheway> Do you want me to post screens, then?
<mapfi> OK - waiting for ped's savegame - we're still on turn 27 waiting for your orders tur
<J_Bytheway> What's with the 4s?
<Turambar> ORDERS: Bob - South
<Turambar> dave along the river still?
<mapfi> i'd say yes
<J_Bytheway> There's enough river for this turn
<Turambar> ORDERS: Dave along the river
*** Locutus (~woutersni@cc197797-b.hnglo1.ov.home.nl) has joined channel #lemuria
*** Mode change "+o Locutus" for channel #lemuria by ChanServ
<J_Bytheway> ruin!
<Locutus> back
<mapfi> i'll just wait for ped's savegame
<Locutus> is someone else logging? I now miss part of the log...
<mapfi> i can
<Turambar> didn't miss much...
<Pedrunn> Just submited
<Turambar> how long until the settler now?
*** Tamerlin (~Java_user@AToulouse-206-1-1-157.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined channel #lemuria
<Turambar> hi
<Tamerlin> Hi
<Locutus> hi - better late than never

<Tamerlin> This is the first time I use the Chat, I have had some trouble...

<Locutus> well, you're here now

<J_Bytheway> I'll post a screen.
<Pedrunn> bye. Good Game!
*** Signoff: Pedrunn (Quit: Leaving)
<Tamerlin> I have seen our Hoplite is at home, shouldn't our Warrior explore the lands north to its current position.
<Turambar> bye!
<mapfi> OK - units moved - goody hut is n-ne of Dave
<mapfi> end turn?
<Turambar> yes
*** Signoff: Tamerlin (Quit: Leaving)
<mapfi> END TURN 27
<Locutus> why's pedrunn going?
*** Tamerlin (~Java_user@AToulouse-206-1-1-157.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined channel #lemuria
<Turambar> didn't say
<mapfi> TUR, orders?
<Turambar> Dave to hut then?
<J_Bytheway> posted
<Locutus> but mapfi is taking over?
<mapfi> yep
<Locutus> k...
<Turambar> until the settler
<Locutus> cool
<J_Bytheway> Dave: Go N first, or NE
<mapfi> i'd say the other way around
<Turambar> ORDERS: Bob South
<Locutus> agree with john
<mapfi> Bob moved
<mapfi> south of bob

<J_Bytheway> Who could this be...
<J_Bytheway> Shall I post a screen?
<Locutus> they're closer than we thought...
<Turambar> ORDERS: Dave NE
<Locutus> no need
<mapfi> DAVE moved
<mapfi> end turn?
<Turambar> yes
<Locutus> yes
<mapfi> END TURN 28
<Turambar> when's the settler coming?
<J_Bytheway> Next turn
<J_Bytheway> Bob S, Dave N?
<mapfi> ok, go for the goody hut and Bob on the pasture?
<mapfi> as john said
<Turambar> yep
<Locutus> yes
<Tamerlin> yes
<J_Bytheway> Dusseldorf!
<mapfi> the germans
<Locutus> germans

<mapfi> size 1
<Turambar> The Germans are coming!
<Locutus> okay, back to work for me

offer an exchange of maps (in the right order

<J_Bytheway> Which way round is that again?
<Turambar> have we made contact?
<mapfi> john - what's the goody hut?
<J_Bytheway> Empty
<mapfi> contact - yes
<Locutus> first request, then offer
<J_Bytheway> I think
<Locutus> ai is a bad news-first kinda guy

<J_Bytheway> It wasn't english
<Turambar> get maps....
<Locutus> if we can see them, we have contact...
<mapfi> i didn't reload slic either but empty it was

<mapfi> ok - map exchange then?
<Turambar> yes!
<Locutus> yes
<Tamerlin> yes
<Turambar> is the settler done?
<mapfi> rejected - threaten?
<Locutus> yes
<Turambar> yes
<mapfi> with war?
<Locutus> yes
<Tamerlin> Won't this reduce our rep!
<Locutus> no
<J_Bytheway> reject still
<mapfi> rejected again

<mapfi> they dislike us
<Locutus> damn, they must be strong and aggressive imperialists...
<J_Bytheway> They've been talking to the Austrians...

<Locutus> did we get a welcome message yet?
<Turambar> lol]
<J_Bytheway> I believe so - it said nonsense though.
<mapfi> yep - in gibberish because i didn't reloadlsic
<J_Bytheway> (Mine did, at least)
<Locutus> damn germanians always stick together...

<Turambar> lol
<mapfi> the secret service says something in german that's hard to translate - sth like mean genius for personality
<Locutus> hmmm...
<mapfi> whatever that is
<Turambar> can we screen shots? and power graphs etc?
<Locutus> is the settler done yet?
<Turambar> are we ending now if the settlers done?
<J_Bytheway> I'll do the proposal shot
<mapfi> after this turn's ended the settler's done
<mapfi> john, also do the screen - i'll do the power graphs
<Tamerlin> Have you decided where to send the settler?
<Locutus> it might be a good idea to stop now and poll on how to treat the germans...
<Locutus> and where to send the settler...
<Turambar> domestic minister does the settler doesn't he?
<Tamerlin> It seems they don't care much about us
<Tamerlin> I am talking about the Germans
<Locutus> not yet, but sometimes early on they need a turn before negatiations really start.
<Turambar> turn ended?
<Locutus> before that they reject pretty much everything...
<Locutus> do we want to end the turn?
<Tamerlin> Shouldn't we send the settler to the east while the warrior is exploring the area?
<Turambar> there'll be a poll for that
*** Nimrod (Nimrod@apx-1-200-56k.portsmouth.zoomnet.net) has joined channel #lemuria
<Locutus> this would be a good moment to call it a day...
<Turambar> hi
<Nimrod> hey
<Tamerlin> hi
<Locutus> hi nimrod, a little late

<Nimrod> lol
<Turambar> and post a save / stats etc too
<Nimrod> alittle?
<Locutus> 2 hours...
<J_Bytheway> Are we ending the turn first?
<Turambar> should do
<Nimrod> anything exciting happen?
<Locutus> yeah, I guess. the Germans ain't listening anyway...
<Turambar> germans!
<mapfi> you want me to end the turn?
<mapfi> i wouldn't
<Locutus> we found the germans and an empty goody hut...
<Locutus> not sure, mapfi.
<Nimrod> how are the germans liking us?
<Locutus> not
<mapfi> still time to reassess that peace treaty with the austrians

<mapfi> but they won't agree now...
<Turambar> is there any more orders for the turn or things we can do?
<mapfi> nope
<Locutus> we'll have to poll that, mapfi
<Nimrod> peace with the austrians, war with germans?
<Turambar> easier to invade austrua
<Tamerlin> The Germans don't care about us... war would need a poll.
<Turambar> rivers....
<Locutus> indeed. plus, we actually know where they are

<Tamerlin> Why? We know nothing about the Germans...
<mapfi> ok - screens are up
<mapfi> i'd say i don't end the turn - call it quits?
<Locutus> I can agree with that.
<Nimrod> what are we researching now?
<Turambar> yep
<Locutus> ballistics
<Tamerlin> Is it time to war?
<Turambar> it's time to poll...