February 7, 2003, 00:40
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What kind of idiot decided Marin country has mountains?
I live in the square just north of Osweld's land.
Lime roots and treachery!
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February 7, 2003, 00:46
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A Maxis idiot, I guess. They are located in San Diego, I think. Never been to the Bay Area, probably.
February 7, 2003, 06:38
Local Time: 18:03
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I have the game! I have the game!
Finished the mayor tutorial now, will try the terraforming one.
Btw, why when scrolling the map(not simply right clicking) the shadows, people, cars, and individual stuff every building has dissapear on the closer zooms and the RCI buildings on the farther ones? It's pretty annoying.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 07:06
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My city doesnt grow at all.
I built some low res, some med ind and a wind power plant. Not a single sim moved in.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 08:27
Local Time: 17:03
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About the "send save-game" problem, you can upload it to my ftp:
IP: ADG.sytes.net
User: SimCity4
[no password]
If someone finds a better solution, than the ftp solution, please tell
Will play my turn in a few minutes...
Eli >> Have you powered all houses, and build res/com/ind in your city?
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February 7, 2003, 08:46
Local Time: 17:03
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Could you please call the city, something including your nick/part of nick, or something? Makes it easier to import...
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February 7, 2003, 08:52
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Mine will be Elipolis.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 09:52
Local Time: 17:03
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My turn played (all played cities are avaliable on my ftp)
My city has:
Res: 1,600
Com: 257
Ind: 747
I forgot to connect my city to Jonny and John-SJ, but connected to Vovanburg (one more connection)... I checked your city, and there where nothing in the way... I hope you don't mind...
Btw, my city is called ADGille
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February 7, 2003, 10:05
Local Time: 17:03
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Btw, I think we should say, the first turn should be played, before the end of this week... Those players, who haven't played their turn until then, may play two turns (or how many turns behind they are), when they are ready...
...Or what do you others think?...
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February 7, 2003, 10:08
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I played my turn. I'm gonna be a nice big bedroom community.
R - 2043
C - 360
I - 770
Roads connected only to Jonny, and some major terraforming was made(edges reconciled).
Here's a screenshot of my area after the terraforming.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 10:11
Local Time: 17:03
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When all players has played their turn, should I post an updated version of the region (picture)..?
I edited my first post, so you can always find the ftp info...
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February 7, 2003, 10:17
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And here's the residential&commercial part of the city. The Industry is a bit to the East.
(converted to JPG and resized to save space)
I'm so proud.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 10:19
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Originally posted by ADG
When all players has played their turn, should I post an updated version of the region (picture)..?
I edited my first post, so you can always find the ftp info...
Yah. The regional view is always pretty.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 10:25
Local Time: 17:03
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Originally posted by Eli
Yah. The regional view is always pretty.
Have you tried to just wait in regional view (not moving your mouse) for some time... then it gets diffecult to see the region... Lots of clouds take over the sky
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February 7, 2003, 10:38
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Vovansim :
I imported your city and the road that should connect to my town doesnt connect. It reaches to the edge, but doesnt have that yellow arrow that indicates a connection.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
February 7, 2003, 10:43
Local Time: 17:03
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That's because you started your city, before you imported his city... Try to goto his city, and reconnect, then you have the connection in your city...
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February 7, 2003, 12:53
Local Time: 07:03
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I have a problem uploading my city. First, I was able to upload it the first time but I realized that I had not set binary mode first so I attempted to upload it a second time after setting binary mode. When I did this I got the message "Cannot STOR. No permission". I then tried to delety the city so I could re-uplaod it in binary mode and got the message "Cannot DELE. No permission". Finally, I switched back to ASCII mode and attempted to uplad again. This failed also. Hmmm.
I think this permission problem needs to be fixed or we will have to upload each save file under a different name.
Questions: Did everyone else remember to upload in binary mode? Am I missing something? Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do?
