GT^Commish> f8CKing hell.
GT^Commish> This game really does not like DBTS.
Mania^gov> Yes?
GT^Commish> DEM just had another outbreak of teh Promotheus Virus.
Mania^gov> Another natural disaster
GT^Commish> Yes.
Mania^gov> Great. :-(

Mania^gov> Is that the third time?
GT^Commish> This is what ahppens when you let the HGP go.
GT^Commish> Maniac: No, second.
GT^Commish> But it's the third time Aurillion has had a ntural disaster, and no other region has ever had one.
GT^Commish> Except that earthquake in Concordia, but that was from a pod.
Mania^gov> Bad climate.

GT^Commish> btw, the worms just attacked UNRC and lost.
Mania^gov> haha :-D
herc2> good
GT^Commish> I think it was the old troops, too.
GT^Commish> f*ck.
Mania^gov> ****
herc2> f**k
GT^Commish> Fungal pop near TA, which produced worms, and UNMI is rioting.
GT^Commish> I'm using doctors in UNMI, but we need to kill those worms.
Mania^gov> Oh darn. :-( Where is that pop relative to TA? NE-NE or so??
Mania^gov> Close to the crawlers?
Mania^gov> You have a gatling infantry right? That should be ok I hope...
herc2> may also need to upgrade crawlers
GT^Commish> Yep, NENE
GT^Commish> And yes, we have a Gatlign infantry, but just to be on the safe side, I'm building an Empath Rover
herc2> how many worms
GT^Commish> 3.
GT^Commish> All in different squares.


Mania^gov> that's worse than i thought...
GT^Commish> It will cost 41 ECs to rush it.
herc2> That is bad
GT^Commish> So, can I?
herc2> have to rush it
GT^Commish> That's the onyl way to get it in time.
Mania^gov> Sure. Btw, don't forget to write down the ecs you rushed for TKG!!
GT^Commish> yes, I'm doing that.
herc2> yes of course
GT^Commish> There's only one crawler in immediate danger, and I'm evacuating him.
GT^Commish> Herc: Can I upgrade the Gatling In TA to have empath for 30 ECs?
herc2> very cheap at the price yes
GT^Commish> ok then, bring 'em on I say

herc2> As DPO I thought I spend more time defend external enemies, not attacks from within
herc2> defending
herc2> As I was going to ask did all the build orders get completed
GT^Commish> yes.
GT^Commish> Unless you mean your requests.
GT^Commish> In which case, no.
herc2> Oh
GT^Commish> Maniac refused.
herc2> which
Mania^gov> Have you read my post at the Command Centre?
GT^Commish> anyway, just something I noticed about the Virus outbreak: It hit ZG as well.
GT^Commish> Herc: all
GT^Commish> Maniac: One thing I did note is that most of the units there were Police infantry which you built
for internal security.
* Mania^gov crawls into a corner, waiting for Herc' anger.
GT^Commish> So you can't really complain that the miltiary is bleeding you dry.
Mania^gov> Indeed.
Mania^gov> The fact still remains I'm already spending a large amount of minerals on support.
Mania^gov> Perhaps I could upgrade some police infantries to police plasma sentinels, but that's about it I
herc2> that will be fine
GT^Commish> btw, you know that our income now stands at 95?
Mania^gov> Once I no longer have to support all those CPs and police infantries, there will be room again for
other units.
Mania^gov> Ah, how much cash do we have then? now
GT^Commish> 820.
GT^Commish> It's mainly because i just went through centralis and turned my nturient-only workers into
Mania^gov> Darn. I'd prefer a reserve of about 1000 ec.
Mania^gov> But they don't profit from the +20% research bonus
Mania^gov> Hence I went for librarians.
GT^Commish> The research bonus doesn't give you more points, it reduces tech costs.
herc2> I am still concerned about our falling behind in tech hows the probes and foils
Mania^gov> Then how come the university and the consciousness often have research points with decimals after
the comma?
Mania^gov> For example the first UoP base often produces 2.4 or 3.6 instead of 2 or 3 research points.
GT^Commish> No idea.
Mania^gov> => effect of +2 research
GT^Commish> Yes, i just checked, and you're right.
GT^Commish> funny, I never knew that before.
GT^Commish> I went with technicians because even turning all of them into librarians wouldn't speed up our
research any more.
Mania^gov> You learn something new every day. :-)
herc2> nor I
GT^Commish> Herc: What do you want done with all the formers otuside Cyclops?
Mania^gov> Well they would as gathered research points are never lost. Contrary to Industry where only the end
cost changes.
herc2> how many and did drogue giveany instructions
GT^Commish> No, he gave no orders at all, and there are 5, two with movement.
GT^Commish> btw, should I speak to Zakh about a tech trade?
Mania^gov> I abstain...
herc2> A mixture of building forest, claering fungus and complete building road to Aurora
Mania^gov> I wouldn't mind stealing AdvMilAlg from them anyway, as they're almost toast anyway.
GT^Commish> Well, wouldn't ti be better to trade for it, so they're not qutie so toast?
GT^Commish> Herc: ok then.
Mania^gov> I'll let you and Hercules decide. :-)
herc2> It crucial we get AMA try trade first
GT^Commish> f*cking hell.
GT^Commish> The game just crashed.
Mania^gov> Ouch.
GT^Commish> I shall see if I've got an autosave of it; otherwise we may lost at UNRC next time.

Mania^gov> How often do you save?

GT^Commish> I have one.
GT^Commish> I save pretty much every turn, but the last one was at the end of 2230, before the worms attacked.
GT^Commish> Okay, talking to Zakh again.
GT^Commish> He wants us to attack miriam, as usual.
GT^Commish> refused.
GT^Commish> Now he wants to trade AAA for Nonlinear Maths.
GT^Commish> Hell yes!

herc2> yes
GT^Commish> Now he wants us to give him Adv Sub theory for free.
GT^Commish> Might as well give it; comm jammers would be quite useful for him.
Mania^gov> Does Yang have it???????
Mania^gov> If not, we shouldn't give it to Zak!
herc2> good point
GT^Commish> No, he doesn't, but why not?
herc2> yang will get and prototypes
GT^Commish> what?
Mania^gov> We don't want our rovers facing our own ECM technology stolen by Yang from Zakharov.

GT^Commish> Ok.
GT^Commish> Refuse, then.
herc2> refuse
GT^Commish> He wants a Treaty.
GT^Commish> Accept?
* Mania^gov 1
herc2> accept
GT^Commish> Now he's praising us for our pursuit of Knowledge.
GT^Commish> shall we try for a Pact,t ry to co-ordinate battle plans, or end contact.
Mania^gov> Pact! :-) Should work as we're knowledge
GT^Commish> If we do battle plans, we get his maps.
herc2> need dir foreign affairs
GT^Commish> Ok: goodwill and friendship, name your price, or something else?
herc2> goodwill and frienship
Mania^gov> For pact?
GT^Commish> yes.
Mania^gov> g & f
GT^Commish> "I am not itnerested under those terms."
GT^Commish> He wants soemthing for it.
GT^Commish> Tech, probably.
Mania^gov> Bad luck for him.
GT^Commish> Why?
GT^Commish> We can still offer soemthing for it.
herc2> a tech yang has
GT^Commish> Shall we see what hew ants?
Mania^gov> Is it worth it? It's his problem if he doesn't want a pact with us. And what do we have to gain by a
pact? Not much in his current state.
GT^Commish> commerce and maps.
Mania^gov> At least not enough to make it worth giving him something.
GT^Commish> What do we have to lose?
herc2> just time
GT^Commish> As long as it isn't ECs or an important tech, we lose nothing.
herc2> Ok
Mania^gov> Shouldn't we wait and let the DFA poll it?
GT^Commish> Ok, he's still angling for Adv Sub Theory.
GT^Commish> We refused last time, shal we give it this time?
herc2> I agree with that but it may be too late
Mania^gov> You know my opinion.
GT^Commish> Herc?
herc2> No
Mania^gov> I wash my hands in innocence.