February 7, 2003, 13:05
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I haven't allowed to delete/overwrite files, but will change this now...
Not sure what you mean with "Upload in binary mode"..?
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February 7, 2003, 13:12
Local Time: 17:03
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What exactly is the problem, but not uploading in binary mode? I just imported your city, and had no problems!?!
Jonny is now the only one, who haven't played his turn yet...
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February 7, 2003, 13:14
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Maybe binary mode is not necessary, if no one else has done it and is able to download successfuly. But ftp, by default, converts 8-bit bytes to 7-bit ascii characters. If you ftp a binary file such as an executable or many data file types in this mode it will be unusable. Binary mode prevents this conversion and gurantees that no 8->7 bit conversion takes place.
If no one else is doing this then I guess it is not required for .sc4 files.
edit: Just saw your last post ADG, in that case binary mode is not needed. Thanks!
February 7, 2003, 13:16
Local Time: 09:03
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Okay, we need to coordinate our efforts a little bit here.  Thing is, two bedroom communities right next to each other (namely, mine, and Eli's) would not work very well, as there will then be lots of deman for industrial areas, and only ADG would have it. (And possibly Johnny.) So, I suppose one of us should build some industry on the border between the two cities - Elipolis and Vovanburg. I suppose since I have more money left, I could do this.  But what do you think, Eli?
February 7, 2003, 13:35
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Hehe! Sorry about bringing these "old world" concepts such as binary mode to this forum.  You see, I have been working with Unix->Windows ftp transfers for such a long time that I totally forgot that IE is capable of handling all of those details on its own.
I got it now though. Gee, IE ftp is so much easier than using the ftp from a dos prompt!
February 7, 2003, 13:37
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Originally posted by vovansim
Okay, we need to coordinate our efforts a little bit here. Thing is, two bedroom communities right next to each other (namely, mine, and Eli's) would not work very well, as there will then be lots of deman for industrial areas, and only ADG would have it. (And possibly Johnny.) ...
Hehe, everyone wants to avoid having industry in their city (NIMBY).  Looks like ADG is going to have one dirty city!
February 7, 2003, 13:44
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Does anyone know the effects that seaports and airports have on inter-region development?
I assume that seaports would all you to exchange commercial and industrial produce with other cities while airports would allow residents to commute, as well as promote commerce and tourism.
I will be building a seaport as soon as possible.
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February 7, 2003, 14:02
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February 7, 2003, 14:04
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I am not really sure about the effects, since I have yet to build a seaport or an airport, but I think you are very close to truth here, Osweld.
I was wondering, does anybody have the city, where Jonny is supposed to be? After I downloaded all the cities from the FTP, I accidentally put John-SJ's city in the place of Jonny's. Now, that I moved it to the right place, sure enough the original terrain setting is reverted to just flat plains. Which looks ugly.  So, if somebody has that city intact, please attach it here, or upload it to the FTP.
February 7, 2003, 14:05
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Btw, an update for the game has been released... but I wouldn't update just yet, I've read on the official board, there's lots of problems with it...
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February 7, 2003, 14:08
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Vovansim >> Couldn't you just open the his spot, and press the button to erase all evidence of mankind, and then reconcile edges? That way it doesn't look THAT ugly, and it doesn't interact with the gameplay...
Isn't the regions also placed on the cd? You could just try to find it there... good luck
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February 7, 2003, 14:19
Local Time: 09:03
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Well, thing is, that his city is on the other side of the peninsula. So, if I just reconcile the edges, there appears now a lake in the middle of it.
And I cannot find it on the CD, since everything is in the .dat files... It is certainly playable for now, just doesn't look so good. I'll just either wait till Jonny plays his turn to put the city there, or whine more for somebody to post the city here.
February 7, 2003, 15:00
Local Time: 17:03
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I can't find the city, since all city files are called City - New City (x) or semething like that... But it is on the city, I found it there (But only as region...)
I have sent Jonny a PM...
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