GT^Commish> Ok, shall we try to co-ordiante battle plans, at least?
herc2> yes
GT^Commish> Then we get his maps.
Mania^gov> Ok then. :-)
Mania^gov> And Yang as well with some bad luck. ;-)
GT^Commish> Ok, he wants us to attack New Azarmas wiuth forces we don't have, assisting him in attacking with
forces he doesn't have.
GT^Commish> I can't think of a better plan, can you?
herc2> that' s oK
Mania^gov> Strategic brilliance!!! :-D
GT^Commish> Ok, we got some extra info: we've confirmed that Miriam is where we thought she was, and we've got
some more sea mapped out.
herc2> anything worth exploring there
GT^Commish> Not particularly.
GT^Commish> Yang will have a needljet in 2 turns, btw.
herc2> I know how close are we to stealing
Mania^gov> And how many tiles is the closest Hivean base seperated from Terminal Dogma?

GT^Commish> Herc: Not very, unfortunately, unless you want tot ry stealing from top security bases.
GT^Commish> Maniac: i'll check.
GT^Commish> We're safe.
GT^Commish> 13 squares.
Mania^gov> Woohoo!

herc2> No i don't but which is the closest unprobed base we cam reach before thennedlejet comes into play
GT^Commish> We cannot reach any such bases before it appears.
herc2> There is a fair amount of sea fungus in between too
GT^Commish> We'll have to spend 2 turns in the danger zone, at least.
GT^Commish> Yes, we can possibly hide in that, asusming the AI doesn't cheat and spot us.
Mania^gov> he does.
herc2> we maybe need a new foil probe
GT^Commish> Maybe.
GT^Commish> I need to go to the toilet, brb.
Mania^gov> ok
GT^Commish> Ok, I'm back.
herc2> How often have we probed the Hive can anyone recall
GT^Commish> Twice, I think.
GT^Commish> Or three times, if you count infiltration.
herc2> At the same base
GT^Commish> And the base at 14,54 is about to be built.
GT^Commish> Herc: Steal tech & infiltrate at one, another tech steal at another.
GT^Commish> Choice of names: Metropolis, Egregion and Ankh-Morpork.
herc2> how close is the less probed base
GT^Commish> Infiltration doesn't count for high security.
herc2> re names Egregion or Metro I thought we had alrady used Ankh - morpork
GT^Commish> no, ti was suggested, that's all.
GT^Commish> The closest base we haven't stolen from is Communal Nexus; it's several turns away.
herc2> we have two probes we only need one to succeed
GT^Commish> Do you wan tus to actually steal from a high security base?
GT^Commish> I suppose we can try.
GT^Commish> And I guess it would be worth the price.
GT^Commish> Maniac - names?
* GT^Commish slaps mMniac
GT^Commish> Maniac
Mania^gov> Err.. yes?
Mania^gov> Names
GT^Commish> Out Metropolis, Egregion & Ankh-Morpork.
GT^Commish> It's your base, you pick.
Mania^gov> Ankh-Morpork after all? Metropolis seems so casual and I have no idea what Egregion means.
GT^Commish> I think it's a play from Egregious, i.e. horrible.
GT^Commish> Ok, Ankh-Morpork it is then.
Mania^gov> Who proposed it btw?
Mania^gov> the name
GT^Commish> Egregion?
GT^Commish> No idea.
Mania^gov> Ankhie
GT^Commish> Ditto.
Mania^gov> Darn. I'll have to look through pages of suggestions. :-(
* herc3 has joined #smacdg
GT^Commish> Herc: Do you want us to actually steal from a high security base?
herc3> let me check where command Nexus is
* Mania^gov has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
GT^Commish> The Hive.
* Mania^gov has joined #smacdg
Mania^gov> "Connection reset by peer" ????
herc3> I thought you menat the base
herc3> meant
Mania^gov> Did I disappear for a while?
GT^Commish> Yes.
herc3> yes like me
GT^Commish> Herc: The foil exploring down south just ran into an IoD
GT^Commish> In the fungus.
GT^Commish> run?
herc3> run
GT^Commish> Also, the foil north oft eh Hive has found a pod. pop?
herc3> have we probed the Labourers' horde
GT^Commish> Yes.
herc3> yes
GT^Commish> you mean, yes to pop?
herc3> yes to pod

GT^Commish> Another IoD
GT^Commish> And we have no movement now.
GT^Commish> Still, we have Trance
GT^Commish> Now, can you please make up your mind about whether to probe a high-security base?
herc3> building a foil probe I feel is urgent, not sure from where though
herc3> re High security base seek views two probes?
GT^Commish> What?
herc3> what in view are the chances of success
herc3> your view
GT^Commish> With two excellent probe teams, the chances of failure are about zero; I'm just worried about the
chances of them coming home alive.
* herc2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
herc3> we need the techs. I hope they do come home alive. we've trained them to the best of their ability
GT^Commish> Ok then.
GT^Commish> Expect results in three turns, one way or the other.
herc3> Ok
herc3> Anyone disagree
GT^Commish> Now, what to do with that transport foil with two probes?
GT^Commish> keep sending it up to The Hive to assassinate researchers?
GT^Commish> And sabotage?
herc3> yes
GT^Commish> 2231 complete.
GT^Commish> Ok, the foil north of the Hive beat the IoD - just.
Mania^gov> What is the Concordian nutrient and drone status in MY 2232? And is the hab complex in Pandemonium
ready? If so, how's the food and drone situation there?
GT^Commish> Haven't got to that yet.
herc3> close thing
Mania^gov> ok
GT^Commish> Yang has just seized Climatic research with a Mind Contro, Rpobe.
GT^Commish> Mind Control Probe
GT^Commish> Morgan is now working on the HSa as well.
GT^Commish> And he's just sent a CP over the border, for some strange reason.
herc3> hmmm

as well...
GT^Commish> Ok, those worms near TA are HISTORY

GT^Commish> And we get Doctrine: initiave next turn.
GT^Commish> plus, the borehole outside TA just got done as well.
herc3> Yes Initiataive, what tech are we researching next?. NO borehole
GT^Commish> About the tech: no idea.
GT^Commish> there hasn't been any poll on it.
herc3> that's what I thought
GT^Commish> So, we either decide it here and now, or we stop the chat before we get it.
herc3> we can choose something and always change for a penalty cost
GT^Commish> agreed.
GT^Commish> I think the next tech we go for should be Fusion Power.

GT^Commish> Okay, the 1959 base is also ready to be buitl now.
GT^Commish> Egregion or Metropolis?
Mania^gov> Metropolis?
herc3> I was thinking Superstring but have we the earlier techs
Mania^gov> I wouldn't want a base called "horrible".

GT^Commish> yes, but fusion Power is a great ech, and leads to Fusion Lasers, which trump Chaos guns.
herc3> whatever name you wish
GT^Commish> Maniac: So, Metropolis then?
Mania^gov> sure
Mania^gov> ok
GT^Commish> We just got a bureacracy warning.
GT^Commish> Just so you know.
Mania^gov> Well I would have preferred to stop expanding a loooong while ago.
herc3> re tech happy to go with majority
GT^Commish> Ok, one of the southern scout patrols has now found a pod. pop?
herc3> I always lose these wait for a strong unit maybe
GT^Commish> Like what?
GT^Commish> They aren't any strong units down there.
herc3> well upgrade to trance
GT^Commish> there
GT^Commish> ok
GT^Commish> Pop next turn.
herc3> yes
GT^Commish> The southern foil has found a pod too.
GT^Commish> pop?
herc3> turns left
GT^Commish> 3.
GT^Commish> maniac: We now have over a thousand ECs.
Mania^gov> good. :-)
GT^Commish> Herc?
herc3> go for it Maniac agree?

GT^Commish> Found 150 ECs.
herc3> drinks on me